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A Soviet Attack

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Everything posted by A Soviet Attack

  1. I didn't get a single mention. I assume this isn't a serious thread, then.
  2. MK think they're funny, and while we all give them attention for the pointless stunts they pull, they'll continue to have that rather inflated opinion of themselves.
  3. Ursarkar, the guy is making you look like a fool and he's not even using good grammar to do it. I recommend dropping the issue.
  4. I have a strange and inexplicable desire to bulk up my military...
  5. Who in this thread is incapable of original thought? Who not
  6. Guys I'm just going to put this out there... Who's up for attacking Pegasus? Edit: Work on manufacturing a CB will start tonight, pm for invite
  7. I thought SLCB had a diplomat at MASH. I'll sort that out.
  8. I dislike both MASH and GGA to a lesser extent than I feel I should. Cool, guys!
  9. I like how the effect of the Opera filter has carried over.
  10. Schrodinger's Cat wasn't funny the first time. I really mean that.
  11. Is Francesca replacing James Dahl? I truly hope so.
  12. And so ends the reign of the worst (but longest lived, interesting) Emperor.
  13. I suggest you start paying CSB their due royalties, or change your name.
  14. Funny, I didn't see any admission in this thread that Moo lied (which he did). I didn't get a lot of sleep last night so my reading comprehension isn't at a great level right now; maybe I'm wrong. On the other hand, assuming that there was no admission, maybe you should learn to stop displaying blind and misplaced arrogance when you're clearly in the wrong, and everyone other than yourself can see it.
  15. Yeah, I'm an attention whore. Nice job buddy. If it was pointless, it wouldn't be 5 pages long. Amongst other things, this thread has proven that NPO are still incapable of admitting error.
  16. Just dropping in to say that spetton/spearo didn't do anything against Pacifica after re-rolling, so claim that re-rolls would only be targeted if they got up to their old tricks... Well it's not going to fly. Also, 5 pages, nice. Edit: And I guess Griskard got there first, ah well.
  17. It isn't a very difficult term to understand.
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