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Everything posted by CrinkledStraw

  1. Quite true. The real shame is most will cling to their deadweight for stats when it should be jettisoned. Edit: Lololololol at Kap, as always.
  2. Kinda proves how silly the idea that our side is fractured and not together, eh? Kinda proves it’s…exactly the opposite. No one on this side wants to move over, otherwise they surely could have.
  3. The truest thing said in this thread. I'm glad JA still has these forums to make himself believe he's important.
  4. Fighting a war in CN takes way less time than whatever this all is. Too busy!
  5. Yes, truly, my comment, based on the fact (something that has already happened) that we did not accept peace terms because we would not consider leaving anyone behind, is the silly one and the interesting take on reality. Astoundingly logical and relevant, as always, champ.
  6. The legion's or FTW's what? Bunch of us loathe each other, and yet we wouldn't accept leaving people behind. K.
  7. The rent is free and there is no deposit!
  8. Number of Soldiers Lost: 822,935 Attacking + 2,023,918 Defending = 2,846,853 Casualties https://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=528479 Words without actions are just farts, or whatever poor little Paul said.
  9. I like that it takes basically nothing to get their side to insult each other. This is why they don’t understand us not leaving our friends behind.
  10. JA didn't respond to the real answer provided by kerschbs, in all those replies. 🤳
  11. All completely fine (to me, others may screech at it), but don't call out someone else for "not contributing to the fight."
  12. *Checks the quality list.* You 'ain't there either, champ. No one is saying it's because you're old. They're saying it's because you don't know what you're talking about. Lyanna attempted to help you understand, and yet you continue.
  13. -45 spots. No, I don't like this update at all. Thanks for all this work, Pie!
  14. Six is a lot of wars to declare. :froggysit:
  15. I suffered through FA with CLAWS’ ridiculous pick of Clawwwde as well.
  16. It took months to craft this? Yeesh.
  17. I, for one, have no notes about the scoring system and love Pie more than anyone. Smug. Hahaha. Though I'm sure I'll fall hard on next week's list. Haven't been able to rage much this week.
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