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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. Fireguy, my one true love Well at least it doesn't have that guy wicked - the one nobody likes - in it
  2. Why exactly are the two mutually exclusive?
  3. Those covetous commies - clearly planning a surprise attack on poor old KoC, at the request of their TOP overlords. INT
  4. )): )): )): You stole my idea )): )): )): And congratulations to Bel Air and Rage Company. Hell, if you put both of your immorality together, you may well just give NSO a run for it's money.
  5. Vultures? I'm no fan of Z nor his SO, however it seems to me the NPO leadership brought this upon themselves.
  6. Well we certainly didn't want to upstage Z, however it is nice having a very trimmed down log accessible.
  7. I accidentally peed my panties due to the laugher while reading this Also, lolhellscream
  8. Get rid of teams, I agree - but only in TE.
  9. Welcome back EGrievous, good luck on TSCE.
  10. That's some very nice growth from Menotah! Good work Joey, and hail black
  11. Nimrod? I think you've had a bit much of CN, replying to every single post here insulting the author. I never said Sponge did it himself, just an alliance led by Sponge (which it was, right?).
  12. tLC going around threatening people because of their own raids? I'd expect nothing less from an alliance led by Sponge.
  13. It's because other spheres can't get their stuff together. Black used to be 3rd, and now look at us. I attribute our success to DV and NOIR.
  14. I'm rather happy a mutually agreeable solution was agreed upon. This was a nasty little problem.
  15. Keep dreaming, we all know that black is the only real sphere )): Aqua )):
  16. If it's brown, flush it down Welcome to black PC. And this is a bad day for pink, unfortunately. But a very good day for black
  17. Well someone had to ask the obvious question.
  18. Who are you and why should we care?
  19. There has been slightly heated discussion on that topic, why don't we just put down the proverbial pitchforks and walk away in opposite directions
  20. Aircastle does not spy on anyone Come on people, is this the best you can do? Assuming everything is a conspiracy to make you look bad? Give me a break, I miss the old days where alliances like TOP were not completely paranoid.
  21. Yes, because anyone who doesn't love frostbite and doesn't agree with you lot 100% of the time must be out to take a cheap shot at it Well that's really a matter of opinion isn't it? I don't particularly like raiding, and I think raiding nuclear armed nations is just stupid, and I have every right to comment here just as you or anyone else so... I think it's both funny and cute how several individuals like you and Corinan get so worked up at the slightest hint of disagreement or disapproval with anyone in FB.
  22. NOIR is the best thing since Oats and Squats!
  23. I think you are getting overly defensive here Tyga, I was just making a point.
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