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Everything posted by Penkala

  1. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1300927197' post='2674151'] I was expecting more than 2 nominations in the early stage, guess my posts are better than I thought [/quote] They're not, I promise. [quote]Perhaps a dark horse like Penkala might pull a suprise upset, but that's unlikely...[/quote] Honestly, even trying in the past I'm not able to be [i]as bad[/i] as some of these guys. So...
  2. I know you're just trolling and all, but with a highly advanced military like the U.S. has, most of the work is maintenance. At any given time, roughly half of our ships are under maintenance. Aircraft take multiple hours of maintenance for every hour of flight time even if nothing breaks. Most countries don't HAVE to have many because WE have them. For example, Japan doesn't need 3 or 4 carriers because we have them. Aircraft carriers (along with the support ships) bring resources to bear and so it's not that odd to see one helping out Japan. As for having a presence in world affairs, that's what we do. We project power throughout the world to safeguard American (and allied) interests. We also conduct military operations fairly regularly with the same goal -- from bombings like you've seen recently in Libya to special operations missions you'll never hear about. It's what we do. Deal with it.
  3. [quote]In that case, would a PB representative (VE should do nicely, since they have the all powerful VEto) please assure the OWF that if we don't release NPO as promised after a month of war that there will be a DH/PB war.[/quote] If you don't do what you say you're going to, we're going to roll DH. And Umbrella is on the PB side, btw. -Penkala, VE representative.
  4. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1300511831' post='2669878'] With respect, right now you dont know what Ragnarok will or will not be doing. As had been said by our last delegate, we were waiting for the war to end before we made any calls regarding FA. At this time, i am sure the government of Ragnarok is in the process of doing exactly that. I just hope that when such calls do get made, both you and i are not going "well.. thats... yeah.. what?" [/quote] I mean, I'm pretty sure the only group of people that [i]want you[/i] at this point are those people in the "desired sphere" he was talking about. You and Polar are a match made in heaven. Enjoy your new friends.
  5. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1300402826' post='2668374'] Thanks for nothing penkLOLa. [/quote] Uhh, what?
  6. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1300504984' post='2669777'] Then why on earth are you arguing with me? [/quote] I guess I'm not.
  7. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1300504518' post='2669771'] That is all fine and good and I understand what you're saying, Xiph. My issue is with Typo and Penkala insinuating that [b]I[/b] held the Polar treaty above the SF bloc and that that has always been the case. [/quote] No, you didn't. The people after you did. [quote]Yeah, I hear you. It's just hard feelings, and it'll fade. [/quote] No hard feelings. I like Hoo and don't blame him for anything that's happened. RoK, though.. well, it's just hard to believe that I'll be getting over what they've done. And for me to say that... given how much I used to like RoK, well... that says enough about their actions as of recently.
  8. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1300503870' post='2669763'] Then stay in the present and point back. I'll be damned if anyone is going to try and tell me why we did anything or where our loyalties were. [/quote] RoK made it quite clear where their loyalties were, to be quite honest. Like I said: This isn't the first time RoK chose Polar over SF. *shrug* Besides, my point is: There's no need to burn the bridges. But if that's RoK wants to do, then by all means, consider it done.
  9. [quote]However, that doesn't mean that you need to go back in time and start !@#$ting on a long time friendship by re-writing history and painting previous reigns in a bad light ... especially in regard to leadership who always viewed VE as a near and dear friend. [/quote] Kait's already started pointing fingers, so it's a bit late for that. *shrug*
  10. [quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1300384906' post='2667880'] See you should probably bring dumb ass statements like this to me as opposed to Hoo. Ragnarok was not going to choose one frind over another and no matter how hard you you hold tight to that foolish belief it still wont be true. I have a deep love for the alliances that make up SF but we are not going to tolerate ultimatums. I was pressed for an answer right this second regardless of the fact that we had repeatedly stated that we are not making any FA decisions right now. We were told that we HAD to choose one or the other and we refused to make that choice. We did not choose Polar over SF, we instead chose to leave a bloc that contained an alliance that cannot handle being told no. [/quote] You chose Polar over SF [i]multiple[/i] times. Remember when CSN was told to "$%&@ off" because you were busy making sure Polar wouldn't get rolled? I sure do. Listen, plenty of stuff has happened. In a bloc that's had conflicting treaties quite often, it was bound to. Please don't point blame at one alliance and act as if you hadn't done plenty of !@#$%^&* yourself. It's really quite annoying. Now you're gone and the bloc is stronger than ever. I wish you had taken my suggestion and just left it at that.
  11. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1300222343' post='2665773'] Least classy victors ever. shameful [/quote] Dude. Chill. Why are you so mad? It's beautiful out. The sun is finally shining over your nation, and instead of snow everywhere, you can see some grass. Granted, most of it is just mud, but that's cool too. Cheer up. The terms are seriously not that bad. There were no reps imposed, etc. Nothing to cry about. Now go outside and enjoy the sunshine.
  12. If you [i]really[/i] didn't know about this (even though it was pretty heavily publicized), then I feel kind of bad for both of you that the comment happened. Whatever. As long as Moo's alright with it, everyone else should be too.
