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Everything posted by Ardus

  1. Oh wow, you're still around? Ya learn something new every day.
  2. I voted one month, but if there were something in between that and one year, I'd have voted that. I'm thinking 3 months. I know this down to the second because... I set them up the bomb.
  3. Gotta say, I laughed hard with this.
  4. OOC: This is indeed technically an in-character forum for "serious" posting. Joke threads and parodies aren't exactly appropriate according to "da rules." It's okay, you made an honest mistake, I'm sure the mods will just give you a verbal warn. I'd lock.
  5. This whole thread is hilariously pathetic. What you've just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. That said, I concur with the earlier statements that Moo isn't so foolish as to air his personal opinions in a query with someone such as yourself. You faked these logs and we all look down on you appropriately.
  6. Yeah, how dare they give an ally a chance to reform themselves. The criminals.
  7. My little post got that many Vox replies? I'm flattered. You must really love me. I wasn't expecting anything. I mean, I have nothing to give you.
  8. Nobody profits from war except the reaper. B)
  9. Short and straight to the point. The best kind of ejections.
  10. I'd love to keep showing you where you're wrong, but I said I'd end this debate, so I'll end this debate.
  11. I'll admit, I don't know who would be attacking TGE, if anybody. I'm pretty much dealing in hypotheticals with Tom in our debate on who would win in a fight: Bigfoot or the Swamp Thing. In retrospect, we've gotten off topic and I'll end the debate. FOK found it prudent to make this announcement and I wish 'em luck.
  12. I disagree. The ability of chief powers to collect possible challengers under their own umbrella is what perpetuates hegemony. This ability is not simply because they are the most powerful, it is because they are talented and dedicated to the cause of diplomacy. When they lose the ability to collect other promising allies and viable challengers, their position is endangered. At times being number one is self-sustaining. At other times it is self-destructive. The First Great War is the most glaring example of this. You also mistake silence for apathy. Every group on the face of Bob has a tremendous interest in current affairs and most alliances have strong opinions on who is the more righteous of the groups, opinions that may not necessarily be accurately reflected by existing treaties (you said yourself they're worthless). We find ourselves in a situation where the excessive number of treaties invites the same sort of opinion-driven side taking chaos that very few to no treaties would invite. Also, your biggest mistake by far is belief in any sort of "attacker's advantage". In the history of global wars, only once has the attacking group prevailed (WotC). In all other instances the group perceived to be the attacker lost: in GWI the NPO was rebuffed after attacking LUE; in GWII the Initiative managed to portray LUE as the attackers and so prevailed in large part due to that fact; in GWIII the Initiative again benefited from being able to paint Vincent Xander's plotting as an offensive action; Genmay hit BotS and the Unjust Path was broken. There is no better casus belli than defense against foreign aggression, be it pronounced or covert.
  13. No, a simple non-cancellation causes this much chaos.
  14. And therein lies the rub. FOK is by no means "on their own". Beyond that, all you've done is assume whatever group attacking TGE and FOK would win. That is not an assumption to make. I'm not saying FOK would end up on the winning side of that conflict either. My point is that with Q as unstable as it seems to be and with the web as ridiculous as it currently is, nobody, not even the biggest of big wigs in the back rooms, can guarantee a victory for any possible group or coalition. If they could, war would have already occurred.
  15. It isn't really regrouping if all the replacements are new. You also assume that it's the "hegemony" doing the shedding and that the groups leaving are the "undesirable elements". The groups that have abandoned the Continuum weren't thrown out, they left of their own accord. Nor were the groups that left isolated or disparate--they're all equally well entrenched and have stuck together in their new dwellings outside the hyperbloc. You vastly overestimate the invulnerability of the "hegemony" and underestimate the momentum behind the coming challengers. If we are lucky/unlucky (depending on your POV) we're about to have the pleasure of watching what happens when an unstoppable force meets and immovable object.
  16. Doesn't really matter how heavy it is if the wheels wobble and cars keep detaching.
  17. I wouldn't say they're jumping in front of the train. It's more like they've got their own train on the same tracks going the opposite way.
  18. To stir the pot. If you don't do it occasionally the brew will get this nasty skin on the top.
  19. This is a pleasant change of pace. Good show FOK? I'm not sure what brought about this post, but now I'll have to find out.
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