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Everything posted by KingChris

  1. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='13 July 2010 - 10:58 PM' timestamp='1279079903' post='2370271'] It's an interesting proposal. Is Singapore being offered up for auction of some form? [/quote] OOC; http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88979
  2. All across the United States, any citizen owning a Girltopian flag immediately brought it lower and raised the American flag on top of it. OOC: maddy, it really isn't necessary to post every single action you make in its own thread. That's why we have news threads for our minor acts. Separate threads are more for major events, programs, and treaties.
  3. [quote name='Sargun' date='11 July 2010 - 08:13 PM' timestamp='1278897186' post='2367502'] Tahoe withdraws. [/quote] Tahoe's withdrawal has been noted. [quote name='Triyun' date='11 July 2010 - 08:14 PM' timestamp='1278897239' post='2367507'] Nation Name: China National Team Name: Chinese Dragons World Continent: Asia Sports: Soccer [/quote] Approved.
  4. This is an official reminder from the WSC that countries have four more days to enter applications for the Classic. OOC: Deadline will be July 15th at 5:30 game time.
  5. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='10 July 2010 - 03:38 PM' timestamp='1278794303' post='2366119']OOC: Basically exactly what was said ICly. Formulas being reworked and such before the next Cup of Nations. It'll also cause me to re-sim the games for today, so you'll all have to wait just a little bit longer for those. [/quote] OOC: Good to know I'll still keep posting soccer rankings up, but it probably won't affect anything ICly [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='10 July 2010 - 05:22 PM' timestamp='1278800527' post='2366257'] In a rematch of Cup of Nations II, the United States of America met the Isara Alliance on the pitch. From the very beginning of the match, it seemed as if the only Darkstars player in form was their keeper Georgi Konev. An early flurry of shots by the USA led to Konev stopped shot after shot, including a few spectacular saves. However, the United States’ determined attack showed they knew Konev’s brilliance couldn’t last forever, and the look in Konev’s eyes said the same thing. In the 37th minute, the USA finally broke through as Edson Buchanan rifled a shot from just outside the penalty area that caught Konev by surprise. The Isaran keeper simply stood as the ball whistled past him and into the back of the net for a 1-0 USA lead. The shots didn’t stop there for the USA however and instead kept coming. Their persistent attacks led to a corner kick in the 44th minute. The corner was taken and flew into the box, where the skipper Carlos Diaz slammed it home with a power header past the diving Konev. The USA took the 2-0 lead into the break. As the second half started, it seemed as if nothing had changed in the game. The USA was still consistently on the attack, forcing the Darkstars back on their heels. A critical misjudgment on a pass led to an interception, though, and the USA was caught with too many men upfield, leading to an Isaran breakaway. Herman Gruenwald brought the ball upfield on a two on one break, and found Radi Jaeger across the box as Brad Garthwaite came sliding out to challenge him. Jaeger easily found the back of the net and suddenly the match was interesting again, with the USA leading 2-1. Unfortunately, the Isarans could not capitalize on their fortunate momentum swing. In the dwindling minutes of the match, Clint Slate fired a long shot that clipped the underside of the crossbar before sliding in, putting the final nail in the coffin of a 3-1 United States victory. [b]United States of America[/b] v. Isara Alliance 3-1 (Fulham, 4) v. (Reading, 3) [/quote] "The citizens of our country are very proud of its team for performing exceptionally well once again. We also thank the Isara Alliance for a great game."
  6. The WSC will not accept Girltopia's basketball, baseball, and association football applications. Girltopia is welcome to resubmit their application for these sports once it changes its rosters to all-male. We simply cannot have women competing against men in this event. Girltopia's American football application is approved.
  7. OOC: Mael, don't know if you're following the Virginia state law, but I think a candidate needs 50%.
  8. OOC: I needed a system of rankings for the other sports in my Classic, and seeing that Vini was doing hockey and that many others were getting involved in soccer, I decided to place them all under one organization and offer my service to the RP community by calculating these rankings. Pravus, I do see flaws in your system. For example, if Transvaal decides not to participate in a few tournaments later on, his ranking will be affected more drastically under your ranking system than under mine. This is not to say that mine is perfect; I admit that I do see some flaws, but they are at least less severe in my opinion. The reason why Transvaal is #2 instead of #1 is because these are dated from the first Cup of Nations. The statement about human involvement in my calculations was in no way directed at you or your ranking system. This ranking system may seem flawed to you now, but in the long run, it will prove to be more balanced and stable. Don't think that I'm starting this because you wouldn't recognize the Classic. Frankly, I couldn't care less if you didn't.
