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King Timmy

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Everything posted by King Timmy

  1. We congratulate the UFE on taking action against the foolish Finnish.
  2. We recommend you rescind your claims of Athenian Federation territory. Juan Carlos, Supreme Chancellor of The Ibizan Republic *** Classified *** The Ibizan Navy set sail for Antarctica to form a blockade around the athenian territory there. Information of said action was forwarded to the Athenian Federation for approval and recognition.
  3. The Ibizan Republic recognises the new Swiss government.
  4. [b]Ibizan Secret Intelligence Service:[/b] A Private PMC that deals in intelligence and sabotage [b]Contact:[/b] services@isis.ibz [b]Prices:[/b] Case by case basis [b]Affiliation:[/b] N/A [b]Location:[/b] ISIS Headquarters, Eivissa Harbour [b]Time:[/b] 0855 Neil Waters' steps echoed down the dimly lit corridor on the top floor of the Ibizan Secret Intelligence Service headquarters. He stopped briefly to look out one of the panoramic windows overlooking the harbour of Eivissa. There were many large yachts coming and going and the ferry had just arrived from Formentera. He watched the tourists disembark and noticed what were probably pickpockets make their way towards the large crowd of people. The Dalt Villa was in the background. It was often used as a good place to meet, the battlements provided the perfect place to walk and talk without risking being overheard and a tail was very easy to spot up there as well. The ISIS HQ was labelled a casino on the outside. Although it was not entirely a lie it was not the complete truth. The bottom floor did contain a casino but it was not open to the general public, only a very select clientele of local people with the occasional guest was permitted to enter as they would have very strict background checks done first. The large tower resembled a hotel however only three floors contained rooms that were available for guests and they were all very large suites that only the super rich could possibly hope to afford. Waters continued on down the corridor to the door at the end behind which a meeting was about to commence. He stopped briefly to check his appearance, again looking in the window. His hair was fair, parted on the left side of his head and neatly gelled down. He had blue eyes, both of which had hints of red veins showing as well as being underlined by a hint of black. His tiredness was not unexpected though having just finished his previous assignment. This was his first day back at the office so to speak and he was glad of it. He pressed his grey, three piece suit with his hands taking out any minor creases that had appeared since he donned it that morning. A quick look at his Oxford shoes confirmed to him that they were still as clean as when he had polished them earlier in the day. With his final check completed he opened the door and entered the room. He was early for the meeting as was normal, however he was still last to enter the room. Merely nodding to several people seated around the large rectangular oak table, without a word he took his seat. There were eight people in the room now. On the left side of the table were Knight, Rook and Pawn while on the right were Queen, Bishop and Board. At the head of the table was Waters and beside him oh his left was the man in charge of ISIS, King. These were of course their code names for which Chess seemed like an appropriate basis. It had been suggested by Waters himself, who was known as Player. As he sat, the meeting commenced with King speaking the first words. "Today we welcome back Player, who after successfully completing his last assignment has decided to grace us with his presence. It is a good time for his return as well. We could be at war within the week thanks to the Kingdom of Cochin upsetting most of europe. They have vacated the former USI but not without incident, they decided it would be a good idea to have a bit of a fireworks show and destroy half an island. Hopefully this won't lead to anything but we have to be ready just in case. Knight and Rook, I want you to prepare for the worst for this one, regular set up please." He passed them each a folder containing everything they would need to know about the situation. "We all need to be alert and ready for the worst. Pawn and Queen, I want you to keep an eye on Great Britain. I trust them as much as I trust my ex-wife and like them even less. All this talk of reunification might sit well with most expats and by extension the government but it screams expansionism to me. Bishop and Board I have a special request from the Senator for information gathering on the Lootan Emirate, he even paid in advance. Get a team together ASAP." He handed out the remaining folders to the agents. "That's all I have for you today, any questions?" No-one spoke. "I won't keep you any longer then." He said raising his hand towards the door and they all roes to leave. With the same hand he had already raised, he stopped Waters from rising by placing it on his shoulder. Everyone looked at him and then at each other before exiting the room, not one seeming more surprised or worried than the other. They all knew he was King's man through and through and it was not the first time he had kept Player behind to give him an assignment. They were not worried, although one of them should be. As soon as the room had emptied King explained the situation to Waters. "We have a problem." Started King. His eyes were those of an old man filled with worry. He continued. "One of the six men that just left this room is a traitor. Someone has been leaking information that has come straight from this room. I want you to find out who it is. Keep this to your self, if anyone asks what you're doing you tell them you're liaising with the Formentera branch on narcotics. I have a man waiting for you there with more information on the matter, you'll leave immediately and meet him there." Waters knew this would be his most difficult assignment to date. It would not be easy and it would not be fun but it was necessary. He left the room, not looking anyone in the eye as he left the building.
