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Everything posted by Fernando12

  1. you need to add 2 more resources like fish and uranium. you only list 10. you won't get any responses if you don't list 12. 12 resources is what makes a trade circle. You need to have a harbor to really get anyone interested in your trade circle. a harbor gives you one extra trade slot. 21oo9 - you only have 2 resources that you can offer to a trade circle. the 2 resources that are local to you. you cannot trade resources that you import to your nation. hope this helps you guys in adjusting and filling your trade circle. and it's a free bump
  2. Good luck to all in this new endeavor. Some of you may know I'm disappointed, but I am over it. I can only wish the best to KingSVH and hope he can realize his goals with this alliance. Partisan offered to play chess yesterday, I told him I couldn't because I had lost my King Best regards to all members of The Golden Horde and it's Protector
  3. lol, wrong alliance DoE, thought it was Genesis. But good luck and welcome.
  4. Well done and good luck to all. And don't forget to leave the gun and take the canoli
  5. We only need Wheat and Pig. Please join this circle.
  6. This is a partially filled Blue Trade Circle. You must have a harbor to join (5 trade slots). Must be Blue or willing to switch to Blue. Longterm only please. Aluminum/Uranium - Fernando12 - United Force Lumber/Water - Czar Nicholas III - Nova Polska Fish/Sugar - Kastoli - Valley of Spikes Cattle/Iron - Prince Ivl - Agnos Dei Marble/Spices - Jaymjaym - Fatima Wheat/Pig - Again, we only need Wheat and Pig and you must have a harbor and be Blue or willing to switch to Blue. Post here with your nation link. First to post with the stated requirements will get in the circle. Please be online as much as possible to accept/submit the trade offers. We want all trade circle members to have their slots filled and complete within 2 days of confirmation.
  7. It's sad to see your dream go with this disbandment, but where there is an end there is a new beginning. Great luck to all of you where ever you go. Undoubtedly you will be seeking new homes, your members are welcome to chat on #uscn to get to know us and decide if USCN would be the place to call home. Ask what USCN can do for you in your time of transition, we'll be glad to help.
  8. It seems the answer is growth funds. My alliance DoE'd July 17th and sent out hundreds of recruitment messages without any response. In deals that I have put together, it has allowed me to have funds flowing into my nation. I thought well...why not ask my deal partners to aid new recruits? Sacrifice my growth in order to get some recruits. So, I began including aid in my recruitment messages. Not just joining aid, but aid to help their nation grow to 3,999.99 infra which is the recommended turning point from tech seller to tech buyer. That level will also soon with enough tech get level 9 aircraft, nukes, and enough daily surplus to begin buying wonders. The response still hasn't seen a flood of new recruits, but we have gained 2 and received responses which before we got none. The responses from people interested is that it sounds awesome, but they wonder if we can actually deliver on the steady flow of aid with our small alliance. The answer is yes, but how do I get them past the just looking at us phase and get them in? The priority of my alliance is recruitment, but also right even with that is to get 5 nations at 3,999.99 infra with all open aid slots to do 3 cycles of aid. 5 nations flowing aid to one at $3million per cycle, 3 cycles...$45million to aid a new member...that gets them close enough to 3,999.99 plus their nation will be making more money so they should be able to get there. Going from 0 infra to 3,999.99 infra according to the calculator costs around $88mil with the right resources, 5 factories, and an initial infra cost reducing government. So, the program I am implementing in my alliance is doable. Only thing is, how do you convince people to believe it? Captain B Bear, does your alliance have an IRC Channel?
  9. To add to this, some members may only become active to vote. Which can also be bad because they may not know alot of what has been going on. They can vote with the current gov though it may be a bad gov but they don't know better, or they can vote for change just because and may boot out a good gov. My comment here is for democracy in regards to government elections. Democracy as far as deciding on crucial isssues...well, have a specific timeframe for discussion, then time for vote, then final decision. No treaty or edict or decision should be so important that it is brought up one evening and needs to be signed that evening or the next day. Time needs to be spent to research what signing a treaty or edict or making a final decision will involve like how will it affect existing treaties you have etc. It's important to have a stable government, so I'm somewhat against election cycles. What I proposed one time was to have a council of rotating members where at some point all members will have the chance to serve and vote. in that council would be about 5 permanent members (experienced, BIG NS member, etc) those 5 permanent would be there for stability. the rotating members would be there to have the opportunity to serve and also learn how governing an alliance works. see first hand what meetings are like etc.
  10. We still have 2 government positions available, please read the original post for requirements. Also, if you are smaller nations and want to grow quickly to 3,999.99 infrastructure, check us out because once you join you it will be our priority to get you to that level asap.
  11. Congrats, I was in FIRE with some of your government although I didn't really know you all well. Hope everything goes well. Regarding some comments, last I spoke with Inci (Kevanovia) he said he was quitting CN. His emotions are everywhere right now I guess. He is a good friend and wish him well even though our last conversations have gotten a tad heated over some events. But, yeah Inci is still flying the IAA AA so the only thing I would criticize is that you should have waited to make sure all were officially on board and with AA change to your alliance. Best regards to all Crimson Guards current and future members.
