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Status Updates posted by nippy

  1. ...how about a frozen meat popsicle?

  2. aw, I just wanna see what's under the burkha :(

  3. aw, I missed your birthday. :(

    Hope it was decent!

  4. bikinis don't have a piece in the middle. :P

  5. Bill Hicks....excellent choice.

  6. cheers, man. You always brighten my day.

  7. Cool it, Bob. PB is lovely, especially with J.

    Skippy, smooth moves are what I do. I think I have a bowel issue, actually.

  8. Don't worry brother, I hoisted my satchel prior to setting foot here. I promise you a distinct lack of aroma produced via unintentional placement of one's breakfast purse onto your beautifully decorated wall, here.

  9. Friday wasn't bad....this week is going to be horrid, however.

  10. glad you're gone, son. It was my pleasure.

  11. Haha...that's the LP that's in my cd player in my car right now. Have you ever seen them live? They're absolutely the most energetic band I've ever seen. I don't know how they do it.

  12. Heck yeah. I saw them early this year in Erlangen. They came back two months later to play Rock im Park. I wish I had the time and money to go!

  13. Hells no, dude. Chicken wings are lovely.

  14. hey look it's facebook

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. nippy


      Louisa, I must say, you've disappointed me, sweetheart.

    3. mrwuss


      why do i get updates about nippy's cybernationsfacebook?

      I feel like I should put some deep through quotes here from facebook, but i dont have facebook.

    4. nippy


      I have a facebook.

  15. Hey, Mandozer's looking for you for some reason.

  16. Hurrah! Glad to have you back!

  17. Huzzah! Congrats on being the first person to mention it! I knew you'd have decent taste in music. :)

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