  9. OOC: I found the method for calculating ranks in the other thread too flawed to work in the long run. These ranking work similarly to the FIFA World Rankings. A team gets 3 points if it wins with no penalty kick at the end, 2 points if it wins with penalty kicks, 1 point if it draws or loses with penalty kicks, and 0 points if it loses with no penalty kicks. This number is then multiplied by [(200 - opponent ranking)/100]. Following this, it is multiplied by 1 if the game is a friendly, 3 if the game is part of a regional tournament, and 4 if the game is part of a world tournament.
  10. [quote name='Sargun' date='08 July 2010 - 07:32 PM' timestamp='1278635507' post='2364000'] The IFAA has been heavily criticized within sporting circles of Tahoe for its lumping together of all sports into one; such a complicated and unfortunately biased ranking is certainly not to help anything, and clears nothing up as there is no distinction or clarification to how such things are done. As such, any and all organizations within Tahoe refuse to use the IFAA's rankings and do not recognize its legitimacy. [/quote] OOC; Sarg, I think you misunderstand what I was trying to say: there will be 5 rankings, one set of rankings for each sport. For example, there will be rankings for soccer, rankings for football, etc. They're not lumped into one set.
  11. No, someone should RP Generalissimo
  12. [quote name='Vedran' date='08 July 2010 - 12:47 AM' timestamp='1278568017' post='2363200'] OOC: It's spelled Arctica. With two C's. [/quote] OOC: Thanks. It's been edited.
  13. After the AFIS was founded, it released a list of association football rankings for the world to see. The system used to rank the nations was criticized by many, especially in the United States, for its simplicity and for its weaknesses regarding teams without participation in matches. In response, the International Federation of Athletic Associations was founded to release what is considered by some an improved list of rankings, based on a more complicated system designed to eliminate misleading factors and to begin ranking all other major sports, including baseball, basketball, American football, and hockey. The IFAA was founded in Indianapolis today, and all nations will be invited to take their offices here without any need of registration. To begin the work to come, the rankings for Association football, dating from the first Cup of Nations, will be released: 1 York 302 2 Transvaal 260 3 Athenian Federation 224 4 Cochin 216 5 Novak 188 6 Denmark 168 7 United Isocoles 160 8 Carthage 156 9 China 136 10 VDL 132 11 France 108 11 Slavic Federation 108 13 Tahoe 106 14 Australia 100 15 Vietnam 96 16 Isara Alliance 58 17 United States of America 56 18 Louisiana 50 18 Rebel Army 48 18 Arctica 48 21 Koryo 32 21 Marscurian Pakistan 32 21 Articuno Islands 24 21 Sicilian League 24 21 Slavorussia 24 21 IHR 24 21 Puerto Rico 24 21 Hakaarian Empire 24 29 Minilla Islands 16 30 Amerikanisches Reich 0 30 Japan 0 30 Alaska Republic 0 30 Alaskan Union 0 30 Falklands 0 30 Madurastan 0 30 Zargathia 0 OOC: No offense Pravus, but I see too many errors in your ranking system to let it be universal. This ranking system is similar to the FIFA rankings, and the system will be used for all sports. Friendlies do count, although they are weighed lightly. Teams from defunct nations are taken off of the list, but if a nation is revived, its sports teams will be re-added without change. These ranks do not require any type of approval, and the rankings will be affected by all friendlies and tournaments that do not reset the teams (in other words, the teams don't have different RL players). If you think there is an error, contact me, but do know that this ranking is solely based on mathematics and statistics. There is no human involvement whatsoever.
  14. This is a reminder that starting tomorrow, there will be seven days for countries to apply for the Classic.
  15. [quote name='Kaede Alexeivich' date='07 July 2010 - 03:43 PM' timestamp='1278535402' post='2362679'] The Isara Alliance would be interested in playing a friendly against the US, seeing as you were the first to defeat us in the Cup of Nations II. [/quote] The United States looks forward to such a rematch. We offer you the benefit of home-field advantage.
  16. The United States of America would like to participate in a friendly.
  17. [quote name='verum vox vocis' date='05 July 2010 - 12:52 PM' timestamp='1278352315' post='2360365'] Next time, once you realize it is in the wrong forum, please request a transfer to the proper one. [/quote] I did... http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88517
  18. All application approved. OOC: Ryan, yes. After July 15th.
  19. [quote name='Pikachurin' date='29 June 2010 - 04:22 PM' timestamp='1277846522' post='2354355'] OoC: Can I have another team? [/quote] OOC: Ditto
  20. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='26 June 2010 - 11:36 AM' timestamp='1277570163' post='2351032'] A number of U.S. corporations steps forward offering sponsorships to the open in order to cover the costs of the event. [/quote] Those corporations are welcome to sponsor the classic, as long as they aren't beer corporations. Old Harbour Kofresi Stout, from the Funky Republic of Puerto Rico, has already stepped up to be the official beer of the classic. [quote name='Ryan Milley' date='26 June 2010 - 11:43 AM' timestamp='1277570568' post='2351037'] Nation Name: Alaskan Union National Team Name: Alaskan Union National Team World Continent:North America Sports:All of them, but we wish there was hockey. [/quote] Accepted.
