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King Timmy

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Everything posted by King Timmy

  1. "Son, a second ago you said we would be arrested, now we're going to get shot down? What the hell made you change your mind so quick? You need to get your story straight. Do you really think someone would risk shooting down a diplomatic flight of a nation that they're right next to? Do you have any idea how stupid that would be? Or what the consequences would be? Never the less, for the fear that someone down there might be thick enough to do something as stupid as that, we will fly around Ireland not touching the mainland. Over and out." The pilot was true to his word. However, the true intention of the flight had not yet been revealed...
  2. OOC: What do you mean next elections? I just had an election, you can recount the results that. IC: The very same day that the embassy was occupied all the digital voting data was handed over to be recounted and validated.
  3. The Foreign Minister had heard enough to know this was not going to be as easy as they hoped it might. "Pilot, we shall commence plan b. Raise altitude an plot a new course heading south west." "Roger that Sir." He flicked on his comms unit to communicate with the USI pilot. "Be advised, we have cancelled all plans to land. We are plotting a new course estimate we travel over cork and on to North America for most efficient flight, we are raising our altitude. Any more warning shots and I might just !@#$ myself though!"
  4. "Negative, we are bound for Cork, that is where the Irish officials we are to meet are situated. At this point in time the English government does not recognise USI sovereignty in Ireland, and we shall proceed as per our orders. We are carrying diplomats and aid only, I repeat, we carry diplomats and aid only."
  5. "Country of origin is England. Reason for request is we are inbound to cork with the English foreign minister to meet with high ranking officials and provide aid to local population."
  6. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1314146056' post='2787274'] OOC: I warned you in the other thread partner, you need to ask for permission IC: The F-22s quickly met up with the craft and were weapons ready however they were not locked on. "Unidentified flight, you are approaching United States airspace. Turn around now or defensive measures will be taken against you to insure the National Security of the United States." [/quote] OOC: I know I just saw that post. Was going to ask if you could just let it get through, be more fun if you did IC: The pilot responded. "This is flight alpha kilo seven niner niner bound for Cork. We have a diplomatic envoy aboard, requesting clearance to transition into USI Air space."
  7. "Excellent, let's not wait around outside any longer than we have to then." They entered the waiting vehicles and departed towards the county hall. The journey was enjoyable enough considering the situation. Upon arrival they would follow Mr Kearney to the meeting room. "Well, let's get down to business then. Mr Kearney, I want you to know that your movement has the full support of the English Government. We want an independent Ireland, and you're sure as hell the best chance we have for one. So I want to ask you, how can we be of assistance to your movement? We can provide as much verbal support as is humanly possible, the BBC can provide you with as much coverage as you require and there are other ways we can help however those would not be open to the public domain. MI5 have become rather adept at sabotage within Britain over the past while and I see no reason why they should not be as successful in any other position. This is all hypothetical talk of course and the English Government would never condone such measures. What are your feelings on the matter Mr Kearney?"
  8. *** Private Reply *** Not a problem, we understand why you might be anxious about the results after the last time. When your embassy is filled the votes will be made available to you.
  9. Foreign Minister Aston Martin boarded the flight from Heathrow that would take him directly to Cork. The plane was listed as diplomatic traffic as that is exactly what it was. Along with the foreign minister was General T Spence, one of the most respected generals in the British Army. He was there to ensure the Irish they had the full support of the English Government. The plane rose into the air. Martin was nervous. His actions here could determine the outcome of the whole Irish saga, something not to be taken lightly. All the way across the Irish Sea the Minister and General discussed their plans for the oncoming meeting. They were becoming more confident as the flight went on. The plane landed in Cork and they disembarked to the waiting party. "Good evening, my name is Aston Martin, this is General Spence."
  10. [quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1314117417' post='2786892'] **Classified Reply** We refuse to sit at the table of a terrorist group who harmed fellow Irishman. We refuse to listen to the arguments of men who would use violence and destroy the cause in one attack. Unless you wish to speak to me, one on one, we will not attend the meeting. -James Price [/quote] *** Classified Reply *** My apologies, with all the confusion in Ireland news has been slow in reaching our shores. We see now that the other group are mere terrorists and have no part in the governance of Ireland. We would like to accept your invitation to come to Ireland, unfortunately with the election among other things just having occurred I shall not be able to attend in person. I will however send the Foreign Minister Aston Martin to Cork immediately. *** Public Statement *** With recent events in Ireland including terrorist plots against the occupying armies, we hereby renounce the Irish Liberation Army. It has been labeled a terrorist organization and we have added all known members to the terrorist watch-list. These terrorists should give up their arms before it is too late and they find themselves being hunted down and arrested, and rightfully so, by the occupying forces. We hereby pledge our support for the non-violent independence movement in hope that they remain non-violent and that their peaceful protests can gain them control of their country once again. Gordon Brown
  11. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1314112194' post='2786841'] OOC: Vedran you know we need to give her our navy slots that we maintain in game. This can't be stuff we no longer have. [/quote] OOC: Really should have read that before I posted :V
