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Everything posted by KingChris

  1. [quote name='Sargun' date='19 June 2010 - 03:18 PM' timestamp='1276978719' post='2343112'] OOC: You said "is", not "was". You only edited in "was" after I told you that it had been destroyed. You've been caught, now drop it. [/quote] OOC: Notice how I only quoted Pravus's comments and not yours. I didn't correct you for anything.
  2. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='19 June 2010 - 12:05 PM' timestamp='1276967104' post='2342987'] OOC: That reply made zero sense. English fail. It [i]was[/i] nuked, and [i]hasn't[/i] been rebuilt. No one has RPd rebuilding it. Therefore, it doesn't exist. [/quote] OOC: I meant that it WAS standing in Washington D.C. It had been standing before it was nuked.
  3. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='19 June 2010 - 11:56 AM' timestamp='1276966556' post='2342973'] If you mean it looks very much like the [i]former[/i] Washington Monument, then you would be correct. Washington D.C. was nuked by Pravus Ingruo when it was under the control of Rebel Virginia. The city has never been rebuilt to what it once was since that incident. This monument is a fitting tribute to the brave soldiers who lost their lives in the last world war. [/quote] OOC: Keyword: was
  4. "The United States of America applauds the Kingdom of Cochin for honoring all of the soldiers involved in the Tahoe War. The monument does, however, look awfully similar to the Washington Monument that was in our nation's capital."
  5. Please strike down the United States' request to join the CAN as an observer nation. Instead, please change "The Commonwealth of Texas" to "The United States of America" in the treaty. The Commonwealth of Texas was never dissolved; it simply chose to grow in union with another nation.
  6. [quote name='zzzptm' date='16 June 2010 - 09:02 PM' timestamp='1276740148' post='2340167'] Houston's closer, but the resort has less humidity. We vote resort and build a proper airfield there to accomodate the increased traffic. [/quote] Likewise, the resort gets very cold for us southerners and is very prone to blizzards. Houston's humidity issue, however, can be easily solved with a visit to the nearby beach. It also has the commerce and industry that West Virginia lacks. However, we will abide by the federal governnment's decision to abstain, and thus, we will obey it.
  7. This declaration of Revolution has been duly noted by the government of Texas. We support no one but the people at this time, and instead wish that this may be resolved without casualty.
  8. We would like to bring up an alternate suggestion: although safety and confidentiality are two of the most important factors in choosing a headquarters, it is my opinion that we are currently leaving out some others. For example, will transportation to such a secluded space be very difficult? And won't internal operations within headquarters be much easier with the high-tech products found in a thriving city than in a rural, undeveloped area? In fact, many of the past headquarters, such as the UN and NATO, were based in urban environments. Therefore, I propose thaqt the headquarters be based in the Port of Houston, Texas, a fully developed city due to efforts by the former Commonwealth of Texas, which also happens to be a major, convenient hub for international travel. The city, with newer technology emerging everyday, also has the full capacity of providing security for any major defense bloc headquarters.
  9. Back a little bit early, but still won't be completely active until Friday.
  10. [b]Nation Name:The Kingdom of Light[/b] [b]RP Nation Name: The United States of America[/b] [b]Preferred team focus: Offense (Nashville Predators please)[/b]
  11. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='12 June 2010 - 10:06 AM' timestamp='1276355190' post='2334970'] OOC: It doesn't NEED to be changed, but your lack of creativity is, quite frankly, disgusting. [/quote] OOC: Well I apologize, I have, at this time, no time for creativity. I have a flight that leaves this afternoon and I'm still packing.
  12. Forwards • Jozy Albers 17 • Edson Buchanan 14 • Robbie Liu 20 • Herculez Torres 9 Midfielders • DaMarcus Kilmore 4 • Michael Cazamias 7 • Ricardo Duncan 13 • Clint Slate 8 • Landon Gessner 10 • Maurice Eichelberger 19 • Benny Cardone 22 • Stuart Fu 11 • Jose Bailes 16 Defenders • Carlos Diaz(C) 3 • Jonathan Kane 12 • Steve Hammett 6 • Jay Perenau 15 • Clarence Mayo 21 • Oguchi Fleming 5 • Jonathan Ford 2 Goaltenders • Brad Garthwaite 18 • Marcus Reid 23 • Tim Backus 1 OOC: This is just the real USA roster. If this needs to be changed, let me know.
  13. Don't know if I'll have internet access or not over the next few days, but just in case, please lock me effective tomorrow at 11:00 AM CN time until update on Friday. Thanks!
