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Alexander Kerensky

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Everything posted by Alexander Kerensky

  1. [quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1316636764' post='2805442'] Close enough, not right, but on the right track, please tell me you are part of the gov there, please? [/quote] I am the current Proconsul of the Legion (second in command)
  2. I do not so much believe that there is still hate for the Legion since most of the people who are old enough to have those reasons are long gone and forgotten. Though the problem is two fold; on one hand you have a lack of continued presence on the official forums which allows everyone else to create an image of the Legion as they see fit (see the NSO replies above). On the other you have wasted potential, which is far more worse. In all honesty the Legion is a great alliance that has survived despite the best efforts of outside and a few inside influences, that is until you try and do something with them. The Legions biggest enemy is not an outside AA it is our own moral high ground mentality mixed with a dash of xenophobic outlook that stagnates our internal growth. Hate as a word is far overused in common language a more befitting term would be disappointment.
  3. [quote name='Griff' timestamp='1310137146' post='2752497'] Stop staring at our camps [/quote] I was only going to offer help honest see I brought a paper tiger trap... [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_viHEhhBk2WY/SGUG7v0sv4I/AAAAAAAABAo/knWghzQHZaY/s400/Paper+tiger+trap.JPG[/img]
  4. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1310135713' post='2752476'] I guess I can wait, then. [/quote] you shouldn't have to wait to long as it seems NSO Guerilla camps jumped from 5 on the 7th to 89 on the 8th so far
  5. [quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1310132607' post='2752416'] why the pony show telling us you all wanted to talk? [/quote] I believe I understand your confusion. There was a member of Legion who heard about this and decided to take steps far outside of his rank (in asking NPO for a meeting) and not consulting government. As Proconsul you have my full apology for the mater as it should not have happened and the member has been spoken with. If this proves to be an issue (or more than it is) I am on IRC and will discuss it with you of course. Unfortunately the bulk of our members joined Legion after the NPO Viceroy so they have never known a Legion without an NPO, sometimes irrational thinking can lead to improper decisions.
  6. Good luck as well NPO. It will be an interesting day when the sun comes up.
  7. [quote name='LegionOfiicial' timestamp='1310131961' post='2752398'] soo what next legion gov...... shall we disban ourselves? [/quote] no only one person can do that, you will have to create a new account.
  8. [quote name='Letum' timestamp='1310131512' post='2752388'] Wait, those things were tigers? [/quote] I'm not a miracle worker and my google art craft skills are not great so just go with it.
  9. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1310130631' post='2752379'] Uh, I don't know. You tell us. [/quote] forming my army, prepare yourselves. [img]http://www.papertigers.org/blog/PaperTigerCutOut/PaperTiger1.jpg[/img]
  10. I am sure if this were real, I would have already ordered half of my AA into PM right? Alexander Kerensky Proconsul
  11. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1296970525' post='2621477'] Now THIS, is how a bloc should operate. It is announcements like this, that are the reasons blocs exist within the world. [/quote] I can actually agree with this statement...
  12. Wow, GOONS really needed to be saved it would seem.
  13. I really need to read the boards more, I can not believe I have missed this thread. Who is Legion against and will there be graphs with colors?
  14. Good luck guys, I really liked TUF and I hope the reformed FIRE works out.
  15. There is always going to be spies though the information gained is probably less useful, with guest access to most forums you know the room temp and know whats going on. Plus as long as most AAs have been flying flags gaining "new" insight isn't really needed.
  16. going to be a big loss for Legion today.
  17. [quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1281660185' post='2413495'] Why the cancellation? [/quote] [quote name='BigO82' timestamp='1281652284' post='2413356'] It is sad, but sometimes political decisions have to be done. [/quote] good luck to quantum.
  18. As no one from Legion has posted I will. We will claim Eastern Europe between NPO and Athens. Hex Code #DA70D6 will see if I can update territories in color tomorrow sometime as its late tonight.
  19. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1280641343' post='2396826'] Legion, it's time for another merge D: [/quote] Are you suggesting the audacious "Legion of Mushroom Kingdoms" or perhaps "The Mushroom Legion" merger? [img]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r127/Random_Axcess/MushroomLegion.jpg[/img]
  20. ZOMG.. We have an MK on our six gaining fast, evasive maneuvers
  21. Create a post in our Graphic Display Case & Shop, its in our open Lounge. Shoot me a PM if you can't find it.
  22. looks like our Loss missed this update by a couple minutes, guess there is always tomorrow
  23. As topic says logged in tonight to collect and no year bonus, update +7.5.
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