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Marneus Calgar

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Everything posted by Marneus Calgar

  1. [color="#FF8C00"]First you guys ditch your allies in their time of need and now you ally with tLR? Invicta, you guys are really on the downhill run.[/color]
  2. [color="#FF8C00"]What's with all the mini-alliances in Survivor?[/color]
  3. Sorry, saw that I was famous on your forum and I had to post my reply before I blocked you to see your reaction. Looks like you reacted just how I expected. [quote][b]To[/b]: [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=459943]VLADITRON[/url] [b]From[/b]: [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=449862]Marneus Calgar[/url] [b]Date[/b]: 11/19/2011 9:35:23 AM [b]Subject[/b]: RE: Hi There [b]Message[/b]: Oh you didn't get my Russian ruble pun? Rofl. I guess that was wasted on your lack of intelligence. Your name is "VLAD"itron, short for Vladimir which is generally a Russian name. Ruble, which is the Russian currency, which was a cleverly disguised pun that obviously surpassed the reaches of your feeble intellect. I look forward to the day you actually gain enough strength to attack me, I really do. Maybe by then you'll have learned some manners and some coherent insults, you uncouth child.[/quote] Oh, and Vlad. Obligatory [i]come at me bro![/i] If you dare.
  4. [color="#FF8C00"]This reminds me of the NPO/NpO separation. Kinda. Just like back then, this doesn't really make a difference. For what it's worth, I look forward to the GRL increase.[/color]
  5. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1320131063' post='2836334'] That is a whole lot of red in the nation column, aside from IRON, of course. [/quote] [color="#FF8C00"]Most people would form a poaching CB due to all that red.[/color]
  6. [quote name='AntyCrist' timestamp='1319644555' post='2832514'] MHA its a sturne chase and a sturn chase is a long chase [/quote] IRON has around 20 Ghosts on our AA. MHA doesn't Ghost Bust, so they have around 200.
  7. [quote name='maxfiles' timestamp='1319176408' post='2829792'] [font=verdana][size=2] [b]HTTP Error 500.13 - Server error: Web server is too busy.[/b] [url="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/64e30660-d2f0-4e90-98cc-1652214a2b93.mspx?mfr=true"]http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/64e30660-d2f0-4e90-98cc-1652214a2b93.mspx?mfr=true[/url] too many server requests are being sent to the server... so server could be under attack? or something else.. [/size][/font] [/quote] Short Answer: Chill Long Answer: Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill
  8. [quote name='Ceaser Augustus' timestamp='1319174500' post='2829771'] How serious do you guys think it is? has this ever happened before? [/quote] Many times, not serious.
  9. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1319174121' post='2829764'] Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha The Lord of Chaos strikes! Your servers are mine@ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [/quote] Hey, at least it stops you from making terrible propaganda.
  10. [quote name='DanDesade' timestamp='1319172722' post='2829748'] post game end statistics will show The Legion won... [/quote] Yeah ... and IRON formed a treaty with NpO right before the update.
  11. [quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1319172584' post='2829745'] Hopefully it is down for eternity. [/quote] We heard you the first time.
  12. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1319172470' post='2829742'] I heard MK was blitzing SF and the server crashed. [/quote] We can only hope.
  13. [quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1319172336' post='2829737'] In before someone blames NPO. [/quote] inb4someone blames MK
  14. This probably should've been put in Gameplay Discussions.
  15. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1318817834' post='2826632'] Also, please excuse me while I run around and figure out what this [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106110"]NG DOW[/url] is all about and why I should care about it. [/quote] Because their OP was incredibly well written.
  16. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1317966609' post='2819459'] Hmm.. IRON gonna have more members than MHA by the end of the year? [/quote] At the rate our recruiters are going we'll have the entirety of CN by then.
  17. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1317962831' post='2819383'] Us northernfolk have to have our Thanksgiving before it's too cold out to thaw turkey properly, so I may not be around all that much this weekend. I'll try to keep stats but no guarantees on updates for a while. [/quote] Doesn't matter, we at IRON know we will pass GPA and once again be the #2 alliance in CN before tomorrow. We're coming for you, MHA.
  18. A nice memory to Steve Jobs. Also, IRON and NPO tied for Biggest Gainer.
  19. I know it doesn't mean much, but I support this.
  20. Damn, all those Graphics I made, gone to waste. Best of luck wherever you go.
  21. We're coming for you, Fark. Can you feel us breathing down your neck?
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