  12. OOC: Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.
  13. *** Classified message to both Independent Irish movements *** We, the new English Labour government, would like you to know that you have our full support. Unfortunately, we are unable to choose one of you over the other but we would very much like Ireland to remain in control of the Irish. We would like to invite representatives from both your parties to Downing Street to discuss the way forward in making sure you regain control of Ireland. We must stress that you do not remain divided and that you work together to keep Ireland in your hands. Two separate movements would only split the support each of you might receive but together you should be able to gain enough support to ensure the independence or Ireland. Unfortunately military support would not be an option, we cannot risk what little stability England has at the moment and another war would most likely devastate us. There are other less overt ways we might be able to support you, but we shall discuss that when you arrive. Your Sincerely, Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of England
  14. "Yes, Mr Putin, the ceremony was rather spectacular I must admit. You really didn't have to bother with such a thing for just me however I very much appreciate the effort you have put into making me feel welcomed here in Moscow. Now, let's get to the matter at hand, shall we? As I understand there is a general election underway as we speak (OOC: We'll assume results aren't in yet) and so it would seem that stability will be restored to Britain much sooner than we expected. Now, where shall we begin?"
  15. And the results are in. In the biggest swing since the 1980's, Labour topped the polls. Out of 300 seats in the house of commons, they took 156. The conservatives came in second with 104 seats, the Liberal Democrats coming third with 39 seats and by sheer miracle for the first time in their history, the Monster Raving Loonies had their party leader, Alan "Howling Laud" Hope, win in the constituency of Dunny-on-the-Wold. It was, by extraordinary stroke of luck, a rotten borough. With an outright majority they would be the new government until the next general election. The now Prime Minister Gordon Brown made a speech and it was very moving and everyone cheered. Now a democratic government again things would hopefully go back to the way they were before the incident.
  16. A general election is now on the cards, after a long wait from the Norsefire losing control completely. Here is a list from the parties including information about the party leaders and their main priorities and policies. [size="4"][b]Conservative Party[/b][/size] [b]Leader: [/b]David Cameron [b]Political Position:[/b] Centre-right [size="3"][b]Main policies:[/b][/size] [b]Health:[/b] Privatization of the NHS [b]Defence:[/b] Increase in defence budget [b]Education:[/b] Removal of university fees [b]Justice and Crime:[/b] Reduce people in prison by 20% in 5 years [size="4"][b]Labour Party[/b][/size] [b]Leader: [/b]Gordon Brown [b]Political Position:[/b] Centre-left [size="3"][b]Main policies:[/b][/size] [b]Health:[/b] Privatization of several underused NHS facilities [b]Defence:[/b] Decrease in defence budget [b]Education:[/b] Reduction of university fees [b]Justice and Crime:[/b] Increase Police presence on the streets by 10% [size="4"][b]Liberal Democrat Party[/b][/size] [b]Leader: [/b]Nick Clegg [b]Political Position:[/b] Radical centre [size="3"][b]Main policies:[/b][/size] [b]Health:[/b] Increase of NHS budget, no privatization [b]Defence:[/b] No change in defence budget [b]Education:[/b] No change in University fees [b]Justice and Crime:[/b] Make the police force 15% more efficient in 5 years [size="4"][b]Monster Raving Looney Party[/b][/size] [b]Leader: [/b]Alan "Howling Laud" Hope [b]Political Position:[/b] Sitting, facing forwards [size="3"][b]Main policies:[/b][/size] [b]Health:[/b] Get rid of all the fatties in 5 years [b]Defence:[/b] Hand out slingshots to every household in 6 months [b]Education:[/b] Maek it gud n stuffs [b]Justice and Crime:[/b] Introduction of a 1 year prison sentence for all 15 year olds OOC: Poll won't be the actual result, as per the norm.