  5. [size="7"][b]Current Military state: [/b]DEFCON 3[/size] [size="7"][b]Ibizan Air Force [/b][/size] 480 x F-23 Black Widow 36 x E-23 Electric Widow 96 x F-35B Lightning 12 x E-35G Electric Lightning 108 x A-10 Thunderbolt 48 x B-1R Lancers 48 x B-2 Spirits 90 x AH2 Comanche 90 x AH1 Apache 120 x Lynx Wildcat 120 x Merlin AW101 120 x Chinook HC3 96 x V-22 Osprey 12 x MQ-11 Reaper II 12 x E-769 AWACS 12 x E-4D Advanced Hawkeye AWACS 12 x KC-769 AAR Tanker [size="7"][b]Ibizan Navy[/b] [/size] [b]18 Astute Class Submarines[/b] ISSN Ambush, ISSN Artful, ISSN Audacious, ISSN Agamemnon, ISSN Anson, ISSN Ajax ISSN Brawl, ISSN Beware, ISSN Binary, ISSN Bold, ISSN Brave, ISSN Belief ISSN Charger, ISSN Chariot, ISSN Chandhok, ISSN Chivalry, ISSN Charming, ISSN Chimera [img]http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/2962/astuteatseaview4rgbno.jpg[/img] [b]6 Ohio Class Submarines[/b] ISSBN Vanguard, ISSBN Victorious, ISSBN Vicarious, ISSBN Victor, ISSBN Vigilant, ISSBN Vengeance [img]http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/3742/vanguard1.jpg[/img] [b]7 F101 Class Frigates[/b] IRS Initiative, IRS Vigour, IRS Incursion, IRS Agression, IRS Defiance, IRS Deliverance, IRS Ascension [img]http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/9688/f102almirantejuandeborb.png[/img] [b]8 America Class Amphibious Assault Ships[/b] IRS Eivissa, IRS San Antonio, IRS Santa Eulalia, IRS Santa Gertrudis IRS San Juan, IRS San Josep, IRS Formentera, IRS San Miguel [img]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/9288/shiplharlg.jpg[/img] [size="7"][b]Ibizan Army [/b][/size] 488,000 Personnel 4800 Challenger III Tanks 4800 Warrior II IFVs 4800 Star Streak II SAMs 4800 PzH 4000s 2400 Jackal II TSVs 2400 Coyote II TSVs 2400 Panther II CLVs 2400 Mastiff II 2s 2400 Humvee M1111 [b]Ibizan Army Structure[/b] Each corps of 80000 men is divided into 8 Regiments designated 1st to 8th. Each Regiment is made up of 10000 men and divided into 10 Battalions of 1000 men. Each Battalion is divided into 10 Platoons of 100 men and each Platoon is divided into 5 squads of 20 men containing 5 fireteams of 4 men. [b]Ibizan Engineers Corps[/b] (IEC) The Ibizan Engineers are the first in and last out in any war zone. From setting up Operating Bases to clearing mines the Engineers perform a wide range of roles including bridges and demolition. [b]Ibizan Marines Corps[/b] (IMC) The Ibizan Marine Corps are the amphibious assault infantry. Operating from Ships of the Ibizan Navy, these men can attack from the sea and are capable of fighting on any terrain. [b]Ibizan Infantry Corps[/b] (IIC) The Ibizan Infantry Corps are soldiers who are specifically trained for the role of fighting on foot to engage the enemy face to face, to kill or capture him, to seize and hold ground and to repel attack, by day or night, regardless of season, weather or terrain [b]Ibizan Armoured Corps[/b] (IArC) The Ibizan Armoured Corps are the operators of the Ibizan Army's Armoured Fighting Vehicles. [b]Ibizan Artillery Corps[/b] (IAtC) The Ibizan Artillery Corps operate the Ibizan Army's artillery, and co-ordinate with the Ibizan Navy and Air Force for air strikes. [b]Ibizan Airborne Corps[/b] (IAbC) The Ibizan Airborne Corps Paratroopers are soldiers trained in parachuting and generally operate as part of an airborne force. Paratroopers are used for tactical advantage as they can be inserted into the battlefield from the air, thereby allowing them to be positioned in areas not accessible by land. [b]Ibizan Special Forces [/b](ISF) The best of the best in the Ibizan military. Members from the PRA, PRAF and PRN all compete to be selected for the most prestigious section of the military. It is a test of strength, endurance, and resolve. They must endure months of gruelling selection and training process and come out on top to be selected. Their motto is "Non deditio!", translated from the latin to "Never surrender!" It comprises of 8,000 men. [b]Ibizan Logistics Corps[/b] (ILC) The men and women of the Ibizan Logistics Corps keep the People's Republic Army running. It is made up of 60,000 Men and Women (Non-combat). [size="7"][b]SSBN - Agressive Nuclear Force[/b][/size] [b]Ohio Class Submarine[/b] Each submarine carries 24 submarine launched ballistic missiles that can be launched from any depth. Each missile can carry 12 warheads. This means there is a total of 1,152 warheads currently in service in the Ibizan Navy on balistic missiles. [b]Astute Class Submarine[/b] Armed with the Hypersonic Class cruise missile which can be fitted with a tactical nuclear warhead which has a variable yield from 5kt to 200kt.
