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astronaut jones

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Everything posted by astronaut jones

  1. [quote name='Comrade Craig' date='20 February 2010 - 01:57 AM' timestamp='1266631059' post='2192774'] We have no intent to pursue perma-ZI, as I previously expressed. Our only intent is that you are sufficiently punished. We don't hold grudges; we simply believe that a terrorist such as yourself cannot be allowed to commit his crimes with impunity. To that end, we reserve our sovereign right to exact punishment on our own terms. -Craig [/quote] In other words, you will permanently ZI me, as you have stated you will attack me if other people are found to be harbouring me. I wish you luck in your crusade, as my civilian form is quite stunning. Tremendous even. When my military service comes to an end in, oh, a couple of weeks, I will quietly slip back into civilian life here on planet bob. If you are going to come for me then, then you are seeking to have me permanently ZI'd, and that is something you cannot deny.
  2. If you guys feel it is within your rights to ask for reps, then you can, and should. 150 million isn't a lot, and while I don't think any alliances so far deserve reps, I'm not going to say anything negative about you guys receiving them, or the amount. For what it's worth, 150 million was less money than I had at the start of this war, and I was a TINY nation. It's not much more than I currently have now.
  3. [quote name='Comrade Craig' date='19 February 2010 - 07:18 PM' timestamp='1266607098' post='2192305'] You are a global terrorist and an enemy of the proletariat. While we do not believe in the concept of "permanent ZI," we will pursue you to the ends of Planet Bob. Should it be discovered that any nation is harboring you, we reserve the right to take any action, up to and including the military option. -Craig [/quote] So you are indeed going to ZI me permanently. Good to know! I will still accept your surrender with the terms provided to you. You know what they are, and you know they are indeed very good terms. Further delay in surrender means further destruction, and as I am not asking for any aid for myself or for people I know, and in fact have left it up to you to decide who gets the aid, you can not claim that my motives are not true, nor can you claim I am a global terrorist, mr. Nottingham.
  4. [quote name='Jerichoholic' date='19 February 2010 - 08:50 PM' timestamp='1266612647' post='2192397'] Considering they just screwed around with your nation a bit and didn't do things like attacking the nations it declared on, etc are you sure it was a CN player that compromised your account and not somebody from somewhere else? If you weren't using the same password for all of them, it's likely they got your email address first and then saw what you were registered to (forums, cn, etc) and went from there. If they got a bunch of different accounts that are on separate emails which don't have common passwords, it's likely you're infected with a keylogger and they got all your stuff that way. It could still be a CN player, or it could just as easily be someone you know on facebook, someone you talk to in irc or other chat programs, another forum you visit or you just downloaded and ran the wrong executable somewhere. Good luck. [/quote] I was thinking this when I first read this thread. It could have very well been someone who compromised his main e-mail address and then, well, went from there. Either way, it sucks, but ... people tend to be jerks sometimes.
  5. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='19 February 2010 - 08:28 PM' timestamp='1266611291' post='2192370'] So when all these high NS nations get knocked down to your range I assume we will see pleanty declarations on these folks with full military wonders? Or maybe not. [/quote] You're not very good at paying attention.
  6. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='19 February 2010 - 08:16 PM' timestamp='1266610594' post='2192360'] Yea okay, somehow I think that if they had nukes at that NS, you wouldn't be fighting them got your number greenacres. [/quote] Right, you got me. I've never been nuked before, and there's no logical reason outside of fear that I would lower my NS to this level. Right.
  7. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='19 February 2010 - 08:09 PM' timestamp='1266610180' post='2192353'] If you want to paint nuking small non nuculear nations as fun then paint it as that. I don't interact with government leaders from any alliance outwith my own, so mute point. We all know the reason you post garbage ME ME ME ME attention seeking XXXXX. [/quote] My reason for this war is because I was challenged. My reason for the SWF war was due to me finding it rather hypocritical of socialist/communist alliances here on planet bob that do not abide by their ideologies. They try to hold true to them internally, but even then they fail, as any nation large enough in a true socialist/communist alliance would sacrifice their nation's wealth for the good of everyone. They would, in essence, ensure that every member of the alliance is equal not only in wealth, but also in SIZE. So yeah, okay there, you got me. A fun war is just me wanting attention. Whatever. You do not need hatred or grudges or paranoia in order to declare war, all you need is a reason. That is my reason, if you don't like it, ....
  8. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='19 February 2010 - 07:38 PM' timestamp='1266608322' post='2192323'] Theres only so much BAWWWWing and complete failure a person can cope with, please do not. [/quote] Yes, because declaring war for fun, for reasons that are fun, is bawwwwing. What do you do outside of get on your knees for the flavour of the month leaders and start championing their causes? There is more to this planet than you seem to think. Wars do not need be based on hatred and old grudges and paranoia, but rather they can be fun, they can be based upon ideological differences, or any reason you can imagine. Yes, this is bawwwwing, you're absolutely right.