  12. Many alliances exist for a time to get organized and then officially DoE. It doesn't make them fake to be working towards setting up their government, forums, IRC channels, maybe a protectorate agreement before an official DoE. The current users of the RLMMO, were they contacted well ahead of time to be informed that the RLMMO AA was wanting to be used by an alliance that wanted to rename itself? I'm sure it was known well beforehand that the RLMMO AA was already being used. To me, it's a violation of sovereignty and belligerence on RV's part to claim the AA and try to force the original users off of it. If it's CN's overall view that only alliances that DoE have claim over an AA then so be it, but it's not my view. There are plenty of possible AA's to come up with, to use an existing one is an attempt to instigate conflict. Is this another of RV's "joke topic" that I've been told he does from time to time?
  13. I don't understand this at all. RLMMO AA was already being used by nations as their AA, but now RV you want it and are claiming it as yours and trying to force the original users of the AA out? Doesn't this make you and anyone that uses the RLMMO AA without permission ghosts? RV aren't you really violating the original users of the RLMMO's sovereignty? What am I missing here? RLMMO original users, did they DoE or are they an informal alliance? Either way, wouldn't the fact that they used it first make the AA rightfully theirs? Anyway, good luck to all. It seems if this goes to conflict, whoever wins will claim it and the losers be pushed off the AA.
  14. Alliance (full name, acronym): United States of CN, USCN Alliance Color: Blue Alliance IRC Channel: #USCN on Coldfront Forums: http://uscn.forumotion.com/forum.htm
  15. Also note that nations below 3,999 infrastructure that join USCN will be aided to reach 3,999 infrastructure. Joining aid? How about a steady flow to help you grow consistently and in the process it will help USCN grow.
  16. I listen to Rush Limbaugh sometimes to get the other view of topics. I wonder though, since conservatives believe that each person's wealth is his own and shouldn't be taxed to help the poor/social programs, does that mean that newer nations that join your alliance will not receive any start up aid? Will they have to take the long road by only getting their income from their taxes and tech deals? Anyways, welcome and I wish the very best for your alliance and its members.
  17. i have found a trade circle, please remove me from the list.
  18. i have found a trade circle. please don't include me on this trade circle and consider others instead.
  19. Both donation deals/slots have been sold.
  20. Our alliance is just beginning and the our future is strong. with us you will enjoy a fun atmosphere and security for your nation to grow as we have a Protectorate Agreement with NpO.
  21. My nation link is in my sig. Here's the deal: I will have 2 foreign aid slots that will be opening soon. One will open on July 28th and the other on August 7th. My asking price is $21million firm. 7 aid packages of $3million each. So, the bigger you are the better the bargain If you have foreign aid slots open on or very near those dates then reply in game only please. Please also state which slot you want. the first person to message me in game for the july 28 slot gets it, the first person to message me in game for august 7 slot gets it. Please title the topic as: July 28 donation/blackmarket or August 7 donation/blackmarket so I know exactly what your the message is about right away. On those dates, I will donate on behalf of your nation as soon as the first $3million has been sent hopefully right at update ***Want a shorter deal? $12million/200tech firm. please follow the steps above and just specify $21mil or $12mil/200tech in your in game message to me. thanks
  22. if your still looking you can put me down for aluminum and uranium. once complete i will move to blue team as my alliance is located on the blue sphere. i may need a little time to give my current trade partners the opportunity to find a replacement. my info is on my sig below.
  23. Though USCN cannot at the moment offer you funds to help your nation grow we can offer you access to our forum where guides are available. In the future we will be implementing an alliance banking system to give smaller nations a steady cash flow to get them to 3,999.99 infra. You don't need to pass a test with us or jump thru hoops. All you need to do is register on our alliance forum. *all alliances have offsite forums, it's just the way it's done here a CN. Register, change your alliance affiliation (AA) to USCN. We will help you and we are on the forum daily. Best would be to speak with us on IRC #uscn on coldfront to get live advice. here are some links about USCN. We can also assist in finding you trade circles to maximize your economy and tech deals where you will buy tech at a cheap price and sell it to larger nations. For a large nation with tons of tech it can cost them upwards of $20million to buy 50tech. you can buy 50tech for them at about $800k and sell it to them for $3million. the way it works is they send you $3mil and then 10 days later you send 50tech, 10 days later another 50tech. standard tech deals are for $3million/100tech. it is possible to find someone who will pay $3mil/50tech. We can explain all this more easily if you join #uscn. If you want to switch to our alliance you are more than welcome. USCN DoE USCN Alliance Forum
  24. Congrats to The World Federation for reaching this Protectorate Agreement with Viridian Entente. Best regards to both Great Alliances
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