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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. Ragnar collapsed to the ground, his ankle unable to support his weight. He desperately tried to stand before Xavier could take advantage of his weakness. He succeded, and pulled a small green lever on the wall, causing a hatch to open and a set of stairs to drop down. Ragnar ran up them, with Xavier close behind. They stood on the top of the mountain, their blood painting the mountain red. A storm was approching, and it began to rain. The two politician-soldiers stared at each other, not moving. Then, Xavier backflipped over Ragnar, tearing off his ever-present mask. Ragnar turned, and Xavier gasped in surpirse. " No it cannot be! You died!"
  2. Andonia votes aye to the Kingdom of Cochin proposal. The culture center bill should probably pass soon.
  3. Ragnar deflected the blow, and back-flipped away from Xavier. He ran through the bloodstained corridors, moving always upwards. He stopped in chmaber beneath the peak of the mountain. He turned and lunged at the Triumvir, piercing his left shoulder. Xavier gritted his teeth and switched hands, just in time to block Ragnar's second strike. He ducked under Ragnar's third slash and sliced the traitor's right ankle.
  4. Player: freakwars Nation Name: Tokshes Nation Technology: Steampunk/Sci-Fi, a dash of fantasy Nation Short Description: Feudal Military state, led by General Dhon Do, Predominately made up of the near-human race known as the Holekhor. Nation type: not new, but not old. Claims: I claim red
  5. Culture Centre Vote Yes:3 (Lu, Andonia,Cochin) No:0 Abstain:1 (PRC)
  6. This promises to be an extremely interesting government.
  7. Would anybody be willing to join a neutral bloc?
  8. Vaer Rannar As soldiers moved through the blasted remnants of the once-great city of Vaer Rannar. Ragnar Ruriksson heard sporadic bursts of gunfire ring out, as he moved through the familiar corridors towards the triumvirate council chamber. He stood before the door, ornately gilded with scenes of ancient seas and images of the three major Andonian gods. After a moments hesitation he reached forward and opened it. Xavier Harkonnen stood before the three seats behind which were the hawk banner of House Atreides, the kraken banner of House Ruriksson, and the blue lion banner of House Harkonnen. In his left hand he held an ornate hand-and-a-half sword covered in images of great battles and primeval storms. Ragnar raised his own blade, decorated with a screaming face for a pommel and images of warriors spilling their guts out on lonely battlefields. He lunged and slashed at Xaviers unprotected shoulder. Xavier flicked his sword up and easily deflected the Elder Statesmans attack and counterattacked by stabbing towards Ragnars black heart. The City of Introspection The Army of Andonia was caught between superior Icewolf forces, their situation seemed hopeless. Vorian Atreides stood atop a small ridge in the center of his army and yelled " Stand fast men. This will be our finest hour!" Encourged by the Primero, the soldiers fought even harder, holding them off from cover behind trees and rocks. But nothing could save them now, as tanks captured when the Andonian Army first began their retreat across Andonia to the CoI. They crashed into the Army cutting a massive swath of destruction, and destroying their capability to stop the Icewolves from wiping them out. Vorian Atreides and a thousand men managed to escape and go to ground in the undeveloped territory to the south. Nothing was left to stand in the way of Icewolf dominance.
  9. Andonia welcomes Islands of Ice to the world stage.
  10. Add the red to the Dragon Empire
  11. The purpose of the colony is to make the research base self-sufficient. The population of the colony will be restricted to ten thousand citizens, not including researchers.
  12. A small fleet of converted merchant ships converged on the location marked for the Andonian scientific research base. Another small fleet of ships carrying colonists for the new city of Vaer Vencuyot. The first wave of settlers would comprise of a thousand people. They would construct the first buildings and set up the nuclear reactor. It would be used to heat the underground farms that would sustain the colonists and scientific researchers. Many pounds of rich soil were brought with the colonists to grow the crops in. EDIT: moved claim
  13. 1.Dragon Empire 2.Nordland 3.The Hansa 4.Canada 5.Rebal Army 6. Holy Imperium of Man 7. Proctinictica 8.Louisiana 9.Xaristan 10.US of A
  14. OOC: yeah, I just wanted to finish this up.
  15. freakwars sat in the gun-metal gray chamber in the cymek flyer. The other refugees and the crew had already screamed theri way into oblivion in cymek torture chambers. A mechanical arm reached out of the wall and ensnared the God-Emperor. It pulled him through a hatch where he was strapped to a table, and attached to a variation of the cymek thought trodes. Suddenly a massive pulse of intense pain shot through freakwars. He screamed in his head, and bit down so hard his teeth went right through his tongue.After several minutes the God-Emperor heard one of the observing cymeks say, " This one has a much higher threshold than the others, they were dead long before this." freakwars sank deep into his mind , as he had many times when his captors had tortured him. He felt more and more of his body slide away into the dark. Suddenly light flooded in. He looked down at his body, and realised that he was the source of the light. He saw the delicate cymek torture bodies scrambling away from him in terror. He waved his hand obliterated them utterly, tearing them down to their constituant atoms.
  16. Sorry for the error, our maps have not yet been updated. Their function is to promote local culture and promote unification while maintaining diversity.
  17. This is how Andonia proposes we place the cultural centres. It is hard to see but we placed one in Tasmania, and one on that tiny piece of land off of Taiwan
  18. Vaer Rannar A trio of high-explosive rockets spiraled into the side of the fortress-city of Vaer Rannar. They detonated, blasting a hole into the city. Icewolf soldiers, lead by Ragnar Ruriksson, charged through the gap. More and more of the traitorous soldiers surged through, gaining ground. Xaviers soldiers foght hard, but they were no match for the battle-hardened soldiers. They fell back, to control the government buildings and the military command base. The City of Introspection The Andonian Army pressed forward against the Icewolves, the tanks inflicting heavy casualties. The Icewolves soon retreated in disarray. The Andonians followed after, dealing heavy casualties against the retreating enemy, only to discover it had been a trap. Hidden soldiers sprung up on their flanks and the retreating soldiers turned and fought.
  19. Andonia would like to suggest two things 1. We begin a DE space program 2.A system of cultural centers to promote local culture and promote unification while maintaining diversity.
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