  9. [quote name='scutterbug' date='19 February 2010 - 02:05 PM' timestamp='1266588359' post='2191971'] TOP attacking C&G is relevant to that spin how? yeah figured as much, fail spin is once again fail. [/quote] No, he's correct in a sense, but so are you. What he said holds true up until the attack on CnG, but there was no logical reason to attack CnG outside of "seemed like a good idea at the time"
  10. My only question was did the goons really warrant being given reparations for this fight? My guess is no, but then again, most people don't deserve any reparations at all in this war. [edit:] no, this isn't a shot at goons, I didn't say the reps were harsh or anything like that, I merely asked whether the reps were warranted, that's all.
  11. [quote name='Comrade Mao' date='19 February 2010 - 06:36 AM' timestamp='1266561413' post='2191716'] Nice trolling. Enjoy your ZI. [/quote] Permanent ZI? Because I can take myself to ZI if I wanted to, it would certainly save me money in potential losses. So, are you talking permanent ZI?
  12. [quote name='Werner von Hermann' date='17 February 2010 - 12:00 AM' timestamp='1266364837' post='2186483'] Wow, I thought you were a victim of war and got knocked down in glory, but the truth is that you are a frightful coward. [/quote] Yes, cowards often declare wars against entire alliances, leaving themselves severely outnumbered. You sure got me there.
  13. [quote name='generals3' date='19 February 2010 - 12:00 AM' timestamp='1266537614' post='2190586'] Let me ask you this question. Don't you think it's ironical to fight for the Proletariat by nuking the same proletariat you want to help ? I'm sorry but i have no respect whatsoever for people who attack the small citizens because they dislike a system. It's pure and simple terrorism , aim your efforts at the real causes and you might get some respect . But as long as your actions are contradictory to your ideals you are no better than the ones you despise so much. [/quote] There are more workers of the world around Planet Bob than just those in these faux socialist/communist alliances. Many of those who I attack joined under false pretense, as they believed they were joining an alliance that would hold true to the ideals of all socialists/communists before them, and not merely an alliance built to keep the rich and strong, rich and strong. I do not care for your respect. I did not ask for your respect. If you do not believe in my cause, then so be it, you are a free man and you may do as you wish.
  14. Quite honestly, that would be perfect. Two alliances who are ideologically different going to war, and with the right propaganda and even a little bit of effort put into the speeches given on the OWF, it would be fantastically entertaining for everyone.
  15. [quote name='generals3' date='18 February 2010 - 11:07 PM' timestamp='1266534440' post='2190464'] Bah never mind what i said , informed myself a bit better. This said it is pure opportunism you're doing there. Attacking the weak while they're at war. Grow ur nation and strike the big ones . Have fun rolling him LSF . [/quote] I have employed a scorched earth tactic, and willingly lowered my NS to what it is now. I leave nothing of value for my enemies to use against me. And you know nothing if you believe tihs is opportunism. It is advised you do not speak any further.
  16. I believe that more frequent wars, for reasons that may be as simple as alliances wishing to have fun, whether they have ideological difference, geekdom differences, political differences, or in the case of the RIA, randomly insane reasons like "I heard you stole my cookies from my cookie jar... you JERK" would bring a roleplay element back to the forums and to the game that has been missing for some time. We put effort into, or atleast we say we put effort into creating characters that we play, and alliances that we create, and then we stop at that. We put no effort beyond hatred or some misguided grudge into our reasons for war and our interactions on the forums. Fark vs. All of the conservative alliances for a week would be funny simply for the war declarations. And I was thinking that FOK vs. FCO or TGE or really any alliance named after or based in any one country would work. We just have to make it so that war reasons are acceptable for more than just manufactured CBs that 90% of people on one side think is stupid, and probably 50% on the declaring side think is stupid too, they just don't want to say that out loud.
  17. [quote name='Space Monkey' date='18 February 2010 - 10:15 PM' timestamp='1266531357' post='2190347'] I would like to thank you for being a war training partner for our newer nations. In my opinion, the sooner they experience nuclear war the better. [/quote] If you attain peace with the others fighting you, Supreme Clientele will also offer you peace on their terms. There is no need to further hold your lower ranks down while the imperialist scum of the upper LSF ranks grows fat off their "war chests" and constant purchases of technology in an effort to "rebuild." While it may not seem it, I am actually on the side of the nations I am fighting, for they are the workers of the world, they are the foundation of which you have built your bourgeois utopia. It pains me to fight them, but in fighting them, I hope to enact a small measure of change, and hopefully make you see the error of your ways, and where you have strayed from your socialist ideals. Peace with your other enemies means peace with Supreme Clientele. signed, Astronaut Jones - One man gang, akeem the african dream, the big boss man.
  18. [quote name='nippy' date='18 February 2010 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1266527875' post='2190201'] I hope the surgery goes well. [/quote] I'll let you be the judge of that, sir. In the meantime, I will prepare my nukes for launching.
