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Nova Blue

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Everything posted by Nova Blue

  1. I have an Oil/Sugar guy that already switched to Aqua and is looking for a longterm TC. Lemme know if you can use him here --Mags
  2. I have a guy that has Oil/Sugar and is looking to join a stable TC. Color is indifferent. Preferably an 8BR or 3BR. He will be longterm and stable. Please let me know via PM or here. Thanks. --Mags
  3. Excellent post. Most of the AAs in Bob right now are having a SERIOUS time w/ FAs as Gov't try hard to get their AAs and their Allies back into some sense of none-chaos due to the sudden peace from NpO & \m/ sudden Peace (not knocking anyone just stating a fact). It's likely going to very hard for Diplo teams to try and repair any damages done by the prior Global War (NpO & Co. vs \m/ & Co.), and the upcoming followup GW that appears to be forming (Orange Sphere major Players vs Everyone else). Someone said it best last night in the NpO Peace Thread: Treaty Chains can EASILY turn a simple small War into a Global Conflict very fast, and very easily. --Mags
  4. Excellent post. Most of the AAs in Bob right now are having a SERIOUS time w/ FAs as Gov't try hard to get their AAs and their Allies back into some sense of none-chaos due to the sudden peace from NpO & \m/ sudden Peace (not knocking anyone just stating a fact). It's likely going to very hard for Diplo teams to try and repair any damages done by the prior Global War (NpO & Co. vs \m/ & Co.), and the upcoming followup GW that appears to be forming (Orange Sphere major Players vs Everyone else). Someone said it best last night in the NpO Peace Thread: Treaty Chains can EASILY turn a simple small War into a Global Conflict very fast, and very easily. --Mags
  5. Awesome Dow Roq'! Best of luck and give 'em hell! --Mags
  6. Great replies so far guys (keep 'em coming ). For those who support a SM first, would you say that the 3% Pop boost and extra Aid slot the DRA offers counters that? For example, in about a Month you could repay the DRA, and would also get at most $18 Million in Tech deals every other Round if you went full slots. 2 Full Incoming, and you're almost there in repaying the DRA when combined w/ the additional Citizens (and possible Improvement Slots) the DRA would generate. [/2 Cents] --Mags
  7. --If you had a choice, which of these Wonders would you choose first and why? --Also, what order would you put them in for obtaining and why? I left out some of the higher costing Wonders (whether it be requirements/Levels or shear $$$). If you're unsure of which Wonder does what, here's the list of them: Here DRA FAB Pentagon SM FAC IS NRL SSS AADN --Mags
  8. Might be something you see in a close future Game Update (don't really know for a fact just hypothetical)...since the Moon+Mars Wonders are only a few Months old. --Mags
  9. So basically, you're an un-Official Alliance called the Neutral Revolution , NRA FTW?! Seriously though, there are many powerful unaligned Nations around. Go to the Nation Search Screen, and set the Alliance to None, then sort by Highest NS, and appeal to them for help (or for better results, appeal to Nations in your NS Range). But I'm sorry to say that Tech Raiding unaligns are really a part of the Game. Many Alliances have used it to not only train their new Members (in addition to TE), but to get the obvious Tech. But as I said earlier, it's definitely possible for you to grow as an Unaligned, you just have to arm up alittle first instead of spending your early set of Money on Growth (as many Aligned Nations would do instead). It's the Trade-Off/Cost of being Aligned. [/2 Cents] --Mags
  10. Happy B-Day CN, Admin, et al. I agree and further resonate the sentiments here before me...you do an excellent job in not only keeping the Game fresh and ever-better...but also you do what many other Admins and Game Developers fail to do: you actually interact w/ your Community. *Tips Hat Off To You* --Mags
  11. I agree. Most of your TC set fit the 3BR better. The 3BR is really the best TC around right now. It offers high Growth, low Bills, and good Military Coverage. It's a good across-the-board type TC. --Mags
  12. Just using 1st glance...it could be a half now/half later type thing...where the person get $3Mill now, sends 50Tech...and send 50Tech later. Could be totally wrong here, and it could be a Seller's Market, but my 1st thinking is what I see. --Mags
  13. I included Clinics by accident...because at the time of writing the post, I was formulating an Improv Set in my mind as I typed, and most Nations would have Pop Improvs like Clinics at the time. I'm fully aware of the Improv Classifications, as well as how each effects each other...EXCEPT for where it was being applied. Your last paragraph answered my question perfectly. Thanks bro.
  14. So say you have a set of Eco Improvs (say for example: Clinics, Banks, Stadiums)...then add an Eco Wonder like the Stock Market. What would the addition to your Economy look like (and more importantly where would it be applied)? Thanks in advance guys.
  15. So say for example the Stock Market...it'll add $10 to Avg Gross Income /Day?
  16. You don't have re-roll...just go w/ what you have now. The 100 Tech thing is a minor mistake...you can clear that up w/ 1 Tech deal, and get $$$ to build you Nation at the same time (taking care of two birds w/ one stone). Just make sure you get the $3 Million/100 Tech rate w/ whatever Tech deal you do. As for PM, staying in it is fine, just remember to exit it when you Collect as you take a hit somewhat w/ your Tax Collections. Use the Trading Board here on the CN Forums to gelp you get into a Trade Circle (TC), just post your Nation link, and Resources there...your Resources aren't bad at all, they can fit in quite a lot of Bonus Resource (BR) sets. Also, utilize the in-game tools that help w/ finding Trading Partners (there's 1 for finding Resources you need, and there's 1 for finding out what Resources it takes to get what BRs). The Infra and Land w// balance out as you get older. Just remember to focus your money on Infra first, then Improvements (1 for every 1000 Citizens), then Tech (try to keep it to an average level), and Military. ONLY buy land when your Citizens/Sq Mile dips like below 50 or so, otherwise your money is best spend elsewhere. Collect every couple of days at least, so that you can reap the extra $$$ from Interest (which you get ONCE every two Days). Hope that helps, and feel free to ask anything else. --Mags
  17. Option 1: Gives you +2,703 or so Citizens Option 2: Gives you approximately +$6.00 So, yeah IMO Option 1 is the better one to go. For a young Nation Option 2 might be the better Option...but as you get bigger and bigger (like you are), the gap closes in (equal in scale) to the point where Option 1 would become the better one (because Option 2 is a fixed number).
  18. Whether it's a Resource, Improvement, Event or Wonder...they're many things in CN that effects Income in a Positive or Negative way. For example: Silver/Furs (Fixed Inc Resource), Schools/Banks (% Inc via Improvements), or Stock Market/Mining Industry Consortium (Fixed Inc Resource) My question is, especially for the Fixed Inc ones, they say they impact Citizen's Income...but which one? Avg? Individual? And how? Thanks in advance for the answer(s).
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