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Augustus Autumn

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Everything posted by Augustus Autumn

  1. Because it amuses him to feign caring, obviously. The rest of us are just sitting back and watching this disaster unfold while we shake our heads, sigh, think over when we made attempts to turn some young pups onto a new path and then pack up our things and move along to more hopeful people. Also, chuckling a bit at a predictable outcome actually coming to pass is nice. Best of luck, ARN.
  2. Congratulations to all on their new postings. GRAN will go far with you leading the way. o/ GRAN
  3. This makes me nothing short of proud to see. o/ Athens o/ TSI Londo, Jgoods, everyone else at Athens, thank you.
  4. I was beginning to think the return of the NADC forums was another bedtime myth
  5. They do provide an excellent example of what not to do in Cyberverse politics, however. Rather than hate them, I appreciate them for setting an example rather than just talking about how to do it right. You do have to admire the dogged adherence to trying to win over public sentiment, however - most of us would have slunk back into our holes by now. (And yes, I do sense the sarcasm in your statement )
  6. Much much better than the sham post done up before. Sign me up for the regular deliveries.
  7. I second this wholeheartedly. Well done, Ghostlin, well done.
  8. Drew would be proud of this.
  9. Article VII made for an especially good read - keep up the excellent work, guys.
  10. Oh cool, I got a shout-out. Here's to another year of playing!
  11. Damaged Goods and Moody Blues were in existence at the same time. DG/Bismarck/whatever, when you return to this game again I hope that you can take the lessons over the past few months, reflect on them and learn from them. When someone comes to you with a carte-blanche offer to give you insights and advice, it's not a good idea to then go to a member of the same alliance and attempt to extort information from them. When the person who's offering to help you ignores this fact and puts it off to potential ignorance, it's really not a good idea to attempt to dredge up some non-issue secret (read: not secret) dirt on that person and toss it into the public light. Poor form all around. Maybe it's best that you follow your own suggestion and not speak to anyone on here that has known you before - they might not be so kindly inclined anymore.
  12. Still growing and looking for new people - now with new forums (Click!), more starter aid (3 million ) and a mind-bending good time!
  13. Some more TSI need to post in here I think. For Coheed -
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