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Everything posted by Hymenbreach

  1. I think the NSO attitude to members in ZI will only cause them problems if the punishing organizations deem protection from independent instruments of punishment* (or more prosaically, tech raiders) was part of their original ZI punishment plan. *for three million you can keep the 'Independent Instruments of Punishment' as a alliance name.
  2. Seems like people are storing that as a future cassus belli? Still either that or Ivan has made CN's first Washing Machine Alliance. You go in with ZI all over your clothes and come out later sparkly white.
  3. Wait, we're going backward.... Is that even possible?
  4. If this succeeds, there will be war. If this fails, there will be hilarity and probably war. Winwin.
  5. Congrats my beautiful friends! /endgreektycoon Ave the pair of you!
  6. Is that history I smell, or a partial anagram thereof? We shall see.
  7. Whoah. And there was me being all nice and concilliatory. Legion didn't beg for survival. It chose to survive. My fellow Triumvirs were not going to allow The Legion to die because of the actions of its unwise (and constantly politically outmanoevred) leadership, nor were we prepared to watch the destruction of smaller Legionnaires for the crimes of their 'betters'. Because we understood that an alliance is responsible for its leaders, we surrendered because those leaders were wrong. How is that dishonourable? If the NPO/Valhalla had offered untenable (or no) terms The Legion would be like FAN or \m/ is now, a ghost of a memory of an idea, no doubt some of us spitting words for bullets. We also put aside old hatreds. They held us and, to a lesser extent, our former enemies back. tl/dr. No regrets. To mangle a Catch 22 quote: You think it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees. We thought it better to live on our feet than die on our knees.
  8. Enjoy your irradiated spam and extra fingers!
  9. Oh, look the Original Topic. You can't blame a person for bringing in ant killers to kill ants. Easier than trying to stomp each one seperately... Oh and like Robert Louis Stevenson's creation, I continue to watch this thread continues to turn into the Hyde of a Vox thread.
  10. I will refrain from criticizing \m/ as a whole because I understand the value of standing by you believe, even after that belief system has passed into history. Even if that belief is 180 degrees from what I believe. I also believe that judging an entire alliance based on the actions of a few individuals is disingenious at best (unless it is the leadership). I have argued against it when it was/is done to The Legion and I will refrain so from doing it to other alliances, living or dead. All alliances have heroes and asshats. We can only hope the heroes shine with big mouths. I reserve my right to argue the toss with individuals about their actions, however.
  11. Children and small childish alliances need to be disciplined from time to time. Some of these new members are having a baptism of fire and that will kill them or make them stronger. Nice dose of wisdom by the NPO in giving the newbs a chance to out. I've always liked the NPO's attitude of make friends with those who oppose you and if you can't make friends, kill them real dead, real quick.
  12. Oh, I get to be Prince of Cats, oh hang on.. he died too. Ave NV! Ave us! Don't worry about the trolls, I saw no one of consequence amongst them.
  13. Holy Cow, The Legion has infected this thread with its Immortality Gene. It will not die!
  14. It's nice to be disappointed by a .07 increase.
  15. Happy birthday! Thanks (if that's the right word ) for making the last few years interesting! Seems once we got rid of the rot at the top, we decided we were both ok. Enjoy your cake!
  16. Apart from the amusing defence of one partcular nightmare as doing good for the alliance, I have no issues with this.
  17. *scibbles diplomacy and alliance formation notes whilst listening to this man. This guy has hidden wisdom
  18. Lemon sucking still providing amusement. I'm looking forward to this. B)
  19. The will to survive transcends any obstacle. I know of what I speak. Good luck and I hope stability comes sooner than you thought.
  20. The Legion, thankyouverymuch. Good to see this though.
  21. We didn't disappear, we phased out of reality. We can do that now. Well done, Legion scientitsts! Glad we dipped a littly. Growth was scareee. Now, take a breath and grow again.
  22. We now have more active members than we actual members 3 weeks ago... Leadership putting steroids in our porridge... I approve.
  23. Petrovich, thanks for you steady words. Legionnaires, tone it down.
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