  21. "The guests from J Andres will be most welcome into Washington during this time. The government of Texas also resubmits its unchanged report to anyone involved in the former government of New England, and it continues to assert that the people directly accused in its report were responsible for the assassination. [quote][center][font="Courier New"][size=3]President's Commission On the Assassination of New England President Kennedy[/size][size=1] 1300 San Jacinto Blvd. Austin, Texas Telephone 463-5495[/center] The President The Presidential Palace Austin, Texas Dear Mr. President, Your commission to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 2017, having completed its assignment in accordance with Executive Order No. 112 of November 29, 2017, hereby submits its final report. [right]Respectfully, John Smiley, Chairman Lorenzo Burleson Edward de Zavala Mirabeau Burnet David Lamar Samuel Jones Anson Houston[/right] Let it be known that this Commission’s purpose is to act as an alternative Commission released by the Government of New England, which proposes a different theory, which suggests that a different course of action should be taken. On November 22, 2017 at approximately 1230 hours, a gunman suspected to be named Lee Harvey Oswald shot at both the President of Texas and the President of New England as it was passing the Texas Schoolbook Depository Building in Dallas, Texas. Both victims were rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital. At 1300 hours, Kennedy was pronounced dead, while doctors identified Nguyen in a critical state. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested at approximately 1350 hours. However, on November 24, 2017, at 1121 hours, Oswald was shot by a nightclub owner named Jack Ruby. Ruby was placed into police custody, and Oswald was rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital, and was pronounced dead at 1307 hours. Three bullets were fired towards the motorcade containing The President of The Commonwealth of Texas and The President of New England. According to tests by The Judicial Agency of Investigation and Intelligence on Oswald’s rifle, only three shots could have been fired during the five to eight seconds that the open limousine passed by the Texas Schoolbook Depository. However, the possibility that all three bullets came from the same gun has been eliminated. The weight of the bullet fragments taken from Nguyen and those remaining in his body supposedly totaled more than could have been missing from the bullet found on Nguyen's stretcher, known as the "pristine bullet". However, witness testimony seems to indicate that only tiny fragments, of less total mass than was missing from the bullet, were left in Nguyen. In addition, the trajectory of the bullet, which hit Kennedy above the right shoulder blade and passed through his neck (according to the autopsy), supposedly would have had to change course to pass through Nguyen's rib cage and wrist. Therefore, it can be assumed that shots were fired from in front of the motorcade, namely the Grassy Knoll. Thirty-five witnesses who were present at the shooting thought that shots were fired from in front of the President — from the area of the Grassy Knoll or Triple Underpass — while 56 eyewitnesses thought the shots came from the Depository, or at least in that direction, behind the President, and 5 witnesses thought that the shots came from two directions. The Texas First Lady was sitting in the presidential car next to her husband, President Chris Nguyen. Nguyen was adamant that her husband was hit by a bullet that was separate from the two that hit Kennedy. Roy Kellerman, a New England Secret Service Agent, testified that, "Now, in the seconds that I talked just now, a flurry of shells come into the car." Kellerman said that he saw a 5-inch diameter hole in the back right-hand side of the New England President’s head. Lee Bowers was operating a railroad interlocking tower, overlooking the parking lot just north of the grassy knoll and west of the Texas School Book Depository. He reported that he saw two men behind the picket fence at the top of the grassy knoll before the shooting. However, the men had moved in front of the fence by the time the motorcade went by and the shooting occurred. Clint Hill, the New England Secret Service Agent who was sheltering the New England President with his body on the way to the hospital, described "The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car." Later, to a National Geographic documentary film crew, he described the large defect in the skull as "gaping hole above his right ear, about the size of my palm." Robert McClelland, a physician in the emergency room who observed the head wound, testified that the back right part of the head was blown out with posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue was missing. The size of the back head wound, according to his description, indicated it was an exit wound, and that a second shooter from the front delivered the fatal head shot, or the New Englander president had his head turned. Rose Cherami was a 41-year-old drug addict and prostitute who was picked up on Highway 190 near Eunice, Louisiana, on November 20, 2017- two days before the Kennedy assassination-by Lt. Francis Frugé of the Louisiana Police. Cherami told