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Everything posted by DeScepter

  1. Dude, give them a break. They were totally busy coming up with a super cool awesome battle plan. Clicking buttons is hard. Want to make sure it is done right. They are are going to come rootin' tootin' shootin' and then ya'll will see how great of allies they are. That'll shows ya. Or not. Probably not.
  2. i like MASH. I want to have Flonker's baby and raise it to be a ninja. Athens are ok too. i am starting to understand why people say you shouldnt drink and CN. this isnt a good idea.
  3. some dickhole cool guy said this is a fail topic, but i hope it is sooner than later edit: i meant person who is intelligent and i like lots
  4. Someone posted out of context logs to advance their own machinations? What a bunch of scurrilous scamps they are. How delightful that their accusations have been rebutted by evidence that is far more legitimate.
  5. In regards to the over eager crotch thrusting taking place between Arsenal and Poobah: I'm don't even know what reasons were given to ODN for the cancellation, but in essence, what Arsenal said is true. ODN jerked us around for quite a while about a treaty upgrade, and it eventually fell through due to shenanigans. Then the rest of GGA gov got sick of waiting around for ODN to cancel on us for refusing to play grabass in Orange politics. So they decided to cancel first for some other way more plausible reason. I dont' really know or care. I wouldn't really call that "taking advantage" of a slower process, as I don't see what the hell the difference is in who cancels first. And if we are going to argue about breaking the "spirit" of the treaty articles, then GGA sure broke the spirit of the 72 hour cancellation notice by starting this thread while the treaty is still in effect. Anyway, I appreciate the spirited support Poobah, I know you are just trying to back your allies. Now you two kiss and play nice or find something better to bicker about than "NO U!" EDIT: I say what I wanna say. Suck it.
  6. The fact that this treaty took so long to cancel speaks to the incompetence of ODN & GGA. They both suck. That being said, virtually everyone I have met in ODN have been good folks. Also, Manfred sucks and he touches children inappropriately. How do you like me now? Free speech is for losers. Beaches.
  7. Geez, it's like two fail alliances can't even touch tips in a corner without people pointing and laughing. And here I thought we were too irrelevant for anyone to notice or care wtf we do. Just goes to show that no matter how high-minded you'd like to be, you can't help but laugh when you see a retard fall down and hurt themselves.
  8. degenerate wanted me to let you know that he had fun warring you. He said you are a good guy, and were the only person that didnt whine to him about getting hit with nukes. So props to you!
  9. Congratulations to me! I did all the work to make this happen, no one else deserves any credit whatsoever! Gimme cake.
  10. Congratulations guys! Happy second birthday. I made you a cake. Come get it.
  11. No I don't mean to imply that both people are lying. Yes, Mhawk confirmed that he told Moo, but if you follow the crazy lines of communication (which is admittedly difficult to do), it seems that he only told Moo after Moo had told us. It seems like Moo claimed to have no previous knowledge about the rumor when he was told, so Mhawk thought he was telling him first. At least that is what appear to have happened. As I said, I hope that Mhawk's post on this all will make things clear. Obviously somebody involved in all of this is lying, and I am inclined to believe it was Moo (of course I am biased).
  12. ironchef told mhawk AFTER Moo had told ALL of GGA gov that we were going to be attacked by Athens. My understanding of the timeline of events is that Moo originated the information, and it quickly spread only to be returned back to him. So yes, Mhawk told Moo, but only after Moo had told the GGA government. I hope that Mhawks post will clarify the matter, along with ironchef's post she has already made.
  13. I just want to briefly address a few things in this thread- This is obviously not an easy time for the GGA. We have a ton of issues to deal with internally and externally. Hopefully, this change in government is a step forward in addressing and dealing with those issues. Those of you who are generous enough to give us a benefit of a doubt: You are awesome. The GGA is looking to make positive changes in the Alliance, and any external support is greatly appreciated. Even if you are not directly "supporting" us, simply giving us the chance to succeed or fail in our future is more than we can ask for. To those of you who are being highly skeptical and/or negative: I don't blame you. The GGA has done more than enough to justify it's rather unsavory reputation. You have every right to feel the way you do. All I can say is that I hope we prove you wrong, and I can only hope that you don't actively work against us in changing the GGA for the better. Regarding GGA Foreign Policy: As it stands, we have no plans to move away from any of our current allies. Obviously, this may change in the future, but those of you looking to see us make a sudden and drastic shift are going to be disappointed. What I can say, is that the GGA is always open to making new friends and allies. The fewer enemies, the better. As I said, don't expect anything sudden or drastic. But what I personally want to see is the GGA making more of an effort to simply get around Planet Bob, and talking to more people. Building stronger relationships with current and potential allies, as well as diminishing some of the blind hatred that stands between us and others. About scotchwithrocks and KungFuHamster: I know these guys. They are good people. We don't want to put the GGA or either of them on trial in the public eye by airing anyone's dirty laundry. Obviously they are not going to be happy (who would?), but the point of this announcement was not to trash them. Keep in mind that they have not been removed from the GGA, and are free to remain as Elders. We hope that they do so, but the decision is entirely up to them. Regarding degen's horrible spelling and grammar: I accept full blame for the "lamb baste" debacle. I told him not to lambaste SWR or KFH, and obviously something was lost in translation. I keep sending the man "Hooked On Phonics" but it keeps coming back " ". Sneaky Canadien... But I will do my best to keep him on his leash and hidden away in the GGA's basement so he does not assault your eyes with his posts. You know, that, or I could get him a working spellcheck My apologies for the long post. I know I didn't answer everything, but I do hope I clarified some things for people. Also, sup FF? (And imatt15)
  14. OMG! We posted an announcement, and it wasn't teh suck?! I...I don't believe it. Seriously though, this was a long time coming. I don't really like being at "war" with Alliances for so long that I have to go back and check the Wiki to find out why it started in the first place. I am quite happy to see an end to the EZI policy, as it was something that I never personally believed in. o/ everyone
  15. Oh come on now, that last one barely counts as gun porn. I'll take what I can get, but I am a gun porn connaisseur, dadgummit. Needs moar bewbs. Oh, and uh...hooray peace!
  16. I hope this move works out for both parties. Good luck to TORN and VE.
  17. Happy Birthday, Nueva Vida! I like the flags!
  18. Congrats to the Imperial Knights! I like the flag. Very sexy.
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