  19. Indeed it is slanted towards war, but war for the sake of war isn't what I was going for. Taking me for example, I could have very easily simply went rogue, but instead I chose to establish a micro alliance (and I really would accept other members into it) and attacked socialist/communist alliances for ideological reasons, namely them not living up to their ideologies. There is an element of actual role play that is missing, severely, from this game. There are natural roleplay scenarios that would/could lead to war RIGHT NOW, if people were interested. The Sparta vs. Athens war, The NSO vs. TJO war, Sparta vs. Troy, you could even have a Ragnarok vs. Valhalla war, if you wanted to. You could have the grand lodge of free masons vs. the templar knights in a secret society war. It would make things more interesting, and fun for more people, if wars were fought for reasons other than, in the end, grudges and hatred. This may be a war game, but it is a ROLE PLAYING war game.
  20. Which is why it may be perfect to have wars for reasons other than simple grudges taken too far. Grudges held in preparation for a war that is often months away is, in my opinion only, one of the reasons why there is so much actual hate around planet bob that goes further than anything in game. War for the sake of war isn't really what I was suggesting though, but rather different reasons for war, and also a collaboration on the war by the warring parties. If you are a fascist alliance, and your ideological enemy is found in any number of the communist alliances, why not get together with one of them to war? Or if your alliance is Republican in nature, and you would like to war against an alliance that is Liberal in nature, then why not do the very same? War doesn't need to be about coalition building, or grudges. Grudges turn into hate all too quickly in this game, which is why we often see atrocious behaviour from people. We need to validate other reasons for war, to help keep things fun for people. And, personally, I would love to see a star wars vs. star trek war, or anything similar, for no other reason than fun and to decide whether spock could take darth vader.
  21. Not really. I want to know what your motivation is. What is your motivation to do what you do, if there is any motivation beyond pure and simple entertainment? What motivates you to continue doing what you're doing? Do we even have any motivation beyond pure and simple fun? Fun comes in a variety of different flavours, but so long as we're not malicious with our behaviour and with our motives, then is there really anything to get bent out of shape about during war, peace, rogue attacks, or vast amounts of boredom? If we're all so bored all the time, why don't we declare wars more often? Why don't we have ideological wars, where we declare upon someone, for fun mind you, not because we want to see them utterly destroyed, not because it will be an easy victory for us, but because they happen to be ideologically opposite to you? I know nordreich used to do this, but their motivation was destruction, or so it seemed at the time. Why can't we have a war of words, as silly as it may be, between an alliance based upon the star trek universe and one based upon the star wars universe? Why are all the wars we fight, in between months and months of "boredom" and simply collecting taxes and paying bills and doing the odd tech deal, wars that need to have some arbitrarily valid CB? If we want war, why must we wait for a reason that most people will think is !@#$%^&* anyway and not worth going to war over? Why doesn't Sparta declare on Athens in the name of history? Could be for only a week or two, where the victor would be anyone who did their alliance proud. It's just an idea. If we're all so bored most of the time, why do we have to wait so long to declare war where if two alliances wanted, they could discuss terms of the war before hand and declare on each other at a certain date, say a week from the day they agree, to give both sides time to make propaganda and compose OWF speeches? Give it a thought. We don't need coalitions to create our own fun twice a year.
  22. [quote name='nippy' date='18 February 2010 - 07:54 PM' timestamp='1266522861' post='2190061'] Oh god, GOONS fighting alongside astronaut jones. This is a disturbing turn of events. [/quote] If you think THIS is disturbing, wait a month.
  23. [center][img]http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd318/greenacrescn/j8nuycjpg.png[/img] [size="5"]Declaration of War.[/size][/center] [quote name='The Mongol-Swedes' date='15 February 2010 - 04:37 AM' timestamp='1266208674' post='2182190'] [center][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o63/MarcTrain/lsfblackguardsmm3.png[/IMG] Try taking on a socialist alliance with guns, comrades, and an unspoken policy of no surrender. No? I didn't think so. You're a pathetic vulture that's just looking for trouble, jones.[/center] [/quote] I accept your challenge. Supreme Clientele is hereby in a state of war with the Libertarian Socialist Federation. I hope your lower ranks like nukes. Peace terms are exactly the same as given to the SWF, 15 million in aid given to nations around planet bob that are the true proletariat workers, and in need of aid. Signed, Astronaut Jones - Apollo Kid, 9 milli bro, Pretty Toney, Wu Banga.
  24. [quote name='Haflinger' date='18 February 2010 - 03:27 PM' timestamp='1266506824' post='2189672'] Arrogance does not suit you. [/quote] I have tried explaining to him that ODN of old, while the butt of many jokes, was at least respectful. This new ODN, still the butt of many jokes, is merely trying to fit in with their new buddies. It's like high school all over again. Space high school was so dope.
  25. [quote name='Methrage' date='18 February 2010 - 03:19 PM' timestamp='1266506356' post='2189667'] Whats you makes you say that, this war is bigger than most could of hoped for with no end in site. Best war ever in my opinion. Seems it can end with white peace once CnG realizes they've lost, as both sides refuse to leave the war with allies on the battlefield. So for now we get to see the resolve of alliances on both sides as the war continues. [/quote] NPO maxed out at about 22m NS. They got knocked down to about 5m NS. TOP maxed out at around 16m NS. The current strength leader has about 11.5m, which is just above UjW levels. This past year has been the most destructive ever, if nothing else, and has leveled the playing field, albeit for alliances that are complete and utter !@#$.
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