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Everything posted by itseZe

  1. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1302307620' post='2687150'] Sell infra. [/quote] I'm actually nearing ZI, it's that pesky tech Having a nuclear nation sell down to 3.5k NS does a lot more "damage" than methrage can ever do down there. We knew what we were getting into with methrage. It's not an ideal situation, but that won't stop us. While we cannot nuke him we can still fight him through conventional means, and considering his current state I'd say we've done ok. In the end that's what this is about, blowing each other up.
  2. [quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1302272877' post='2686788'] I guess the idea of a small enough nation with a manhattan project is too much for ODN military strategical brilliance? I mean methrage right now is small but when he was bigger you must have had somebody in range? [/quote] The claim was that he could be kept in permanent nuke anarchy. And I'm sorry for not having a nuclear nation in range of 2.6k NS, but with nobody fighting back properly it's quite hard to get down there. Furthermore none of that explains why nomnomnom shouldn't be allowed to complain. As long as he keeps on fighting, who cares? It's not like he is the only person on Bob that complains.
  3. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1302260363' post='2686696'] Because you guys are going to rotate small nations with nukes in to hit him every six days? That's what a competent military does with a guy like methrage anyway. [/quote] I really hope you're just messing with me. But as it actually sounds like you are serious, this is for you: [quote]You can declare war on anyone as long as 1) they are not designated as a peaceful nation and 2) they are within the 75% - 133% ration of your strength range or within 250+/250- rankings based on strength.[/quote] Now compare our smallest nuclear nation to methrage. He has 7 times the NS and they are 6000 ranks apart.
  4. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1302168390' post='2686093']he's going to be in permanent nuclear anarchy if you guys have any competence at all[/quote] I'd love to hear how he's going to be in permanent nuclear anarchy. If anything it is the opposite. [quote name='omfghi2u2' timestamp='1302157738' post='2686050'] Stop complaining and surrender then if you cant win. Otherwise open wide and eat the nukes. [/quote] That doesn't make sense. Just because he is complaining doesn't mean he wants to get out of the war. As you can see by his warscreen he's been happily keeping on fighting since this. If he really wanted to get out he could just have followed the latest fashion and gone in PM, but he didn't.
  5. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1302147186' post='2685953'] Touch our Hooligans and we will touch you in the most violent way possible and then raid you. [/quote] Challenge accepted. Congrats to both alliances.
  6. [quote name='Kubla Khan' timestamp='1301939828' post='2684073'] but don't complain when you declare on someone and they spend the next month and a half tearing through your bottom tier.[/quote] We're not complaining, and I'm not sure why you think we are. We were well aware that Methrage wouldn't be an easy target, but that is no reason not to attack him. And that doesn't mean Nomnomnom can't voice his opinion about Methrage.
  7. [quote name='ace072199' timestamp='1301369495' post='2679646'] I understand your anger & Frustration over this, I really do. I just think after all this time has passed that you would be over it. Panfilo I am sure, (by looking at his nation) is leaving the game. So it is finally over, I hope after holding a grudge this long you guys finally got some relief out of this. [/quote] Well if he really is leaving then there is no harm done, right? Athens gets what they wanted, and Panfilo gets what he wanted. Best solution for everyone.
  8. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1301360322' post='2679518'] [b]Biggest Gainer[/b] [color=orange][b]Orange Defense Network[/b][/color] [color=green](+0.46)[/color] [/quote] [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1301361437' post='2679543'] [b]Biggest Gainer[/b] [color=orange][b]Orange Defense Network[/b][/color] [color=green](+0.37)[/color] [/quote] I was hoping for +1, but I'll settle for +.83
  9. [quote name='Kubla Khan' timestamp='1301243279' post='2678280'] Big loss coming to the cats today, big gain by ODN [/quote] Now we have to put up with him again, so it's really our loss
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