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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. Permission is given. You will be routed to the hospital where our chief medical researcher, Dr. Mohandas Suk is working.
  2. We have not yet been able to perform a census. We have no idea what the population is at this time. I suggest you order around 800,000 masks. I am afraid we cannot risk sending a sample of the disease out of the country, the risk is too great.
  3. OOC: They are only zombie-like for the first stage. The second stage has not started yet. We require only basic supplies, such as food and other necessities, as well as masks to prevent the spread of the Scourge
  4. Due to the recent spread of an extremely infectious virus in the Remnant, we will be enforcing a quartine of the entire state. People will be allowed to enter, but they will not be allowed to leave. Here is the information we have on the disease so far
  5. The News The Interim Dictator of Andonian Burma, Grim Einarsson, has announced that Dr. Mohandas Suk has discovered that the recent chaos in the territory was caused by the early stages of a highly infectious disease. Because many citizens fled to the Home Island, The entire state is to be quarantined.
  6. Uberstein considered the estate part of his country, so it could be considered an invasion and act of war, which would mean that in the eyes of Uberstein's side, they declared war.
  7. Andonia suggests that we simply modify the system so that decrees need to be voted on by the members of the Triumvirate before they are created.
  8. OOC: This hasn't been announced yet, right now it is just Mohandas and his friend the virus specialist.
  9. OOC: I think more people should go with inventing their own culture, instead of taking real ones.
  10. At the hospital Mohandas's phone rang. He picked it up, recognising the number as that of the specialist he had called. The man was speaking so fast that Mohandas could not tell what he was saying. " Slow down" " The virus is new, like nothing I have ever seen before." " What do you mean?" "It goes into the liver and produces a massive molecule that has severe effects on the body. My best guess is that it would initially present with only irrationality and severe violent behavior" " Oh My Gods" " Does this have to do with the chaos in AB?" " If you are right, this could be the cause of the whole thing."
  11. The situation is under control.
  12. Two days later The News The violent crime rate had risen to the point where it was no longer safe to go outside. Gun sales had soared. The government had moved in two companies of soldiers and half the Skywolf Brigade in an attempt to stem the violence,but it was like to trying to fix a dam with a roll of Duct Tape. The panicking governmnet of Andonain Burma finally declared martial law. At the hospital Dr.Mohandas Suk was examining the blood of one of the cases of inexplicable violent behavior. This sample came from a lawyer who had charged a platoon of soldiers enforcing a roadblock.There was a strage chemical in the blood, a massive molecule that defied all his attempts to break down. Then he noticed a small thing moving the blood. He recognised it as a retrovirus. However, it was not one he was familiar with. He sent the sample to a researcher he knew who specialised in retroviruses.
  13. Three Days Later Norma Cenva was watching the news in her modest apartment that she shared with Dr. Mohandas Suk. The rate of violent grime had gone up significantly in the last couple of days, and Mohandas had been forced to work late, patching up stab victims and shooting victims. The police were baffled by the sudden increase. The majority of the people committng these crimes were formerly ordinary, law-abiding citizens. Norma turned the TV off and decided to go to bed. "Its all bad news anyway" she muttered to herself
  14. As the last of the five hospital ships were completed, a small boat sailed into Kolhar harbour. Instead of slowing down as it neared the docks, it began picking up speed. Alarmed bysanders beagn running, but it was too late. The ship plowed into the docks causing severe damage. But the real danger was not yet seen. A series of canisters opened on the impact and released a strange gas. A red light in the shape of a wolf head with crossed icicles began blinking, then, ten seconds later, the ship exploded, causing further damage.
  15. The sounds of the construction outside pervaded Norma Cenva's entire house. The new port of Kolhar would bring in Andonain settlers to the Remnants new lands in Burma. Much of the first loads coming in would not be settlers. They would be materials for the shipyards. The shipyard would build the hospital ships recently commisioned by the Dragon Empire. Then they would be re-taked to buold merchant ships, which would pay fdor the cost of the facility, and possibly eventually pay for the hospital ships supplies. Norma was the engineer in charge of making the ship the best possible for medical purposes. OOC: I will finish this when I get back from my cabin, in two days time.
  16. The way she is saying it, the threat of nuclear war made them back down. OOC: missed an s
  17. OOC: Response to earlier people talking about the V for Vendetta thing: I was referring to the visible portion of V, as in the mask. IC: A great man once said, you will get more with a kind word and a gun, than just a kind word.
  18. "We are working on setting up new farmsteads to feed our people in our new Burman lands. Xavier Harkonnen, one of the other leaders of my nation, is negiotiaiting some bills I proposed in the Imperial Congress of the Dragon Empire. You should visit my capital, Vaer Rannar, sometime."
  19. I say Aye for the amendment to my bill. OOC: What's with the random map Niko?
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