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Everything posted by Koniac

  1. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1295151009' post='2576604'] Does it have to be about Cybernations? [/quote] Not necessarily. This is more of an event we're hosting to encourage CN's community to show off their artistic side, rather than a theme contest about CN.
  2. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1295086509' post='2575939'] I'm totally going to write a Novella. [/quote] We decided to include it for the lulz. We don't expect anyone to actually do it haha. If someone does, I'll make sure they get something.
  3. Yo, if someone's willing to set up a trade circle, I got Marble + Uranium. Hit me up, yo. [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1001807"]MY NATION[/url]
  4. [center][img]http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o175/Daefaroth/PG.png[/img][/center] We here at the Azure Mantle Graphic College support all forms of artistic expression, whether it be through video and song or through drawing and painting. The Puffin Gathering will be a week long festival, hosted by the AMGC, dedicated to art and community and it will be open to anyone who wishes to show their work off. The festival will last the week of February 14th through the 21st. Submissions can be posted by each individual, in their own thread, and are not limited in numbers or content, though we prefer PG-13 material. Any work not of PG-13 quality, we ask that you place it in spoiler tags and make a note of explicit content. Please use common sense and some discretion when posting your material. Submissions are eligible for an awards ceremony for each category in which they are listed, with results being posted on the last day of the festival. Voting will be one by the community over the course of the week. To submit a piece, simply go to the NADC's forums [url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/"]by clicking here[/url] and register for an account. From there, you should have access to the Azure Mantle Graphics College. Stay classy, CN . Please join us on #amgc if you have any questions. [quote] Awards: 1 Best-Of-Show award. Top 3 of Visual/Audio/Literature Top Submission for each Category Honorable Mentions[/quote] [quote]Categories: Visual Photomanipulation: taking any combination of photos, graphics, etc to create something completely unique and NOT copyrighted Graphic Design: the use of imagery to convery a message, connotation or association Digital Painting/Drawing: Self-explanatory Physical Painting/Drawing: Self-explanatory Advertisement: create an ad that pertains to a fictional product, or alliance Broadcast: Fictional news broadcast, can incorporate real life events Comic: Create a webcomic or full-on comic, your choice Food Art: Create an aesthetically pleasing food and take a picture. Cooked OR baked goods. Photography: Self-explanatory Audio Podcast: Audio narration or commentary. Can be on a real-world issue, sports issue, etc. Keep it family friendly. Soundtrack: Create a soundtrack for something. Cover Song: Re-create a currently existing song with your own twist. Original Song: Create your own song. Remember the general guidelines. Anthem: Create an original work dedicated to something of your choosing. Literature Poetry: Write a poem. Screenplay: A written work made specifically for TV, movie, or a play. Can be a collaborative effort. Short Story: A composition between 1,000 and 7,500 words. Novellette: 7,500 to 20,000 words. Novella: 20,000 to 50,000 words. Graphic Novel: Story is conveyed using sequential art. Can be a collaborative effort.[/quote]
  5. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1294608592' post='2570099'] Yup, legend does you guys no favor NADC. Just get rid of 'em. [/quote] We did, technically. Well, he got rid of himself by deciding not to run for re-election.
  6. o/ TFD, even without a treaty we still hope to maintain a close relationship with you guys.
  7. [CENTER] [IMG] http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr254/NADC_AMGC/Government%20Images/nadc_flag_med.jpg [/IMG] [IMG]http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr254/NADC_AMGC/Government%20Images/SecGenHeader4copy2.png[/IMG][/CENTER] We just finished elections. Here’s the announcement that lets you all know our new government. [b]Secretary General:[/b] Koniac [b]Minister of Internal Affairs:[/b] Dark Wizard [b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] Kochers [b]Minister of Finance:[/b] Haart [b]Military Operations Commander:[/b] Defiant [b]Atlantic Councillors[/b] Tony2456 Da Supe Kajdav Emperor of Babanga Stop by our IRC channel, #nadc, and claim the free rum I’m giving out. We have quite a bit of it! And I guess you can chat too, since I doubt many of you have actually talked to us. Have a nice day, [i]Koniac[/i] Secretary General, North Atlantic Defense Coalition [CENTER][IMG]http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr254/NADC_AMGC/Government%20Images/nadc_secgen_seal2d.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  8. Never thought I'd say this, but... o/ Sardonic/GOONS.
  9. [quote name='Farnsworth' timestamp='1292982065' post='2549002'] Why did Brave NEW War not make the poll? [/quote] This. I love this name for the war.
  10. I'd like to invite you to the North Atlantic Defense Coalition. I think you'll find your work for the alliance would be greatly appreciated. We have a great group over here right now and I'm sure you'd be an awesome addition. That's all I'll personally say though, in the end it is your decision. Good luck to you wherever you end up .
  11. [quote name='Anu Drake' timestamp='1284763414' post='2456822'] We'd like to field a team. I have 2 so far, will fill the rest soon. All have Live, and would rate myself at a C and the other player ([url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=230228"]Booshified[/url]) at a B. Entrance fee is no problem. Edit - 3rd member, [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=229479"]spartan2142[/url], ranking him as a B as well. And moving my rating down to a D after taking my first leap from campaign to multiplayer last night Damn kids, get off my virtual lawn... [/quote] If you guys need a fourth, I'd be more than willing to help you guys out. NADC doesn't have many other console gamers besides me, so there'd be no problem with me helping out an ally . I'd rate myself at between a B to an A-. Yeah, I'm pretty good.
  12. Time for me to go wreak some havo--Oh wait, no one on CN Staff has a strong enough nation... I'll just go back to my corner now and silently support my alliance's push for a CN Staff surrender. o/ War and Hate Bus!
  13. Gotta say, successful troll was successful. Well played...
  14. [quote name='circlewood' date='13 July 2010 - 03:54 PM' timestamp='1279050833' post='2369556'] Congratz to you on your new Govt. I don't see any Ven though... he went into retirement? [/quote] Ven kinda... disappeared. I haven't heard anything from him in quite a while. Obligatory o/ NADC, etc. etc. o/ That Koniac guy being the new Minister of Internal Affairs. Congrats to him, and this is probably the only time you'll see him outside of his internal affairs office. When we mean internal, we MEAN internal...
  15. ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL. [img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2734/4316026850_e4d8678e96.jpg[/img] Someone had to say it...
  16. [quote name='MIBHG' date='30 May 2010 - 04:11 PM' timestamp='1275250297' post='2316959'] Hello, are some one still alive in NADC[img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif[/img] [/quote] Of course, you're just doing the best job at bumping this .
  17. o/ CCC! o/ NADC! I believe only good things will follow
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