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Marneus Calgar

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Everything posted by Marneus Calgar

  1. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1328580682' post='2915820'] Really? Accusing MK of stealing charity money? Dude I don't care how much you hate them IC, that's a low and unwarranted blow. [/quote] That is not what I said, don't even think I did. I said this was a PR stunt and I didn't trust them enough to send money through them. At no time did I say MK would steal money as I don't believe they ever would. Please go back and re-think your statement after reading my posts correctly. [u][b]Edit[/b][/u]: Spelling
  2. [quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1328576305' post='2915730'] You realise that the money goes to a site recommended by DWB for online fundraising and not MK right? [/quote] You obviously misunderstand. I don't trust anyone or anything to do with MK because of how they present themselves, even if it's only a fund set up like this - http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/bros/cngrandgive So I went through the website itself and not through the MK started fund - https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/donate/?t=o [u][b]Edit[/b][/u]: Clarity .. Anyway, I've said my piece, not derailing any further.
  3. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1328576209' post='2915726'] Wow. I'll leave this because really, mudslinging in a charity thread isn't my style. [/quote] Saying I don't trust you is not mudslinging. It's a personal opinion. From what MK has shown in the past, present and will show in the future, you're very untrustworthy. Hence I donated an amount directly to the charity, not through a middleman.
  4. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1328574988' post='2915706'] Right, because MK is well known for having more money than everyone? [/quote] No, but they're more known for thinking they're better than everyone and trying to prove it. [quote name='Solanine' timestamp='1328575139' post='2915710'] I mean, they are superior to you, [/quote] Stopped at this. You're just trolling. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1328575368' post='2915714'] I would also like to point out that if MK had simply done an internal donation drive to avoid the whole "It's for PR!" shenanigans, the donation total thus far would have been cut in half. Publicity has its uses aside from personal gain. [/quote] Even if you had done it internally you would've made it public that you were doing it. Sure, it's a good thing that it was public as it added some extra funds, but I've also donated to the same cause, but I decided not to do it through MK because honestly I don't trust you. Especially after the stat posting just to show you're "superior" in some way.
  5. These stats are unnecessary. This is obviously just another MK E-Peen contest. Would've been much less obvious without the stats.
  6. [quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1328195509' post='2913158'] Polaris is falling faster than alliances that are not being attacked by several large alliances? How shocking! [/quote] Oh, I'm sorry all of your allies left you.
  7. [quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1328151882' post='2912910'] We lost the sanction but are doing a fine job at keeping the GRL in the mix! [/quote] Still falling faster than IRON.
  8. More and more weapons being focused on just Polaris now. Good to see Peace achieved.
  9. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1327734077' post='2908704'] Considering that your side has almost 10x more Strength than ours and also considering the fact that you lost 11 members while we won 2, I don't understand why would you be proud of it. [/quote] Inactives that aren't doing anything are being deleted. It's absolutely no skin off of our noses. Just remember that Gopher also decreases The Avengers score for the outgoing alliances. We were around 5 - 10x the size of your one, so of course we're going to be losing more.
  10. Good to know that Polaris has lost double what we have.
  11. Themis, don't make a thread where you're trying to be holier than thou and then start doing the exact opposite of what you're [i]trying[/i] to stop in the exact same thread. Get off of your high horse, you're no better than any one of us.
  12. Come on GOONS, you can do it! Just a few more points. Also, Deinos too.
  13. [quote name='Ameroca' timestamp='1326517399' post='2899258'] That was without a doubt the worst one I made, and the fact that the owf finds it acceptable is confirmation. It's like giving a middle finger to your dad behind his back. Only instead of your dad it's cn and instead of a middle finger its an abstract anus. Anyway, vanilla missed this one (the superior one imo): [img]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r74/EsaJaxa/CN/pip2.png[/img] [/quote] What's with all the pips to do with autism?
  14. Sanction Race discussion has died out a bit. Thanks for keeping us updated, Gopher.
  15. [quote name='Vanilla Napalm' timestamp='1326349371' post='2897945'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3L3MV.png[/img] [/quote] This one kinda sums up GOONS.
  16. Then MK and Umbrella would need to get Sanctioned to complete the Doomhouse trio.
  17. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1325053179' post='2887834'] I only pointed a statistic pertinent to ASR, if people are oversensitive and overreact that's not my problem, to be honest I enjoy when they overreact, it amuses me, a lot. [/quote] That's called being a troll. Also, bleeding inactives means nothing in times of war.
  18. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1325045366' post='2887754'] WOW! IRON is down to 410 nations, I need to update my signature. [/quote] IRON lost 5 yesterday and only 0.26 score. NpO lost 1 and lost 0.32. All we're losing is inactive who aren't partaking. You guys are still being pounded by us.
  19. [u][b]Edit[/b][/u]: Stupid double posting.
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