  17. [quote]Dear Foreign Minister Dmitry Medvedev, I was unaware that relations between Slalorrussia and England were sour at all. We all know the recent mishap was reason for everyone to be concerned but at the moment I can assure you that the current government of England is nothing you should worry about. Once elections are over and done with England will clear it's name and embark on a mission of restoration of lost relationships but perhaps this will be the first of such diplomatic missions. I shall send the Foreign Minister, John Smith, to Moscow immediately to handle the situation you have brought up. Arthur Thwaites, Prime Mnister[/quote]
  18. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1313959273' post='2785751'] ## Private Reply ## Then please get on with the elections, leave the Irish matter alone. Two stable powers now have it. There is no need to rock the boat and the USI in particular has a more than valid claim to rule. I can't say the same for Dalmatia, but as long as they do not abuse the people and represent them fairly in their government I don't see the source of your complaint about the current arrangement. Also, we should really talk about setting up some form of relations outside of simply writing letters. We're neighbors, our people are highly intertwined. An embassy sector is being built up in Angers. As soon as your next round of elections are complete, we'll recognize your new government as legitimate and have a building waiting for your diplomats. Until then, we don't really have a grasp about your policy outside of your actions, and of late we have not seen them as being constructive. Regards, Geoffrey de'Plantegenet IX [/quote] *** Private Reply *** Not a problem, you can feel free to fill an embassy in London at any point before or after the incoming elections. We look forward to continued relations with yourselves. Arthur Thwaites
  19. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1313957998' post='2785735'] ## Private to 'England' and its current unspecified government. ## "I have not caused you any harm to date, but continue to provoke us, destabilize Europe, and commit to governments known for brutal oppression.. and you will see how quickly we can become England to see its people under more benevolent rule." -Geoffrey [/quote] *** Private Reply *** You ask us if we are still fascist, yet the fascists made it abundantly obvious that they surrendered themselves to the Athenian Federation, who are currently about to oversee a new election in England which will result in a more pleasing rule in England I can assure you. Arthur Thwaites
  20. The English government would like to invite representatives from the USI, CED and the provisional government of Ireland to discuss the self-governance of Ireland. The meeting shall take commence at Number 10 Downing Street in two days time, we hope you are all able to attend.
  21. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1313872855' post='2785244'] None of the three has exclusive right to RP the people of Ireland, they are all claimants in this dispute. Sal can RO a rebellion but he should use his stats rather than use the population as a base for rebellion. And Timmy while you can always politically support Sal, to contest the claim you need to do some RP to actually contest it. [/quote] Well surely because of Sal's claim that makes it still contended? If not, I'll just do something stupid, that's always gone well for me in the past. Oh wait...
  22. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1313869538' post='2785221'] We would remind the Athenian Federation that the Empire already has the 3rd Fleet, totaling nine ships, stationed at IMB: Ireland at Gare Loch in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. They have no plans on leaving. Any attempt to force them out would be looked upon as an act of war. [b]Official Imperial Statement[/b] The Empire sees this scramble for Ireland particularly distasteful. While the USI seemed to have the most legitimate claim, they have shown themselves to be unwilling to listen to the will of the people. Why the Nordic Empire is there escapes even the most distant logic. The people of Ireland have risen up with their own voices and said they want to govern themselves, and the only nation listening is England? A mixed up, semi-fascist state is the only government in the world listening to the will of the people? What is our planet coming to? The Empire does not recognize the claim of the Nordic Empire over Northern Ireland, nor the USI over southern Ireland. We support the Irish people in their right to self-governance. We hope the rest of the world comes to their collective senses and does the same. [/quote] [quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1313872970' post='2785245'] "Ceylon will not be recognising the USI's claims to any part of Ireland, nor will we recognise any of Dalmatia's claims to the Island. This is simply unacceptable. The newly rising free Irish Republic should be given full authority over all Irish territories." [/quote] We are glad to see that we are not the only ones that can see the madness in this situation. Hopefully other will realize the foolishness of both claims from the USI and Dalmatia.
  23. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1313867389' post='2785194'] Your claim was part of a number of conflicting claims over Ireland, all legitimate claims done in a short period of time. You have the right to ICly contest every claims. Right now one dispute, that is between USI and Dalmatia has been solved ICly and there remains the pending issue of your claim. [/quote] The USI Dalmatia claim is still being contested by me and I intend to support Sal's claim. I reckon he should definitely be allowed to RP as Irish people as he has no nation and the claims were still disputed at the point where he put his claim in.
  24. [quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1313868329' post='2785202'] Please label Northern Ireland as Dalmatia. [/quote] Again, still contested.
  25. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1313867874' post='2785198'] Please label Southern Ireland as the United State of The Islands. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=104601&st=80&gopid=2785196&#entry2785196 [/quote] Still contested
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