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Rush Sykes

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Everything posted by Rush Sykes

  1. One MIGHT call that failed leadership. If one were inclined to do so.
  2. This just in... the lower your NS, the less likely you are to be attacked. More at 11.
  3. Polar rolled over at least 2 times before fighting back. I made a long winded thread about it in the last war about how TOP-Polar had the numbers needed to take down DBDC. It was met with "Rush just wants to see us lose more stats because while we probably can grind them down Ramlins style, it will weaken us too much statistically to do so." Get Dajobo a mirror. Make sure the TOP flag is visible in the background. Gaze into it. What you see are the reasons why you are where you are right now.
  4. Impossible. Fark has approached all of them. They said so.
  5. The beauty of all of this is until 3 months ago, I held 0 titles. Still, I was the voice of TLR. I told people I held no title. Still I was the voice of TLR. I got a title, upon getting the title the entirety of the gov and myself communicated that it was a ceremonial title given to me because I did not want it (which was, somehow completely overlooked by everyone), and again I am the voice of TLR. You see... y ou WANT me to be the voice of TLR. You NEED me to be that voice. So much so that there was 0 change in my status from when I was Trium.. to when I had no title, to when I was trolled (internally) by being given a title. It is not my fault that so many of you want to insist that "title means relevance" after having spent 20+ months of preaching that no title STILL meant relevance because none of you knew who Kestral, Elorian, or Hombre (or DC or rifleman) was. The reality is you want to ASSIGN a level of importance to me, and the facts and reality will be reshaped around whatever it is you decide to ascribe to me.
  6. That pretty much sums it up. I have been trying to tell everyone its an almost 100% ceremonial position for the entire 4 months I have had the title. If that concept is so foreign to everyone, the fault lies with those who dont get it, not with me.
  7. The funny thing is, I have no say and really had no idea my sig was on this, since I was not part of the process in any fashion.
  8. How exactly does my sig being on this contradict what James said? TLR raised no concerns during the peace talks or whatever it is they were. My sig being on this document does not change that one iota. What a silly silly post.
  9. The grudge is mine. Also, lets be honest... 95% of that damage ratio is taking place between 0 and 30K... which makes it almost negligible.
  10. Of course I am. I even promised that I would in the thread announcing NPOs terms. I am okay with all of this.
  11. Way to go back in time Bob and throw that announcement just to win the point! YOU sire are quite clever indeed.
  12. Perhaps, but I think it is more that they are trying to sow the discontent with their allies. That is also another political tool (albeit not a very effective one.)
  13. If you care to point out something specific, do so.
  14. See, that is just not right. There are a couple of issues here. You see GOONS has a history. That history very notably includes mass trolling of alliances like R&R and RIA and STA (there are others, but these prominently come to mind), for allowing themelves, in past wars to be put in a position where their FA was so divergent that they could do nothing but look bad. This is not a unique problem to GOONS, many other alliances joined in on that nonsense, despite some level-headed folks telling them that some day you will be judged accordingly because you will be in the same position. Here we are. Now we have some allies of GOONS, who also joined in on the trolling of other AAs for fragmented FA, now diving head first into the ocean of hypocrisy acting like it is absurd for people to hold GOONS to the same standard that they always held the likes of RIA, STA and R&R to. Nobody is saying "this judgement should never be occurring." They are saying "This should not happen to GOONS. The truth is, GOONS is not a special snowflake. Marx, for instance, roundly and openly trolled TLR (while still allied to us , no less) about not diverging from the NPO path and letting it put us on the losing side of a war. Well, this war shaped up exactly as it is, long ago. Let us not kid ourselves and act like the NPO-Umb treaty suddenly made this war possible, because all of us knew that NPO-Umb was brewing for months beforehand. We all knew it was happening, we all knew what it would mean. There was time aplenty for GOONS to do exactly what one of their gov members at the time trolls US for not doing. Like it or not, a prime institution on this planet is the weighing of FA decisions such as those to sit out a war in how they plot their post-war course. If GOONS allies are A-Okay with all of this, great for them. But for those who are not GOONS allies, this is just part of the process and a component of due-diligence when either they or one of their allies maybe gets approached in a courting manner by GOONS post-war. You have to make your determination of what a treaty with them is worth. So let the process happen, dont act like GOONS have not participated in these very same processes with other alliances in the past.
  15. Appalled? Are you kidding me? The whole world is watching. One possible explained stance for GOONS sitting out is that entering on the losing side would "strain relationships with long time partners (VE and Umb)... but the world is really not full of idiots. If the relationship with those alliances is strained, it SHOULD be strained by the fact that both of their "partners" are hitting GOONS allies. People CARE about this stance because it will determine , on an individual alliance basis, who will and will not give GOONS the time of day in the lead-up to the next war. Therefore the point of discussing it is to lay the foundation for pro and/or anti GOONS propaganda as the new political landscape takes shape. It has ALWAYS been this way. It really still is mind boggling that so many people act like things that have become an institution are "silly chatter" when used against them, but embrace the very same institution when it works in their favor.
  16. See, this is where you and 99% of the rest of Planet Bob are wrong. GOONS allies are better suited for one thing and one thing only... and that is to determine if they are okay with GOONS stance. The notion that you are better suited to "talk about their moves" is absurd. Because post-war as the political topography changes, proximity to alliances who sat out the war absolutely WILL be weighed and considered by damn near anyone with a pulse as new ties are pursued. In many ways, others talking about GOONS moves, pro or con, are simply getting ahead of the curve on spinning the discussion in favor of whatever post-war direction they envision themselves embarking on.
  17. It almost is a page right out of Valhalla's book.
  18. Honestly, the handshake peace worked out quite well, because in the end, that is what happened.
  19. You know what that tells me? That tells me that no matter what Brehon did, he would piss off a great many people.
  20. And in comes a 3rd narrative. Nobody was ready for terms... but nobody could enforce terms... but the terms were not harsh enough. What fun.
  21. The hilarious thing is that you all think I am promoting terms to aftermath. I am simply promoting what SHOULD have been promoted.. come out of Peace Mode, then we will talk closing down the front. It is literally something that they could not possibly object to after imposing terms for peace mode use (of , and I cannot stress this enough) literally 17 nations out of 393 in the last war. And let us not kid ourselves... not one person cared about the other 20-30 in the 20-60K range that were in PM, anyone who claims to care is a liar at worst and disingenuous at best. Come out of Peace Mode, then we talk. Nothing more.
  22. Its cute that you act like I was not an ally of his at the time and did not talk to him EVERY single day about terms. Its cute that you think you need to educate me. I have logs from Sparta gov... AI gov(who all are strangely enough in Valhalla) lambasting Brehon because the terms were not harsh enough. Hence my incredulous disconnect with understanding how one group was like "Oh no Brehon is imposing terms!" and an entirely different group is mad because "Brehon is letting them off far too easy just to appease C&G".. both narratives played, and they both cannot be true... and only a fool is unable to wade through what really happened.
  23. Perhaps you do not understand that you reap what you sow. Seems to be a common problem in Polaris. Which is hilarious for an alliance sporting so damn many pseudo-moralists.
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