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Everything posted by KingChris

  1. [quote name='Yawoo' date='18 April 2010 - 01:27 PM' timestamp='1271615204' post='2265097'] The Louisianan diplomat frowned slightly as he mulled over what the Texan had offered to Louisiana. Bending down, the Louisianan diplomat pulled a manila envelope from his leather briefcase. Opening, and then sliding the manila envelope towards the Texan, the diplomat began to speak, "If you would take a look at the photos that are in that envelope. Louisianan satellites have picked up on New Englander troops in your country. There are 120,000 troops, forty-eight interceptor fighter aircraft, two destroyers, a cruiser and an aircraft carrier docked in Galveston and Corpus Christi. Your government has made no effort to remove these troops from your country, and on top of that you asked the F.S.A. to help your country when it fell into anarchy instead of turning to Louisiana, your neighbor for help. I'm sorry, but until Texas figures out whether they're a sovereign country or a puppet state of the F.S.A. then there will be no treaty of any level between Texas and Louisiana." [/quote] OOC: I thought I had already asked Jed to remove them... IC: "Hmm, well it's certainly a shame that your government feels this way. However, would your country even reject a possible NAP? Surely, you have no intentions to, erm, take over Texas."
  2. [quote name='Shadowsage' date='12 April 2010 - 10:39 PM' timestamp='1271129950' post='2258282'] Roxas eyed his host with a bit of trepidation, noting that the man was apparently a nondescript and entirely expendable entity. It was entirely possible that he was a stunt double of sorts, sent to feel out the Empire's position on certain topics. The tactic was relatively well known in certain diplomatic academies. "Of course, neighbors require correct relations with each-other lest we come to blows over simple miscommunications." He allowed himself a smile. "Something which has regrettably happened in the Empire's constituent nations' past at various points. These past occurences have taught the current diplomatic staff to be extremely... cautious? with our commitments, and we feel it would be in the best interest of both parties to indeed open up borders to commerce. "So long as the Texans have proper identification." [/quote] Noting the anxiety in Roxas, the Texan representative adjusted himself to appear more welcoming and honest. Reconciliation with the HAE was crucial to Texas, and for that reason, the host was certain to give everything for the cause of sewing peace into Texas' history. "Without question, sir. We'll do everything necessary to ensure that the Texans entering your country don't bring up any trouble with your customs officers."
  3. May I please have the Kingdom of Castile?
  4. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='14 April 2010 - 07:49 PM' timestamp='1271292547' post='2260673'] Reply to texas This letter your magesty. [/quote] Stephen and some aides stood next to each other, staring at the recent message sent by the Canadian Empire, their mouths wide open. "Well, my King, um, it appears that we want to destroy Tahoe." "Uh...we do? Well, that's certainly not what my advisors told me. In fact, my signature's not there. Did Parliament ever go through a bill like this?" "No sir." "Alright, then. If you all will please leave. I have a mater of business to attend to." As the aides left, the King sat at his desk. He facepalmed, then picked up a pen and started writing two letters: [quote]Emperor Bonaparte, Please disregard the letter. Since it lacked my signature, it should be considered spam. My government will launch a heavy investigation into this. On behalf of the Commonwealth, I apologize for this incident. Regards, Stephen I King and Autocrat of All of the Commonwealth of Texas[/quote] [quote]A Letter from King Stephen I to the Coalition,, Recently, your government received a letter from the Commonwealth of Texas. In the contents, it requested land in return for Texas's support in your war. Please know that we had issued a Declaration of Neutrality, and we intend to abide by it. The letter you received does not have my signature and therefore should be considered null and void. At this moment, my country has launched an investigation pertaining to this incident. I apologize for the inconvenience. Regards, Stephen I King and Autocrat of All of the Commonwealth of Texas[/quote]