  6. The Ibizan Republic would like to congratulate the new British government for bringing this to a peaceful conclusion. You have succeeded in bringing peace to a war torn region and stability to the British isles, you certainly deserve all the credits and applause you receive.
  7. It's been fun, hopefully it will continue with your new nation without all the nukes and wars and what not :V
  8. [quote]Private Message to Cromwell We, the Ibizan Republic, are willing to assist you in your current situation. Be it armed soldiers, discreet operatives, cyber warfare or air support we can provide you with assistance. Just tell us what you need, when you need it and where to put it. The british expatriate population of Ibiza long to see a day where the british isles are reunited once more and we feel we might be able to help it come to fruition. Sincerely, Juan Carlos[/quote]
  9. Ah, well, we shall acquire our Interceptors from elsewhere then, not to worry. Excellent how does 504 Fighters, 120 Bombers, 240 Attack Helicopters, 480 Transport Helicopters and 24 AEWACs sound? We think a 210mm SPG would be a rather good idea as opposed to 155mm. As for IFV, APCs and Armoured Transports, we would prefer all three variants. We would prefer something like an armoured truck with less armour than an APC which could be used for rapid deployment of a larger number of troops. We would require an IFV and an APC as we would like to have one that is tracked and one that is not. With regards to MBT we feel going for the ETC is definitely a requirement. We intend to purchase 4,000 of each. A factory sounds like a marvelous idea, it would be well welcomed if it brings more jobs to the island. We would like 10 static radar facilities and we agree about the mobile arrays, perhaps 100 of them might suffice. Would CIWS be an option for each station both static and mobile?
  10. [quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1316682369' post='2805819'] And [size="6"]update. [/size] [/quote] The Ibizan Republic only consists of the far left Island, not all three of the balearics
  11. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1316634055' post='2805406'] I can always do a terrorist attack. [/quote] I think a terrorist attack on San Antonio that turns people gay would be hilarious. Not too big a bomb obviously and preferably not explosive, make it a test
  12. So Texas then? I would allow it if you're ever at war with me, just for the sheer comedy value it would add.
  13. [font="Courier New"][center][size="7"][b][u]The Ibizan News Corporation[/u][/b][/size][/center] [size="5"][b][u]Today's Top News Headlines[/u][/b][/size] [size="3"][b]Election incoming within a week:[/b] Supreme Chancellor Juan Carlos will be in the running in an attempt to retain his position [b]Military Purchase Scheme Introduced:[/b] Defence budget increase coincides with an attempt to purchase advanced military hardware [b]UFE annexes Alaskan north slope:[/b] How will this affect the price of oil? [b]Ibizan Republic joins the Delian League:[/b] Exactly how this benefits the Ibizan population [b]The United Kingdom of Great Britain:[/b] Just what the hell is going on there, we have everything explained for you [b]The United States of The Island:[/b] Are they in over their heads? Read all about their subliminal invasion of Britain here [/size] [/font]
  14. We were not aware the matter had been settled. The old regime is out yes but the United States of The Islands are treading a very fine line with regards to the sovereignty of the United Kingdom. Until the current conflict has ended we would not advise any relaxation.
  15. I'm thinking of making an RP with a time traveling assassin who has been sent back to kill some people in order to stop future events occurring. If anyone would want to let me RP hunting people down in their nation let me know here. You're more than welcome to RP as the authorities in your nation in attempt to stop him but he will be successful and invulnerable to any weapons until I say so. The first one will be in my nation so you can see how it's going to happen etc. P.S. Some of you will probably recognise him (No it won't be a T-800 :V) Edit: I only need three more volunteers, but if more want in I can extend it.