  14. "Welcome back to WBC, you're watching Countdown with Keith Olbermann. But first, I wanted to get some viewers to comment on my marvelous television program. We turn to one of my most avid watchers, Joe Lieberman, no relation to anyone in politics. Joe, what do you think of this magnificent talk show?" "Well, honestly, this place is ok, but compared to the World Freedom Network, I can truly say that this channel as a whole is pathetic." "Hmm...dramatic? Well of course anyone could say that. We here at the World Broadcasting Corps only bring you the best, and nothing less. Even if the truth is shocking, we believe that the public has a right to know. So dramatic? I think we can agree on that." "No, no, Keith, not dramatic, pathetic. For example, take a look at the female news correspondents of the WFN: [center][img]http://blog.thenewstribune.com/opinion/files/2010/04/RsAndDs1-251x400.jpg[/img][/center] compared to the WBC's female counterparts: [center][img]http://blog.thenewstribune.com/opinion/files/2010/04/RsAndDs2-252x400.jpg[/img][/center] You see Keith, it doesn't matter what you talk about, it's all about glamour, of which none of your ladies have." "Ah, that may be so; however, as always, my handsome grin never fails to brighten this station." "Well Keith, as stunning as your show may be, WFN has more subscribers than WBC. In fact, I sometimes go and watch, but only for the humor, of course." "What? You pass over my program for theirs? Well then good sir, @#$% you to &#%@!!! We'll be right back." "Wait, Keith, no! Don't cut me off---"
  15. [quote name='Sargun' date='11 June 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1276305877' post='2334164'] "The Saints have been stripped of their designation as the Los Angeles Saints and will officially be the National Team of Tahoe as [b]Los Saints[/b]." [/quote] OOC: If you're trying to make that sound Spanish, it should be "Los Santos"
  16. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='11 June 2010 - 06:30 PM' timestamp='1276299004' post='2334008'] In terms of the team from the "United States of America", we are going to have to deny your application at this time. This is a tournament for national teams, not teams representing one state in your union. Come to think of it, this is the same for the team put forth by the Second Tahoe Republic. Please submit a national team, not one from one of your cities. [/quote] The application for the United States of America has been resubmitted for approval.
  17. Nation Name: The United States of America National Team Name: The USA Eagles (Eagles for short) World Continent: North America Previous International Experience: Liga Mundo Seasons 7 and 8, Transvaal Cup IV, Cup of Nations I
  18. A Texan representative quickly and quietly rushed into the conference.
  19. "Since three world governments are condemning this proposal simply because of the coincidence that the name is an acronym related to religion, we propose the following amendment: the name shall be changed to "World Order of Republican Leaders for the Defense of Honorable, Organized Nations Observing Rights (WORLD HONOR)."
  20. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='09 June 2010 - 10:02 PM' timestamp='1276138937' post='2331121'] "The pleasure is mine, Madame Merina. Welcome to the U.S. Well, that depends on what you want to see really.. there are so many institutions and monuments in D.C. it literally could take you the whole week to cover. If you want to know of our history, then I might suggest the History Museums on the National Mall as well as perhaps a few of the war memorials throughout the town. Perhaps the Lincoln Memorial where so much history has actually occurred or the Thomas Jefferson memorial where we have preserved some of our founding fathers' words? I am not under the impression that there is any specific objective for our summit, if anything is achieved at all that makes the world a safer place then some progress has been made. I look forward to seeing you on the House floor on the morrow." [/quote] "Ahem, Mr. Caudill, I do believe you're thinking too much inside Columbia." A man, without any formal, grand entry, stepped from nowhere and greeted the President and the Artican. "John Sepulveda, the new governor of Texas. Mr. Vainqueur, my predecessor, was deposed on counts of treason. But Mr. President, you are leaving out everything there is nearby Washington. For example, I do enjoy visiting the Kennedy Center and satisfying myself by listening to some good music there. We also have Georgetown University nearby, and although it is an elite university, if you look at the right places, you do find a few parties. If that's not enough for you, you could always take a short train ride to nearby Philadelphia. It only takes about an hour to get there. Philadelphia is a much larger city, with many shops, delightful restaurants, and other attractions to fill your desires. In fact, I just came back from there a few days ago after watching a hockey game. They have an excellent team. Not to say that Washington has just as many shops and restaurants, especially considering the fact that we're hosting the Global Peace Summit at this moment."
  21. The United States of America will withhold recognition of this state until Rebel Army has confirmed its independence.
  23. We would like to invite Jake Long to [s]get shot[/s] try and improve our team for next season.
  24. OOC: Hmm, anything about suspension or expulsion of a member country? And possibly veto power based on geographic strategic locations?
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