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Everything posted by Porkers.

  1. I may have read that wrong, but with what you quoted it seems to me you're effectively saying: "We're at the top of the hill, so that means we can come and dictate in matters between seperate alliances that doesn't concern us" You may be on top of the hill in terms of stats, but I wouldn't go further than that.
  2. Really? I thought it was about ODN turning over a new leaf to support allies. Nope, you were right, it's about VE and 3 other alliances which, funnily enough, aren't ODN.
  3. Big words, little britches. What are you going to do about it? Form says, nothing I bet one or two alliances have been heard saying: "I wish ODN would have had the balls not to back down on their treaty"
  4. I know who I believe, the alliance who has stood by my alliance for two years, an alliance that would fight for what is right, an alliance who has morals and stand by the treaties they sign, (treaties which include a mutual defence clause) true brothers, as true allies should be. ODN however..
  5. This, very much this. o/ True friendship, brotherhood.
  6. If a circle the same as Set I Circle A pops up I'd like to have my name down. Furs and Sugars are my resources. Edit: Never mind, no uranium. My bad.
  7. I'd love all of CN bill locked. That would be
  8. Aluminum:Timnation Silver:iced15 Lumber: Timnation Wheat: Marble:Lethal Sprok Spices: Water: Celtina] Cattle: Lethal Sprok Sugar:Witmore Iron:Witmore Pigs:iced15 Fish:Celtina] Apply for this trade circle today! Colour is Maroon Nation Link: Resources: Willing to change colour?:
  9. I'll talk to the guys alliance leader, he's a good friend, he may let him be yellow. Hold the slots for him for 24 hours?
  10. Okay that sounds good, I'll count you in once we work something out in game
  11. Er.. Scratch that, nevermind.
  12. Any chance he can remain Maroon?
  13. Is there any chance you can change this to Maroon, i'm nation sitting for a friend, and he has cattle and pigs.
  14. Aluminum: Uranium: Lumber: Wheat: Marble: Spices: Desktop Water:Desktop Cattle:Hippojack Sugar: Iron: Pigs:Hippojack Fish: Apply for this trade circle today! Colour is Maroon, but not mandatory, preferred though. Nation Link: Resources: Willing to change colour?:
  15. It depends if anyone at your school plays CN. Log in at your grandmothers if you don't want to risk it.
  16. OFF TOPIC: Ghris you need to ask your old nations name and details to be changed. Go to: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showforum=21 To have your new nation, Blackguard as the name.
  17. Can't get on, it comes up with that error, I've tried clearing cache and the such, and have asked several people on IRC if they can get on, and it seems so. Any clue how to fix it? Or should I wait it out and refresh it every 2 minutes or so? EDIT: Fixed a moment after posting
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