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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. Andonia supports Akkikiktok. He seems to be the best choice.
  2. Andonia welcomes the Oda Shogunate to Asia OOC: You are in Asia, right?
  3. A ship sailed through stormy weather, filled to the brim with refugees. Many ships like it had been seen on the seas in recent days, from the twin disasters of the cymek depredations and the Icewolf invasion, but this ship was special. It held the God-Emperor of the Andonian People. Freakwars sat in his cabin in a daze. After the events of his escape from the Colombo Military Base Harbour, he had taken up drinking. His followers had forced him to carter a spot on a ship, so that he could escape. He had done it, but on the day he was to depart a large number of cymeks assaulted the base. His followers held them off, while freakwars and his personal gurad made their escape. He had personally killed one of the machines with human minds, and had had nightmares of the event from that day onwards. Above the ship, several massive shapes spiraled down, landing on the deck and peeling it back like you or I would peel an orange or banana. They reached in a pulled the screaming refugees out, storing them in chambers within their bodies.
  4. The City of Introspection The two armies faced each other, heavily entrenched. Smoke hung in the air. Nothing moved. Then, a shot rang out. Machine guns began to fire. Rockets blasted tanks attempted to penetrate the enemy lines. Unnoticed by the Icewolves, a strong force of tanks and infantry moved into flanking positions and pushed forward, while a large infantry assault on the enemy center prevented them from moving troops to reinforce the flank. Then, as the Icewolves were about to be crushed, several heliocopters arrived and began taking out tanks and soldiers. Enough of the helos were shot down to force them to withdraw, but not before the momentum of the offensive was broken. The troops settled back into the sieging postions. Vaer Rannar Xavier had arrived at the famed mountain-city a few days before the Icewolves had. The traitorous soldiers were barely being held off by the cobbled together defense forces, made up mostly of retired soldiers and policemen. Xavier was not sure how much longer they could hold out, but he knew they would take many enemies with them.
  5. He said that he wanted to eventually gain those territories by peaceful means. Not conquer them or anything like that. I would have suggested that a force of international troops be tasked to watch the HRE and ensure they kept to their word, not invade them because they might do something in the future.
  6. Andonian Humanitarian Aid organisations have begun sending aid to warzones. The Andonian military medical support forces will support Dragonisian troops in the field. OOC: Mael, is this just Dragonisia doing its own thing, or is the whole Empire going to war?
  7. I think the spirit of the guarantee was to make the nations surrounding less nervous.
  8. Andonia votes aye to the Eurasian Pact and Nay to the Name Change.
  9. Andonia would like to submit these uniforms. Also, have we standardised weapons yet? because if we havent yet we should.
  10. A phone ran in a secure bunker beneath Andonia. " TLALOC, this is BARBAROSSA. You must activate Subject HECATE." A man in a white coat typed in a code on a steel door. It slid open, revealing a dangerous, yet beutiful cymek walker. It rose gracefully on segmented legs, its long neck covered in pearlescent scales. The head was covered in glittering optic threads. A pair of jet-wings jutted off the back of the machine. The roof slid open, and the cymek took off for its confrontation with Agamemnon.
  11. The Lobby of BadWolf Corporation, Kolhar Mohandas stood and fired his machine gun, dropping two of the men who had caused so much damage to his squad. The men at the stairwell dropped the other two. Mohandas ran to the stairs and they moved up, closer to their objective.
  12. Agamemnon soared over the Andonian Army. Hundreds of cannons let loose with unimaginable firepower, turning the center of the army into a smoking crater. The surviving artillery returned fire, causing a tiny amount of damage. The rest of the army retreated in a disorganized mass, running in terror.
  13. Triumvirate Executor - Cochin Triumvirate Secretary - Melvin Republic Triumvirate Adviser - PRC Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - Andonia Commander of the Strategic Missile Reserves - Lu Empire Legislative Chairperson of Economic Development - PRC Legislative Chairperson of Domestic Security - Cochin Legislative Chairperson of Labor, Health, and Human Services - Andonia Legislative Chairperson of Culture - Andonia
  14. The East Coast of the Home Island The ships carrying the Icewolf army neared shore, ready to take heavy casualties against the coastal defenses scattered along the coast. But as they neared the defensive installation they heard gunfire. Massive defections were occuring at the defenses. Vorian was forced to withdraw all loyal troops form the area, or else they would be massacred. Unfortunately, the enemy had captured the communications hub at Vaer Phoae, cutting the loyalist troops off from the outside world (including the rest of the Empire). All disloyal troops in Loyalist territory were isolated and decimated. Vorians troops regrouped at the City of Introspection (a large monastic fortress) and dug in. Ragnar's general paused for a day to gather his scattered men. But it was only a cover. Unbeknownst to Vorian, a large portion of the Icewolf army was slipping around his amry, and heading straight for... Vaer Rannar.
  15. OOC:You shall see. Agamemnon flew to the north, where another island lay. A much larger land where he could swell the numbers of his army into the hundred thousands of versatile cymeks. It was a land undergoing a civil war, a land named Andonia...
  16. Agamemnon tore open the roof of the small hovel, pulling out the screaming farmer who called it home. A pair of precision cutter-arms extended from his chest, and set to work. A few minutes later the farmers brain was installed in a miniature version of Agamemnon's. His useless body was discarded.
  17. Agamemnon screamed, bursting the eardrums of the nearby doctors. He smashed his way out of the building. He didnt need these weaklings anymore. He had everything he needed, downloaded into his brain. He tore pieces off the building, constructing another body, a massive flying warship. He transferred the brain canister into the ship and took off laughing at the scientists who had created him.
  18. Vaer Rannar, Military High Command Vorian Atreides pored over a map of the Kolhar Safe Zone. He had been forced to pull troops out of the former Khmer Empire and off the western side of the Home Island in response to disturbing reports coming in from Kolhar. Sattelite images (google earth) revealed that a lot of heavy equipment was being loaded aboard various troopships ad cargo ships, as well as a partially completed hospital ship. There were also many soldiers being loaded aboard commercial airliners. The enemy was on the move.
  19. Andonia would like to suggest that a network of cultural centers be construted through the entire empire to promote local cultures and inform the various peoples about the cultures of the other regions of the empire.
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