  16. The basket was received, and enjoyed, with a thank you card being sent in return.
  17. It was decided that for the new Ibizan Military, a purchase scheme should be implemented. After reviewing many nations hardware from what had been made available it was decided to contact the German government as their hardware was built to a very high standard as was to be expected from German Engineering. It was also due to the swift victory their military had won in England, a clear indication of superior technology. [quote] To: Germanisk Forbund From: The Ibizan Republic As a new nation we feel it is necessary that we have the most up to date hardware that we can handle. We feel that due to the swift victory you performed in England that you are the best candidate in Europe for us to contact in regards to purchasing military hardware. We would like to inquire as to whether or not you would be willing to sell or lease any export version of your current military vehicles. What we would be interested in is: [b]Aircraft[/b]: Air Superiority Fighters Long Range Interceptors Stealth Bombers Attack Helicopters Transport Helicopters Airborne Early Warning And Control [b]Armoured Vehicles:[/b] Main Battle Tanks Infantry Fighting Vehicles Armoured Personnel Carriers Armoured Cars Armoured Transports Self-Propelled Artillery Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Combat Engineering Vehicles [b]Static Defences:[/b] Radar Anti-Air Missiles Anti-Ballistic Missile Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles [/quote]
  18. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1316384889' post='2803271'] "Considering their voter turnout was 6% last year I am not that surprised. So tell me why again a nation that has existed for less than 24 hours is questioning me? I think you are oppressing your people." [/quote] I am asking questions because it seems strange to me that people from a nation with no historic ties to a neighboring nation all of a sudden one day decided to embrace it's neighbors traditions as it's own. You think I am oppressing my people by asking a question? [i]The Chancellor facepalmed so hard his face would be red for a week.[/i]
  19. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1316383981' post='2803256'] "If you are referring the the Manx people then the answer to that is simple. Few of them left the Island, some went to the Western Isles, but a majority still reside in the North of the Island." [/quote] Left the Island, or were exiled? Went to the western Islands, or were forced to relocate there? Reside in the North of the Island, or are kept there to make sure they are out of the way? They seem to be an oppressed people who never have a voice even thought they are the natural born heirs to the land. Not once have I heard of someone in your nation that traces their roots to the Island rather than Ireland or Scotland. It is rather suspect to say the least.
  20. The USI is constantly claiming that they are either Irish or Scottish, I would like to raise the question as to what happened to those who were native to the Islands before the cultural genocide was committed?
  21. [b][size="7"][center]The Ibizan Republic[/center][/size][/b] [center][img]http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/2286/750pxibizaflag.png[/img][/center] [size="6"][b]Government:[/b][/size] [size="4"][b]Government Type:[/b] Republic[/size] [size="4"][b]Supreme Chancellor:[/b] Juan Carlos [/size][b]Chancellor of Defence:[/b] TBD [b]Chancellor of Education:[/b] TBD [b]Chancellor of Health:[/b] TBD [b]Chancellor of State:[/b] TBD [b]Chancellor of Justice: [/b] TBD [b]Chancellor of Homeland Security:[/b] TBD [size="6"][b]Population Statistics:[/b][/size] [size="4"][b]Total Population:[/b] 1,024,768[/size] [size="4"][b]Population Density:[/b] 1564/km[sup]2[/sup][/size] [size="4"][b]Religion:[/b][/size] [b]- Catholic: [/b]94% [b]- Protestant:[/b] 4% [b]- Muslim: [/b]1% [b]- Other:[/b] 1% [size="6"][b]Territory:[/b][/size] [size="4"][b]Territory Currently Under Control: [/b][/size]Ibiza Formentera [size="4"][b]Total Area:[/b] 654.84 km[sup]2[/sup][/size] [size="4"][b]Capital City: [/b]Eivissa [/size]
  22. Due to Ibiza's long standing relationship and association with the Britons we declare our support for the new government.
  23. [quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1316289805' post='2802485'] "Noveria recognizes the Ibizan Republic, and welcomes it to the world. You are welcome to establish an Embassy in Nadrink, as well Consulates in a number of Noverian cities." - Nadilso Amorim, Director of Foreign Affairs [/quote] [quote name='Aggressivenutmeg' timestamp='1316294627' post='2802543'] The Kingdom of Norway recognizes the Ibizan Republic. [/quote] [quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1316295325' post='2802550'] "The Cajun Federation grants diplomatic recognition to the Ibizan Republic." [/quote] [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1316295453' post='2802551'] "The Principality of Australia welcomes the Ibizan Republic to the world, the civilians of the world need stable governance chosen by their people, and I look forward to learning more about your nation and culture in the future." - Her Majesty Princess Yenna, [i]Victorian Empress, Tasmanian Angel, Queen of Queensland, Duchess of New South Wales, Viceroy of Western Australia, Countess of the Limestone Coast.[/i] [/quote] [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1316304923' post='2802675'] The Angevin Monarchy recognizes Ibizan. [/quote] [quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1316306153' post='2802690'] The Dixie Confederacy hereby recognizes the Ibizan Republic and wishes it well in the future ahead. [/quote] [quote name='Vasuda' timestamp='1316307099' post='2802695'] The Parliamentary Vasudan Empire extends diplomatic recognition to the Ibizan Republic. [/quote] [quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1316339333' post='2802943'] [i]We welcome this new nation to the Mediterranean.[/i] [/quote] We would like to thank you all for your recognition, we look forward to continued diplomatic relations with you all.
  24. With the acceptance of the independence of The Ibizan Republic, the news was made public to all nations of the world.
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