Frugé that John F. Kennedy would shortly be killed. Fruge did not believe her at first, but after some time of adamant speaking by Cherami, he came around. During her confinement, and prior to the time JFK was shot in Dallas, Cherami supposedly spoke of the impending assassination. After Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald, Cherami reportedly claimed that she had worked for Ruby as a stripper, that she knew both Ruby and Oswald, and that the two men were "bed partners" who "had been shacking up for years." According to Lt. Frugé, Cherami declined to repeat her story to The Judicial Agency of Investigation and Intelligence. She was killed when struck by a car on September 4, 2019, apparently while hitchhiking, near Gladewater, Texas. Numerous witnesses reported hearing shots come from the Dal-Tex building, located directly across from the Texas Schoolbook Depository. It is possible that a bullet fired from the Dal-Tex building injured bystander James Tague. It should be noted that Oswald spent time living in the Slavorussian Empire (OOC: Equivalent to Soviet Union), which may have influenced Oswald to collaborate with Slavorussians and Tahoans (OOC: Tahoe owns Cuba) to attempt assassinations on both Presidents. New England Stasi agents report that upon searching the area in which the event occurred, they found no shooters. This may have been a cover-up, as evidence points to shooters in the Dal-Tex building and the Grassy Knoll. Kennedy visited Texas during a time where the Amerikanisches Reich held a claim on Texas and enforced hostilities. Supported by them were Tahoe, the Imperial Union, the Federation of Pravus Ingruo, New Anglica, and Carthage. One or more of these nations may have arranged the plot. An important theory revolves on the current President of New England Lyndon Baines Johnson. New England President Kennedy was seeking reelection of the Presidential Office at the time, and during the process Johnson, the standing Vice-President, feared he would be dropped from the ticket. Johnson may have then arranged an assassination with the New England Central Intelligence Agency to assassinate the New England President. He could have arranged for The Texas President to also be shot in order to mask his involvement in the plot. It should be noted that Johnson was born and raised in Texas, the place where the event occurred. Kennedy was married to Jacqueline Lee Bouvier before the assassination. It is reported that Kennedy spent much time with a model by the name of Marilyn Monroe. Rumors even indicate that Kennedy had an affair with Ms. Monroe. In this event, if Mrs. Kennedy discovered the affair, she could have arranged for Kennedy to be killed, along with anyone trying to cooperate with him, in an act of revenge. Her reactions at the Kennedy funeral may have been feigned. Before turning on Main Street, the motorcade was stopped by a man who wildly tried to warn the motorcade not to take Elm Street. His involvement with the plot is unknown, but he has been taken into custody for interrogation. Finally, the Commission focuses on Jack Ruby, the person who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald, severely limiting any evidence that could have been taken regarding the event. This theory states that Ruby was not a Kennedy sympathizer, but an accomplice of Oswald, and shot Oswald to cover up any evidence that may have been opened up. Ruby currently is in Texan custody. Therefore, this report finds the following: Oswald was involved in a conspiracy that plotted to kill President Kennedy and possibly injure or kill President Nguyen. Those involved in the conspiracy were Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, other gunmen, New England Stasi agents, and possibly the New England Central Intelligence Agency, the Slavorussian Empire, Tahoe, the Amerikanisches Reich, the Imperial Union, the Federation of Pravus Ingruo, New Anglica, Carthage, Lyndon Johnson, and Jacqueline Bouvier.[/font][/size][/quote]
  22. All teams have been accepted. OOC: Deadline updated.
  23. [quote name='Ryan Milley' date='25 June 2010 - 07:02 PM' timestamp='1277510549' post='2350477'] OOC: So that means artic teams have an equal chance to winning as equator teams? [/quote] OOC: More or less, yeah. Unless Vini does something funky with the draft order Vini
  24. "To all candidates: if you were given the choice to kill one candidate, who would it be? Oh, by the way, this is all hypothetical."
  25. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='23 June 2010 - 11:38 PM' timestamp='1277354269' post='2348460'] OOC: Are you seriously accusing me of OOC match fixing? Do you [b]want[/b] a one-tournament ban for your country, because I will gladly give you one. These games were all simmed the night I made the first post. I have known the outcome for weeks now. I thought it would be a funny tidbit to put that as the match commentary for that game because of the USA's World Cup win today, but in no way did I have anything to do with the result. Another accusation like that from you and you [b]WILL[/b] be banned from the tournament the next time you try and enter. [/quote] OOC: Uh, no, I'm not serious? Hence the emoticon? But that does explain the supposed "course" of the USA-Tahoe match.
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