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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. The surgeon delicately raised the brain out of the skull, and placed it in a small jar of electrafluid, a material that would both preserve and allow the brain to connect to its various electronic components. Agamemnon was then wired into a fearsome warrior-form. He slowly began to awaken, absorbing information and specifications at an acclerated rate.
  2. Outside BadWolf Corporate Headquarters, Icewolf Zone, Kolhar Mohandas Suk slunk along the wall of the building that intel indicates was where the Icewolves were mnaufacturing the vaccine. Twelve of the Skywolves followed him. The two Skywolves who had taken point took out the two guards with four precisely placed bullets from their H&Ks. The men slumped to the ground, leaving a bloody trail down the wall. The soldiers moved into the lobby, with its abandoned receptionist desk, bullet holes from the riots, and looted snack machines. Some of the soldiers moved to secure the stairwell. Unnoticed was the dim light behind the numbers above the elevator. 6...5...4...3...2...G. The doors slid open. Four heavily armed and armoured soldiers rolled out of the elevator, halving the commandoes strength before they had time to react. Mohandas had been shielded by one of the snack machines and so was able to survive. The soldiers who had been tasked with securing the stairwell had mostly survived as well. A few other men scattered about the room manged to get into cover as well.
  3. Xavier climbed aboard the small ship, the last but one of the fugitives. Cuart Powder was about to jump in after, but a burst of gunfire caught him in the back of the legs. Xavier moved to side o the ship, ready to jump to his friends aid. The cuarto shook his head, and turned raising his gun, " Go! I'll hold them off as long as I can." The ship moved away, leaving the brave soldier behind. Powder pulled a grenade from his combat belt. " If I am going to die, at least I will take you with me!" He screamed, rising up through a haze of pain, running towards the traitors. He was shot, and shot again, but still he ran. He ran into the clump of soldiers and raised the grenade abve his head. It exploded, killing the Cuarto and the men who tried to murder him.
  4. Agamemnon lay on the table,a surgeon standing over him. He was drugged to the gills... Any ordinary person would have been killed by the amount of drugs in his system.The surgeon began the first incision, cutting the flesh off the top of Agamemnons skull.Then came the highpitched whine of the saw, opening his skull,allowing acess to his brain
  5. Cuarto Powder and Xavier crept through the streets of the Kolhar Safe Zone, avoiding Skywolf patrols. They had gathered several loyal soldiers (mostly Skywolves and Helljumpers) while sneaking and fighting their way to a small dock where Xavier had stashed a small ship. after discovering that Ragnar may be a traitor (towards the end of the old thread).
  6. OOC:I just need to find out what happened to the troops I dropped directly into Hanoi. I cant find a response to my attacks in the Khmer Ultimatum thread.
  7. We Andonians have been labeled as terrorists and pirates in the past, and so will not support a group that will attack anybody who is labeled a terrorist.
  8. Xavier Harkonnen sat in his quarters, studying the latest reports from the soldiers manning the quarantine line. All of them agreed...something big was coming. Te sound of a struggle came from outside his quarters. Xavier stood, drawing his sidearm and his honourblade. The reinforced door blew, and a Mobile Assault Forces trooper (basically the same thing as SWAT) burst into the room, weapon raised. The man opened his mouth, and a hole burst in his chest. Cuarto Jaymes Powder stood behind the man, a rifle cradled in his arms. He threw a rifle to Xavier, saying " Sir, we have to get you out of here. Ragnar has shown his true colours."
  9. OOC: What happened with the rest of the war? I ask because I need to know what happened to my soldiers for the end of my scourge of gods rp
  10. Andonia pop. breakdown 50% Andonian 25% Burmese 25% Sri Lankan
  11. Cut off that bulge on the side of the bottom and Andonia will be fine with it.
  12. OOC:Who is in charge of the hospital ships that we built early in this thread?
  13. In regards to the flying aircraft carrier, I would like to suggest a different design that removes the landing pad. The dirigible would have two lights next to a pair of hatches and mechanical arms that fold into their own compartment on the top and bottom. The plane would align itself between the two lights and transmit a landing code and plane designation. The mechanical arms would unfold and clamp onto the plane. The pilot would then cycle down his engines (unless the plane is low on fuel, then the engines would be killed immediately) until the engines are dead. Then the hatch opens and the plane is placed in a small landing area. The pilot leaves the plane, and the plane is then 'shelved' in a compact cradle, allowing large numbers of planes to be stored in a relatively small space. The cradles also have the ability to refuel, reload and repair the planes.
  14. Company Name:TriA Origin of Company:Andonia What sector does the Company work in?:Conglomerate South Tower Floors (Max of 5 in either tower): 66-69 Company Name:AndGov Origin of Company:Andonia What sector does the Company work in?:Conglomerate North Tower Floors (Max of 5 in either tower): 66-69
  15. Operation Blue Lightning+1 The buildings were secured and fortified (sandbags, barbed wire, that kind of thing) by the Skywolves and Helljumpers, who settled in to wait for the Khmer counterattack. Operation Crimson Thunder+1 The soldiers pushed forward, blazing a bloody trail towards Hanoi. A quarter of the force had been lost to the bloody close quarters fighting, and another ten thousand men were scheduled to reinforce them within the week. OOC: I will not be able to complete these operations, because I am leaving for another two weeks.
  16. Operation Blue Lighting Two hundred Skywolves and eight hundred Helljumpers were briefed on Hanoi, their objectives and the territory surrounding. They were loaded aboard choppers at an airbase near the Khmer border. They were briefed on the city, their objectives and the territory surrounding. They took off and headed towards the Khmer capital. They took several casualties from Khmer airbases, but most of the helos reached their objectives. The soldiers were disgorged and set off towards key points in the city. The helocopters Operation Crimson Thunder Twenty thousand soldiers moved into the jungle, using their training to root out Khmer soldiers. The fighting was fierce and hand-to-hand, causing the Andonians to take heavy casualties. They pushed forward as hard as they could, to pull away as many soldiers as possible away from Hanoi.
  17. The remnants of the tattered Skywolf Brigade were pulled away from quarantine duties, and choppered into Khmer territory along with several hundred Skywolf trained Helljumper auxilliaries.
  18. Would an invasion not assist the resistance by distracting government forces?
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