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Ferdinand I

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Everything posted by Ferdinand I

  1. [quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1294620509' post='2570438'] Looks to me like they're brighter than you give them credit for. [/quote] You know what, i completely agree with you. [quote]As for NoR "poaching your allies" I have news for you. WERE the ones who went to NoR[/quote] So strange that NoR is like a magnet pulling people with strange ideological tendencies... Purely a coincidence i'm sure.
  2. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1294618860' post='2570409'] So they signed with TKoI just to cancel with them and implicate TGE in some sort of popcorn-fest? [/quote] No, not really. I didn't think NoR's intention had much to do with TGE at all. What i thought was that NoR simply took the opportunity to seize an alliance with political views similar to their own.
  3. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1294617162' post='2570378'] So you didn't let them know because you thought it would be alright to spite them for taking away your protectorate? [/quote] I thought that they were perfectly well aware of the situation. And i still do.
  4. Let me throw my 2 cents in this conversation aswell. I was one of the people responsible for this unfortunate treaty between TGE and TKoI. I had no information about the...political sentiments in TKoI. They seemed like a bunch of OK people, albeit not the brightest cookies in the jar. As soon as it was becoming more clear what kind of people TKoI were, I was going to propose that TGE would cancel its treaty because TGE's view on racism and other similar ideas is very clear- absolute zero tolerance! But surprise surprise before we got a chance to do that NoR decided to poach our allies. This is not a question whether TKoI has racist or whatnot members in it, fact is that TGE had a treaty with them and all the sudden they decided to sign equal treaty with NoR and drop the one with TGE. Considering the most unfortunate past of NoR i cannot possibly believe this to be a coincidence. And when someone ringed the alarm about TKoI then NoR suddenly noticed their mistake? All one has to do is to take a look of the names of nations NoR members have and one can see what the political sentiments of NoR are. I agree with Craig aswell, NoR might be "reformed" but NoR is still NoR and no amount of reforms will change that. Also i'm glad to see the anti-TGE hate club faithful activists Flinders and Shuru are drooling all over the place as always. Is there any TGE topic in the world that you 2 wont troll in? It has been years since your pathetic schemes failed in TGE, when are you going to get over it? Nordreich is accusing TGE of meddling with their affairs? I'm sorry but was TGE who made NoR's ally to drop treaty with them and sign one with TGE or was it other way around?! You can flame me for saying those things but if you remove your pink sunglasses and see things as they really are you'll know it's all true. Have a nice evening! Ferd
  5. You would be a great fit in Franz's alliance, im sure. Good Luck to you!
  6. How very.... "shocking" I sense many good things will come for NoR from this alliance... or not. Good Luck anyway!
  7. This truly is best alliance in the world! Come on people, join!
  8. [center][font="Times New Roman"][size="6"]The Treaty of Venice[/size][/font] [img]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q34/JurgenSchooner/DeutschlandundItalien.png[/img] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WAP1wvyI5g This song should be listened to while you read this. [font="Courier New"]PACT OF FRIENDSHIP AND ALLIANCE BETWEEN GERMANY AND ITALY[/font][/center] [font="Courier New"][b]Article I[/b]: The Contracting Parties will remain in permanent contact with each other, in order to come to an understanding of all common interests or the European situation as a whole. [b]Article II[/b]: In the event that the common interests of the Contracting Parties be jeopardized through international happenings of any kind, they will immediately enter into consultation regarding the necessary measures to preserve these interests. Should the security or other vital interests of one of the Contracting Parties be threatened from outside, the other Contracting Party will afford the threatened Party its full political and diplomatic support in order to remove this threat. [b]Article III[/b]: If it should happen, against the wishes and hopes of the Contracting Parties, that one of them becomes involved in military complications with another Power or other Powers, the other Contracting Party will immediately step to its side as an ally and will support it with all its military might on land, at sea, and in the air. [b]Article IV[/b]: In order to ensure, in any given case, the rapid implementation of the alliance obligations of Article III, the Governments of the two Contracting Parties will further intensify their cooperation in the military sphere and the sphere of war economy. Similarly the two Governments will keep each other regularly informed of other measures necessary for the practical implementation of this pact. The two Governments will create standing commissions, under the direction of the Foreign Ministers, for the purposes indicated in articles I and II. [b]Article V[/b]: The Contracting Parties already at this point bind themselves, in the event of a jointly waged war, to conclude any armistice or peace only in full agreement with each other. [b]Article VI[/b]: The two Contracting Parties are aware of the importance of their joint relations to the Powers which are friendly to them. They are determined to maintain these relations in future and to promote the adequate development of the common interests which bind them to these Powers. [b]Article VII[/b]: This pact comes into force immediately upon its signing. In the event that either government wishes to terminate this treaty, the government wishing to do so must give the other respective government a 48 hr notice. The treaty will then last till those 48 hrs lapse.[/font] [b]Signed by the Imperial German Government[/b], Franz Joseph I, [i]the Emperor of Germany, King of Austria, Croatia, Dalmatia, Slovenia; Archduke of Upper & Lower Silesia[/i] Ferdinand I, [i]Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Empire[/i] [b]Signed by the Royal Italian Government[/b], [i]Mussolini the Great, King of Italy[/i]
  9. [i]I congratulate you on behalf of the German Empire and its people![/i] Ferdinand I
  10. Replacing one failure with even more fail won't make things right. I'd wish you good luck, but even that wouldn't help you so why bother. The revolution devours its own children again it seems. Why can't you guys just give up till you have some dignity left? Stop molesting the good memory of Glorious The German Empire and the one and only ruler of TGE - His Imperial and Royal Highness Kaiser Frederick II. Signed, Ferd
  11. I think it is impossible to judge oneself objectively, but i tried my best and i believe Ghaotic Good describes me best.
  12. We are rockstarz! Join the parteh, peaches!
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