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John Michaels

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Everything posted by John Michaels

  1. I agree. The fact that these terms leave the NPO with money of their own are quite disappointing.
  2. Doubtless your hatred of owls will not go down well with Athens.
  3. I have a release from the Defense Department which I got most of my numbers from (except the 90% figure, which was apparently drawn from my imagine). If you want specifics you'll have to get in touch with someone who has more access. EDIT: I would love to continue this debate but unfortunately sleep calls.
  4. I concede that we didn't have 90% of all our nations fighting. But to claim that we sat back and did nothing is absurd.
  5. This doesn't even take into account that we had about 250 by the end of the FIRST NIGHT against the NPO. By the second night that number had escalated to about 300-350 offensive wars on the NPO, plus being engaged by the MCXA on the night of April 22nd. Did you miss the fact that we entered the war on April 21st, which is a full 16 days before May 7th? That's room for two whole rounds of all-out nuclear war. I don't think I need to remind you how much damage Karma could do to an NPO opponent during those two rounds, especially considering you've been whining about it since that 200 page monstrosity of a thread.
  6. Thank you for putting words in my mouth. It's actually a very simple concept, I'm amazed you screwed this one up. We have bled for each other, and we'd be gladly out there doing it with them if it weren't for the fact there's nobody to kill for most of our nations. It's not a matter of whether or not we want to bleed, it's the simple fact there's no one to shoot at.
  7. Yes, because it's not like Ragnarok has far more nations in the range of most active NPO nations compared to the rest of us or anything. Seriously, when this war started the VE had about 90% of its nations fighting wars. They've since dried up because people can't find a target in the upper NS ranges.
  8. I shall, in response, write an enormous wall of text calculating how much you are in fact a prick and resemble the picture below: I shall then post it in my signature and whenever someone tries to argue that you're a cool guy, I will say "Ahem" refer to my post, and tell everyone that nobody has responded to my post. When someone does, I will either waffle about and take quotes out of context or develop a conveniently severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome when that won't get me out of a debate I can't win. I think Cortath would appreciate it. EDIT: Then I will develop early-onset Alzheimers and respond in a similar fashion in another topic.
  9. In that case I'll offer my services. Chron I hate you.
  10. Where on earth am I hiding my hate and resentment for Bilrow? I just devoted a wall of text to voicing both.
  11. Indeed, you've always never been one to up and leave.
  12. Ah, hey folks, look who it is! Nice to see you come out of your shell and talk to us O great and wise Bilrow. Have you come to salute this wonderful occasion? Seriously though, get lost. You are a toady of the highest order, the king of cowards, the sultan of sycophants. You are an incompetent fool who has always ridden the coattails of your betters. You aren't fit to lead a platoon of toy soldiers and are utterly lacking in any redeeming qualities that would justify the responsibilities you were given. You're a blundering idiot, a mindless cretin who was always envied the success of others but could never duplicate it because you are, and always will be, an arrogant, talentless, low altitude flier who never had the balls to be a leader. And now you're bitter because your old alliance has abandoned you the same way you abandoned them, although in this case it's warranted because your current alliance are a pack of wolves and backstabbers. And now you are left sitting here making snide comments because Personally I'm glad to see that your vanity project is beginning to turn into a legitimate alliance, because it's high time they forgot about you and your over sized ego. Perhaps now that they have real leaders and not some puffed-up primadonna they might finally be heading in the right direction. This isn't the end of an era for GGA, and they still have a lot of work if they want to overcome the stigma of being the Imperial Green Village, but it can happen. At least, as long as they understand your word isn't worth a bucket of dog's vomit and that you ran that alliance into the ground and ran away when they needed a strong leader. You are filth of the lowest order, and I trust the judgement of my close allies in Ordo Verde a hell of a lot more than I trust a sniveling weasel like yourself. With all due respect (which is none), John Michaels
  13. This thread has me speechless. Congratulations, I guess?
  14. Indeed, because you have always been an efficient and expeditious man. Why make such claims when I can do them for you?
  15. Oh the irony. It's like bronzey and goldy, except it comes out of James Dahl's mouth.
  16. Hang on a second... Blue text... Messiah complex... Willingness to go to war over the minorest of issues... HOLY !@#$! Rebel Virginia's turned into walford!
  17. The irony of this post is simply too delicious for me to remain out of this thread for much longer.
  18. As someone who spent a few months in the NPO, I must admit I feel some degree of sympathy for the general members because there are some genuinely great people in the alliance (Still <3 you Litha!). They aren't all baby-eating automatons, although there is a certainly a large of sect of general members who more or less fall into that category. Which leads me to my next point: The government of the NPO and the people are two different groups entirely. Namely, the government were, by and large, contemptuous of their members and didn't trust them with the most minute of details. Everything was kept secret for one reason or another. They never explained anything unless someone leaked something on the OWF and they really had no choice. Even then, the barest bones possible would be given, and then some smug idiot (usually Z'ha'dum or one of his ilk) would show up and tell us all we should be good little foot soldiers and not question the unerring judgement of the Great And Benevolent Emperor Revenge. I think what I'm trying to say is that the Imperial Leadership of the alliance can suck a rusty hydrant for all I care and that whatever sympathy I may have for the common man of the NPO is ultimately trumped by my belief that as long as current leadership is in charge, the NPO will always be a threat to my alliance and my allies.
  19. Farewell from one old GATOan to another. May our paths cross in the future, Kevlar. I haven't really been one of you since October of '06 and I doubt I ever can be again, but it was a pleasure working with you when I did. You were one of the good ones.
  20. Of course, it's not like we'd like to know if we're getting dragged into an affair that has nothing to do with us or something.
  21. Though this topic is old, I feel that simply making a new one is a waste, so I'm dredging it back up. If a mod thinks this is grave-digging, feel free to close the topic, even if you are wrong. Welp, it seems that due to my own apathy, this project fell by the wayside. Hopefully, now that I have free time, I can get started on the Unjust War chapter. I've decided you're all lazy and unreliable so I'm going to do this solo from here on unless I really need help.
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