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Everything posted by ARCHEIN

  1. The heretofore undefeated forces of WD hereby declare war on the forces of ; CITADEL and THE ROMAN EMPIRE. it is an updeclare, clearly. WARWELL
  2. and this was from Daenerys Targaryen "Not good enough! We expected a major up declare and not a slight down declare. The fact that NLON and Aftermath aren't fighting back just makes it even look worst for you Defcon 1. I'm very disappointed and offended! " minutes earlier. Great expectataions?????? :smug:
  3. Nukes are disproportionallly damaging: they favor the otherwise less prepared.
  4. The Alliance known as The Exiled; and all members flying said AA; http://tournament.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=35 will be merging with War Doves. All nations of The Exiled are to be considered under the protection of WD: any attack on The Exiled will be considered an attack on WD. This state will exist for 72 hours. WAR WELL Criminal, ToFA, WD
  5. All else considered, Def1 gov could have defused any controversy by simply revealing who sent the info, an act which would have [and still would ]demonstrated your better nature than any attempts at post incident explanations............... Your honor is there for you to redeem in full: why do you hesitate?
  6. I have always given every individual the benefit of the doubt upon first diplomatic encounter: perhaps it is a flaw: perhaps not.. Either way, i am quite dissapointed in you, Cowboy : i expected better, and your publishing of messages exchanged, for no real purpose that i can fathom[ although we all can, lol], simply demonstrates a lack of ability on your part, to accept responsibility for a poor miltary showing by Defcon1 in our ongoing conflict. I certainly let you know that i was an advocate of ending the wars a day early, as you had proposed, and i conveyed this to Samwise. I always express to Sam my thoughts, be they in agreement or not.: particularly now while i have the honour of filling if while Kurd is otherwise occupied. Here, i was motivated by your alliance being a particularly uninteresting and tedious foe, so an early end would, i hoped lead to more entertaining future encounters: i was perfectly willing to let the blooding continue, however if WD so required it. If you had even a small percentage of the leadership ability and orginizational energy Samwise doth posses, you would not be foolish enough to denigrate Sams judgment. All of WD stands behind Samwises' decisions. If we find a spy, we will deal with it For now, we will continue to beat on you and yours, with great pleasure. WAR WELL
  7. War Doves are at war with DEFCON 1. War Doves: Total Nations - 42 Strength - 315,753 Avg. NS - 7,518 Infra - 67,748 Tech - 7,664 Nukes - 0 DEFCON 1: Total Nations - 48 Strength - 314,573 Avg. NS 6,554 Infra - 66,093 Tech - 8,990 Nukes - 4 Fast, fair and, we hope, fun for all. WAR WELL
  8. Another nation of mystery; as you claim no affiliation, your reason for finding Skaro blameless is unknown. anyway; Do not assume i care that names are used for rulers/nations, that create an atmosphere of social disquiet. The new users of infamous names are merely the current practitoiners, replacing the many who have come before, while mirroring those who will follow them : if you cannot see that the names themselves are the message, then we have very different viewpoints. I did find disturbing that Skaro gov would not simply come out and say they support the infamously named nations in their right to be found offensive to many, : rather they post a lame attempt to 'apologize' for having offended by the actions of others, [as Skaro did not predit the referenced posts they apologize for], yet, where they could take action to prevent giving offense,, they fail to do so. Hypocrisy rampant. .. However, i guess that you will wait for ' mods' to inform your thoughts before you have the courage to declare your true feelings..
  9. Your post epitomizes hypocrisy: the ruler names used by the nation/nations in question are inherently offensive, regardless of the content of any specific messages sent to anyone. The medium IS the message here. Your acceptance of members using said ruler names, as noted by a prior poster[ and said nations being accepted as members of Skaro], demonstrates a pathetic need to grow your membership, and your lack of actions to isolate, and willigness to accept ,are clearly deserving of contempt, regardless of your feckless attempt at an apology.
  10. Thanks for your good wishes. I am a bit curious as to how you knew Kurd had been designated an advisor in the area of naval warfare operations?
  11. The band of brothers/sisters known as War Doves enters Round 31 with great confidence While none know what the fortunes of war may bring to us all, our confidence is based on the knowledge that we shall fight to the best of our abilities, come what may. New to TE , or expert, all are welcome to seek admission to our alliance. http://wardoves.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=2 War Dove gov. for R31: *Triumvir of Internal Affairs - Belisarius *Triumvir of Foreign Affairs - Criminal *Triumvir of Military Affairs - Samwise and; Please join us in congratulating Samwise for achieving Highest NS in Round 30. WAR WELL Criminal of CorporaTe, WD ToFA
  12. Since you have not seen fit to take a moment to add your TE affiliation/nation in your bio, : i am curious : if your POV is that of one of the recently defeated warriors ? Would aid in determining what you are writing about above.
  13. A heavyweight boxer who plans to fight a lighter weight has cleary planned to win. Nothing wrong with that, if you do not value your planning, skill, time investment ,etc etc. Yet, what will the heavyweight actually have accomplished in winning? Merely the mundane and the expected, the results of a boring and tedious bout. They either have no confidence in their ability or are simply lazy, perhaps with egos in need of inflation, by initiating a substantial down declare when more balanced options exsisted. Of course, every once in a while, the unexpected occurs: the heavyweight gets knocked on his ass, as current stats clearly demonstrate. A clear conclussion to be found here; downdeclares are low reward/high risk proposistions. Better choices exist.
  14. You both fail as WD gov; ONE Warrior has actually managed to avoid Anarchy. Unacceptable. :smug:
  15. if you do not, you should be embarrassed. :smug:
  16. Any rewards derived from TE which have an effect on SE: a very bad idea. Such a system would provide an inordinate advantage for the small percentage of the SE nations who participate in TE.: ultimately resulting in a reduction of SE nations to the overall detriment of the game.
  17. at which point you go ahead and downdeclare on three targets at least be honest, as regards your actions and capabilitys; you rant against such actions as you undertake them., while you declare against the " overwarred" embrace your actions, admit to your tactics, and you would gain some respect : you state "It explains why I deride those I find dishonest or cowardly" do what you wish, but you should learn to overcome your self loathing.
  18. you so bring this to mind : :ehm: "Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks Had I from old and young ! Instead of the cross, the Albatross About my neck was hung." you remain at the center of every thread, and the bottom of every war. :smug:
  19. When one needs to explain " humor", one has not created it: simply another failure.
  20. I do not involve myself in politics here, leaving such matters to others. Many rounds, with many differnt alliances yet; I simply do not understand how a group such as Misfits can derive any satisfaction from attacking nations already anarchied and well nuked. Do Misfits find such acts to be a challenge, or merely a sop to their egocentric pettiness ? Congatulate yourselves on your fine accomplishments here, Misfits : be quite proud : you have actually managed to win something for once.
  21. Are you therefore suggesting that alliance leaders should seek :unsure: ' opportunities' ending in defeat?
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