  5. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='14 April 2010 - 07:35 PM' timestamp='1271291703' post='2260664'] Reply Your Magesty, Give me the respect of my title and refer to me as Sire or Emperor Secondly You sent a letter to the Coalition, We are part fo the Coaltion, infact we were the second nation to declare war on Tahoe. Your request for the land has been denied by Canadian Authorities and myself, and im sure the other coaltion members will back me up on this. Sincerly Emperor Bonaparte [/quote] Reply: [quote]Emperor Bonaparte, if I may ask, when in the world did I request land? Such a request would need to be ratified by my Parliament, and I am sure that they have not received any proposal allowing them to do so. Am I being punk'd? Regards, Stephen I King and Autocrat of All of the Commonwealth of Texas[/quote]
  6. Stephen I lay on his back in the indoor pool of his residence. Of course, he had nothing on his mind right now. And why would he? He wasn't in any old war like the rest of the world. But then, "Your Majesty!" Paralyzed from surprise, Stephen began to drown. Fortunately, after a few seconds, he managed to regain control and surfaced through the water. "What!?!?" "Canada and Italy have responded to your telegram, Your Majesty." "...I sent a telegram to those countries? Let me see those responses." [quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='14 April 2010 - 05:53 PM' timestamp='1271285572' post='2260551'] Reply to Texas from the Empire I am sorry, but the Empire of Canada cannot agree to those terms. I cannot speak for the others in the Coalition. Sincerley Emperor Bonaparte [/quote] Reply: [quote]Hello, Mr. Bonaparte. We have not contacted you about any negotiation whatsoever. Perhaps you meant to send this message to someone else. Regards, Stephen I King and Autocrat of All of the Commonwealth of Texas[/quote] [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='14 April 2010 - 06:00 PM' timestamp='1271286012' post='2260553'] Reply from the Italian Federation to Texas' request: [/quote] Reply: [quote]No? What's this "No" you're using up precious money for? Regards, Stephen I King and Autocrat of All of the Commonwealth of Texas[/quote]
  7. [quote name='JEDCJT' date='14 April 2010 - 05:56 PM' timestamp='1271285778' post='2260552'] OOC: You do know that FSA troops are still in Texas, right? [i]Tens of thousands of them[/i]. And you know what will happen to Texas if it tries to do something against them... [/quote] OOC: Oh? I thought you pulled them out when I reformed? Hmmph, if not, you'd have to pull them out anyway cause of my Declaration of Neutrality
  8. OOC: Explanation for the upcoming event to surface later. IC: **TOP SECRET** [quote]A LETTER TO THE COALITION Greetings. Recently, we published a declaration of neutrality concerning the North American War. However, is the opinion of the government that it is in the country's best interests if we get involved in this war. Therefore, we are willing to offer you the following: We will allow you access to Texas, potentially opening up a new front and a surprise attack on Tahoe. However, if this is executed, we request that if the territories of Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Colorado are captured, that they be granted to the Commonwealth of Texas as protectorates, and that the Commonwealth of Texas be the sole protector of the above territories. Until then.[/quote]
  9. **Private** “Terrible news, your majesty! Louisiana declared war on Tahoe, and Puerto Rico declared war on the FSA! We now have war coming towards us from the west, north, and east, with heavy naval activity in the Gulf. In addition to this, the FSA reactivated our treaty when we reformed.” “Ah, well, uh, for Tahoe and Louisiana, we can just heavily fortify our borders to make sure that no soldier from either side ends up in Texas. I mean c’mon, I have representatives negotiating treaties with those two countries right now; I can’t just give support to one side! For the FSA, hmm, well, you see, this is why procrastination can be a good thing. We haven’t ratified the reactivation of our MDoAP with the FSA yet. That means neither of us are obliged to defend the other until Parliament decides to reactivate it. And I’m pretty sure that such an action won’t happen during this war, unless of course one were to declare war on Texas. But we haven’t done anything yet! Right. Or better yet, we could just sit and say nothing about it instead of making a statement about how we procrastinated. Yeah, that works. Have Parliament vote on a Declaration of Neutrality. And get me a frappucino. Decaf.” “Right away, sir.” **Public** [center][img]http://i.imagehost.org/0553/frflag.jpg[/img] Official Declaration of NEUTRALITY of the Commonwealth of Texas[/center] Whereas it appears that a state of war has broken out between the Tahoe Republic and Louisiana, among other belligerents, and that a state of war has broken out between the Republic of New England and Puerto Rico, and of the best interests of the Commonwealth of Texas, the Commonwealth of Texas shall, with sincerity and good faith, adopt and pursue a conduct friendly towards the belligerent powers. His Royal Majesty, King Stephen I Ratified by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Texas
