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Everything posted by Kzoppistan

  1. Already, we align. The stars shine down upon the fate shown by a single post, its meaning implicit within and reflected without as truth is mirrored in all things when revealed by the proper light. Another ideological belligerent has shown their face. The first, quick and venomous, thriving on conflict, the second, cautious, crouched, and powerful. The net draws us tight. The progression will quicken and the event horizon will pass, as the resonance of properly aligned harmonics is not merely additive, nor even multiplicative... but exponential.
  2. Thanks for the interview. Mogar is always a quality interviewee. Good stuff here, keep it up.
  3. I hereby claim sovereign dominance over the White Sphere. All activities that happen sphere-wise are subject to my approval first. Those that reside on this, the gloriest of spheres, will meet with the consul to arrange a color team appropriate stance. That is all. Kzoppistan, Zealot of Zenith, Champion Of The White Sphere, House of the Serpent
  4. Because it was just too damned awesome. Sorry, that kind of awesome is not allowed to compete amongst mere mortals.
  5. This pretty much. Also, a blog is perfect for all the random things that run through one's head but might not deserve a topic, or not really CN related. When you post on the forum you are essentially saying "Hey, this is important and relevant! Read this!" (note all the outrage at one man DOEs and when micros post) whereas a blog post is more of "Here's what's going on in my little world, come inside if you want."
  6. Once standing at a urinal in a seedy bar I spotted some graffiti on the wall in inspired scribe which read: "Meowth Forever!!!"
  7. Who's paying the bounty? I'm almost in range.
  8. Well... that was a good try. The sub-forum you are looking for is called "Alliance Announcements." ...Good luck.
  9. Always liked you guys, congrats on your b-day.
  10. Can't it be both? ;) I've found that one's interest in participating in a community, which is required for a game, is proportional to the community's interest in them. Anyway, don't want to spoil the moment. So I'll just say thanks again, to the contributors and to Admin for his involvement.
  11. Over the course of a few days, CobaltWolf made 6 entries. He reworked 2 of them not once, but twice, taking the suggestions provided and applying them. And while I agree that perhaps from a stylistic standpoint, the honorable mentions were better, CobaltWolf's effort should be recognized and, indeed, it so was borne out by the vote. In the end, it is those that want it the most, and work to get it, who eventually develop their skill beyond that of their peers. Also, I liked your submission and wanted to include it, but the vote had already started.
  12. Thank you for participating. Here are the results: Dominating the contest was... MisterSquared at 38 collective votes This was by far his most popular banner, collecting 21 by itself In Second: Avakael at 14 collective votes 6 votes on this one In Third: CobaltWolf at 9 collective votes So there you have it, congratulations guys! Thank you for contributing and I hope you enjoy the treats coming towards your nations soon! 1st. $30 Dollar donation by Admin 2nd. 300 tech from moi 3rd. 100 tech from me too I think it's fair to point out that third place was captured by CobaltWolf's number of submissions. (Hey, sometimes more is better). So Honorable Mention goes to: GeniusInc's single submission and Rayan Thomas's Thanks, guys, I'll go ahead and send you both a conciliatory prize just for those great submissions. WarriorSoul, Lyner, Reghar73, and DragonShy, thank you very much for your contributions. Keep up the great effort and I'll be looking forward to your future contest submissions! *Also, if you're interested in looking at the numbers:
  13. The Vote has ended. Results up soon.
  14. I'm sure Admin and players would appreciate any effort offered by talented graphic artists.The competition was simply a way to gather interest quickly and efficiently. And as it's turning out, there have been a number of great contributions. I wouldn't be surprised if more than one will be used. And I agree, Luckao seems quite talented.
  15. Thanks Gopher! Glad to see some votes rolling in. We'll give it until tomorrow night.
  16. 1st Favorite Banner category gets a full vote. Second place category votes count as a half a vote. Third place count as a third of a vote. The artist's work who generates the most collective votes will be first place winner. Artist with the second most, second place, ect.
  17. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W.
  18. Some good stuff in this thread. Keep it up, let's have a few more to choose from! We'll give it 'till tomorrow night and then vote. Good point. CobaltWolf, those look good, but you might want to rework them as the Paradox Interactive logo is very probably a registered trademark.
  19. Yup CobaltWolf, Rayan Thomas, good stuff there fellas
  20. ... Is three posts away of breaking 10,000. That puts him in the top 10 -15 forum users. All the others are those fruity role-players, I think. :P How about a countdown to 10,000, ha ha. Anyway... Get a life Congrats!!!
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