  13. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300414045' post='2668601'] We are rationing our sacrifices to last the entire war. [/quote] No you're not. Polaris and many of their allies also claimed it was "just a strategy". That's a lie. You're going to keep your nations in peace mode just like everyone else has done.
  14. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300404504' post='2668419'] Yes, but they're unacceptable to us for a different reason - Not inability, but unwillingness, to reward GOONS with extortion funds after this war. Under different circumstances, the terms offered to 64Digits would be almost reasonable. We intend to be broke by war's end. Beyond that, we never leave a war without our allies, so terms with us are pointless to discuss until CoJ gets reasonable terms. [/quote] Don't act like you're making sacrifices for your allies anymore. At this point, you have 2 nations at war, both 3,000 NS or smaller.
  15. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300402707' post='2668372'] So really what you should have said is "Cool Penkala I'm glad a completely unrelated member made his opinions clear". Thanks bro. Now I get you. [/quote] That's even twisting it. It's not my opinion that NPO should have perma war. It's a factual statement that if some kind of peace agreement is not reached between NPO and DH -- and NPO is saying they don't want to reach such an agreement -- the war will go on indefinitely. Not so complicated, really.
  16. [quote name='Henry' timestamp='1300401452' post='2668331'] See? It's a lot better if you get these things off your chest DoomHouse. [/quote] I mean, I'm not a member of DoomHouse, I'm a member of Pandora's Box. And, well, if you don't accept the peace terms... it's quite clear that you'll have permanent war. [quote]Allow me to clarify. I thought it might be a good idea for Doom House to stop beating around the permawar bush. Penakala doesn't beat around the bush. His status doesn't make a difference to me. [/quote] Yes, if you don't agree to peace (which is the only thing that ends a war) then the war will continue. If you never agree to peace, your war will never end. And since you're all here claiming you won't agree to peace, you can enjoy your perma war. [quote]This is why I detest being compared to you. In one line, you successfully collapsed the entire charade your side was attempting to construct. It takes a special level of stupidity to achieve that. [/quote] *Gasp* Penkala said that if there's not peace, there will be war. This means DH is just playing games and is just waiting to break their word once Pacifica leaves peace mode.
  17. [quote]For NPO, and for many of us in this coalition, we see no reason to "buy" a peace by fulfilling terms, when there is no guarantee that you won't just attack us out of the blue again like you did in this war. [/quote] There's never a guarantee. NPO proved that when they attacked FAN. Enjoy perma-war.
  18. [quote]Eternal war one of the 2 choices you are forcing on them[/quote] Eternal war is [i]always[/i] one of the choices forced on a defeated alliance at war. Luckily, the other option is complete white peace, so...
  19. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1300334460' post='2666905'] The two aren't exactly directly linked, if that's what you are implying. [/quote] Yes they are. Regardless, I, too, invite Pacifica to stand up and fight. I can't wait to help out my friends in GOONS with what nations are at war. Sometimes it's nice being 4,000 NS.
  20. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1300315417' post='2666684'] Attacking an alliance with MDPs with VE, a SF alliance, and a C&G alliance wasn't very smart. [/quote] Never understood why they did this. They gave almost everyone a reason to roll.
  21. [quote name='Panic King' timestamp='1300249873' post='2666198'] I agree.. for VE's sake muzzle it Penkala. You don't tug on Superman's cape and expect to live a happy existance on Bob. We surrendered but I would risk war again to shut your trap permanently. [/quote] They aren't going to muzzle me, and I'm "tugging on your cape" (I guess???). I would love for you to break terms and do something about it, though. Then we finally WOULD see Polar killed off of this planet. And don't worry, we have an ample supply of kryptonite. [quote]Penkala's like school on sundays.[/quote] The rabid joke was better.
  22. [quote name='Electron Sponge' timestamp='1300249089' post='2666175'] You must be new here [/quote] To be fair, it pretty much is "the end". You lost in 2008 and have essentially been losing since then, other than the small roll you played in Karma. And it'll probably be another year before you even have a shot at winning again, so, yeah... maybe 4 years after you were first beaten to a pulp you'll finally get your revenge!
  23. [quote name='Zombie Glaucon' timestamp='1300246754' post='2666121'] Did you hear that Penkala is in charge of VE now? He defeated us single-handedly, and is in no way running his mouth on the back of the work of others. [/quote] Where did I ever say that? It was a team effort and everyone contributed to your destruction [quote]hahaha[/quote] http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99845&st=0 Do you see that post? That would be you surrendering to my alliance. I would think you would be used to the concept by now. And I would think that making comments about what you'll be doing to me, in the very thread where you surrender to myself and my friends, is pretty hilarious.
  24. [quote name='mmansfield68' timestamp='1300244366' post='2666086'] Wow, never seen this before... This, to anyone who may not understand, is how holes are dug. [/quote] No it's not.
  25. [quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1300243833' post='2666076'] I like how you used the word me instead of us, get off your damn high horse. [/quote] Make [s]me[/s] us.
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