  10. [quote name='Shadowsage' date='11 April 2010 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1270964887' post='2256195'] Roxas, often referred to in hushed whispers around rich circles as Heir Primus of the Empire was sent as the Imperial representative. [/quote] Roxas was escorted by two honor guards to a large but empty conference room, where a well-groomed man awaited him. Upon Roxas's arrival, the man stood up, greeted him, and sat back down. once everything was settled and the two were comfortable, the Texan representative began, "Well, after the Reich tried to reclaim Texas, relations between our two countries have been belligerent as the least. However, now that the conflict has been resolved, it would be nice for us if your country allowed our citizens to enter your again. In addition to this, my government thought it would be in our best interests if we could agree to a treaty. We're neighbors, and we need to strengthen our relations. With this in mind, what would you say to a possible ODP or MDP?" [quote name='Yawoo' date='11 April 2010 - 12:59 AM' timestamp='1270965563' post='2256203'] A Louisiana diplomat was sent to Texas to negotiate on behalf of Louisiana. [/quote] The diplomat was escorted by two honor guards into a different room: a small, yet elaborate office, with a desk and two sofas. A man sitting on one of the sofas stood up once the Louisianan entered the room. After shaking hands and exchanging some small talk, the Texan began, "Well, it seems that for awhile, we were so occupied with defending the Reich from taking our land that we unintentionally blocked you out of our relations. However, with our two countries being right next to each other, my government believes that having each others' back is vital. If one were to attack Texas, Louisiana would surely be affected, and vice versa. Considering this, would you agree to an MDP or MDoAP?" [quote name='Californian' date='11 April 2010 - 03:48 PM' timestamp='1271018878' post='2256563'] MoFA Steingrímur Vilhjálmsson departed from Miami and arrived in Texas, eager to meet with the newly reformed nation. [/quote] Mr. Vilhjálmsson was taken by two honor guards to an empty auditorium, save for a Northern immigrant that had moved to Texas and had obtained a high government position. She stood up, shook the minister's hand, and launched into discussion immediately, starting with, "Well Mr. Vilhjálmsson, it's surely a pleasure to see you here today. Now, before Texas's incorporation into the FSA, it had shared an ODP with you. If I am correct, my government wanted an MDP or an MDoAP, but yours declined because of the hostile situation. With the conflict resolved, however, the government of Texas believes that its time to advance our friendship another step or two. I have with me a copy of "The Shortest Treaty Ever." What would you say to making it not so short by updating it to an MDoAP?"
  11. After a few days of government organization, it was decided that the Commonwealth would adopt it's former constitution with a few minor changes. Preparations were made for the representatives' arrivals. Several high ranking officials in the Texan government awaited the representatives and would negotiate with each one separately.
  12. The Texan representative arrived in Mexico City, ready for the conference.
  13. OOC: Since I'm your neighbor, can I come as an observer?
  14. "Well obviously don't agree with some of our world neighbors. They believe in strong diplomacy, and we can see Mexico from our houses. Some of them believe that the Reich is the true holder to Texas. We believe it's just God giving us the Promised Land. They don't agree with the Kennedy Doctrine. We don't know what that is. In fact, we recently watched a video about it; it was not about politics. Regardless, Texas does not recognize any type of recognition or non-recognition. "Anyway, to improve foreign relations, we request that the following countries send us a representative to negotiate possible agreements: The Northern Republic, Tahoe, Mexico, Louisiana, the Great Lakes State, The Temple Lands, and the Holy American Empire.
  15. Since the Commonwealth of Texas was just reformed and that we are still in heavy organization of the country, we don't have a leader at this time and therefore can not send a leader at this time. However, please send our salutations to Henri VII. Perhaps in the future, our two countries, although on different sides of the Atlantic, may come toghether in peace and unity.
  16. [quote name='Sargun' date='06 April 2010 - 10:43 PM' timestamp='1270611817' post='2251206'] What was its former color? [/quote] Something similar to lavender, I think. Yeah, just make it lavender.
