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Everything posted by Ardus

  1. I was once your ally; I was once your foe. Both experiences were enjoyable in their own respects.
  2. I am a fierce advocate of to whom I have sworn loyalty. That is TOP first and TOP's allies soon after.
  3. Ardus

    attn world

    I fixed the TPF error, adjusted the TPF-INT connection to be more visually pleasing to me, removed R&R from XX and connected it to FARK & MHA. I'm displeased about how I have the treaties running right through the XX circle, but it was either that, long looping lines which are hard to follow, or another major overhaul. As it is a beautiful day here, I'm not willing to commit the time to the last option at present, but it's probably coming soon: rotating the South Pole so that Sentinel is on the very bottom would greatly shorten the north-south lines. Also, with R&R departed from XX, I can spread things out a little more down there and hopefully replace some of the awful curves with straight lines. Coming soon: GO and maybe CoJ, but at this point it's really more fun to tweak them through exclusion.
  4. Ardus

    attn world

    If I say no I'm insulting. If I say yes, I'm scaremongering.
  5. Ardus

    attn world

    I have an excel sheet for tabulating statistics. The purpose of a relationship web is to keep in mind who each alliance has most in mind, not how strong they are. It's doable on LOSS's far more technically impressive system. It's impractical for me to manually construct.
  6. Ardus

    attn world

    I just realized that if I moved the South Pole a little to the right I could make the whole thing look roughly like Texas.
  7. Ardus

    attn world

    Also, CoJ, if you want to get on the map you'll need to upgrade that treaty to an obligation.
  8. Ardus

    attn world

    The first version I posted on here was actually the third revision in a short span of days and, when I made it, I had to erase all the connections and overhaul everything. In that process, it appears I accidentally moved the NATO-TIO treaty to NATO-TPF. Congratulations on the treaty you never knew you had. :P I've edited the above to correct that mistake.
  9. some guy join TOP if that's not in the cards, join MK, where ex-NG go to frolic and play
  10. Ardus

    attn world

    *Looks at web and alliances between the two* Not in my world there ain't.
  11. Ardus

    attn world

    BUT ENOUGH TRASHTALK Swapped TORN and ML's places to make TORN's north/south treaties easier to put in. Also swapped Echelon and DB4D, adding DB4D's treaty with TORN and Echelon's treaty with R&R. R&R's treaty with NATO added.
  12. Ardus

    attn world

    Given R&R has a staggering [b]nine[/b] MDP or higher treaties listed on their wiki page (one of which, to FOK, is defunct), and is a member of two distinct blocs, it's really hard to say any one of them look particularly important. Frankly every time I see the page I think about doing my Schatt impression, previously witnessed in this thread. NPO is similarly bloated.
  13. Ardus

    attn world

    Most ODOAPs were not included. If you want a map of every possible link ever, go make one yourself. Further, [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Farkistan#Foreign_Affairs]Farkistan's CN Wiki page[/url] does not list any treaties between itself and TPF, nor is such a treaty indicated on [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Phoenix_Federation]TPF's page.[/url]
  14. I don't, we don't, and we're not dropping them. As I told TiTaN, TOP will not abandon one ally because of a perception of servitude to that ally to join anybody for the reality of servitude. Those who condition further relations on disconnecting from MK demand just that degradation, demand that TOP live up to the worst parts of its reputation, and demand that TOP isolate itself from the only people that stood with us when hell came down this last war. We may be vicious practitioners of realpolitik, but loyalty and patience are of great value to both hopeless romantics and calculating bastards. Besides, DH is just an MK/GOONS treaty now, champ. If people are running around hoping to keep a non-existent bloc down and out, they'll not achieve much.
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