  17. [quote name='Bull Run' date='06 April 2010 - 08:46 PM' timestamp='1270604743' post='2251034'] I now recieved confirmation (via PM) by owners of the Mexican protectorate: Californian, Yawoo, & Shadowsage for my claims there. [/quote] Oh fun! You better ally with me when Otto Vertidieger comes to take Texas and Mexico... Anyway, Sargun, would you please revert Texas back to its former color? Thanks!
  18. Hmm...if you were in last season, would you have to register again?
  19. 2nd to last!?!?!? I demand to know how my team performed so abysmally during qualifications!
  20. [quote name='Sargun' date='04 April 2010 - 02:56 PM' timestamp='1270410987' post='2247761'] Many politically aware people in Conti were perplexed at the lack of outrage. There were many countries who had hounded the Reich for "abandoning" their people and called for a new government. But there has been nobody to criticize the rulers who had just abandoned their people as well. Most of the people did not raise a fuss, though, because Texas is full of rednecks. [/quote] Unlike the rulers of the Amerikanisches Reich, the rulers of Texas ensured that the country would not be left in anarchy. Before the Tahoan intervention of Texas, the citizens ran amok in a lawless state. At least when the former rulers of Texas left, they guaranteed that order would still prevail.
  21. [quote name='JEDCJT' date='04 April 2010 - 01:40 PM' timestamp='1270406395' post='2247677'] Grrr, I want my Texas. You cannot have it back! Lol, kidding. Sure, you can have it back. Texas is just like you left it (except for a few FBI offices, which will be withdrawn, unless you want to keep them? ). Oh, and did you know the Amerikansches Reich collapsed and was taken over by the Northern Republic and Louisiana? Oh, and welcome back. [/quote] Actually Jed, I like to keep those offices, soldiers, everything you put in there. ALL IZ MINE!!! Haha just kidding. And actually, when did this happen? Think you could send me the links about it? Oh, and I've just posted my DoE, so please respond to it.
  22. Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas March 2nd, 2036 6:29 AM On the Brazos R., there is a town, and in that town lies a small cabin with nothing in it except for a desk, some papers, a pen, and fifty-nine men. They nodded to one of the men at the desk, who picked up some papers and the pen, and wrote: [quote]xh, o, kd, na, le, ma, ib anetitri udleoocx hutlvhor uidftgas eoheeift ufeounmy toypusyi desgeeh enoetso mpgaaot sdeuhht oeastuw untitto ieexnuu teecwdt ibooaah letewcs adplfdd amhrhoa raeaonn ccfwoeu[/quote] The paper was then signed by the men, taken up and outside by one of the other men. Austin, Texas March 2nd, 2036 11:40 AM The man who had taken the paper approached the Texas Capitol Building. He gave it to a man waiting, who in turn took inside to a large chamber filled with one hundred eighty one men elected secretly by the People of Texas. The chamber was sealed off from public. The man with the paper gave it to the man sitting on a high chair in the front of the room, who took the paper and decoded it. After doing so, he read the translation aloud to the other men, which began as: [quote]The Unanimous Declaration of Independence made by the Delegates of the People of Texas in General Convention at the town of Washington on the 2nd day of March 2036.[/quote] The man then continued reading it to the end, listing grievances, desires, and justifications. A resolution was then called, and it was passed by a 181-0 vote. Every person in the chamber then signed the paper, and it was given to a man to be delivered to the People of Texas, to the Government of New England, and to the World. A new Era for Texas had begun.
  23. So, I browsed through the forums, specifically my last topic: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=81018 I must say, I was quite amused at the comments that you guys made. Shame I didn't get to see them until now. Oh well, thanks for the support, I can get the hypothetical "I survived Lent" T-Shirt now. I see nothing much has changed, so I'll just start RPing now. JED, I want my country back! Oh, and please excuse my sig, I haven't found an easter-appropriate one yet.
  24. Just wanted to let you all know that starting at update, I will not be on these forums because I am giving up both the game and RPing for Lent. I'm extremely thankful for the oppotunities you all have given me over the past year, and I will look forward to coming back at Easter and reading your excellent RP's once more. Of course, you'll have to give me a brief summary of what happened in 46 days, 'cause a lot happens during that time! So long folks!
  25. Well, what is the symbolism behind B and C?
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