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The Pansy

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Everything posted by The Pansy

  1. I was aware, and FCC too, but I was talking this war, I am pretty sure no serious alliance will take him in, but this isn't a place for this discussion, so I bid my leave from this thread
  2. Oh lord this is from someone who ran out on NPO and IRON already this war. Please just stop old friend, you spent your credibility this war.
  3. And rising fast, special <3 to Alden Peterson for being the one I broke 3m with
  4. Dearest Purple, Remember where we are going with purple, we have done well on unifying our colour sphere, but this is always a work in progress. While we are bitterly disappointed to see our purple brothers on the other side, let us remember our goals there, and not let this get in the way of the bigger picture. So please, I implore you to step back and remember our goals, and continue to push for them. Regards Pansy PS. I look forward to time after this is over where I can continue relations with M*A*S*H
  5. You better not kill my ear drums again Bros. I'll be about again, if you want.
  6. *Pansy facepalms You know there is a Ducth thang going on in Fok
  7. what a surprise. Please return to you radio silence, I liked you much better then.
  8. Ex LSF, Current Dirty Viking Also Hai
  9. Trust me DK, our feelings for you are very mutual
  10. TPF its been a fun ride with you guys for as long as we have, but to do this after the entire Valhalla gov has gone to sleep is something that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, Hawk your an opportunist, and its glaring differences like this that make me glad I no longer have to consider you a brother. Farewell TPF, and I wish you luck in your future, with mhawk heading you up, your gonna need it. Regards Retired and Disgruntled
  11. What ever possessed me to get you that protectorate?
  12. Something with Vikings and Beer
  13. Evidence solid or not, Tool seemed happy with it, and the NSO have no need to hand it out like Candy. Move along people. all I see is another OMG you attacked me bawww thread. Hai Youwish
  14. No Wai... you get to take me on mhawk Your back door actions of the past need to be punished.
  15. BLOC's Poseidon MDoAP PEACE Economic bloc Duckroll Military Organization The Continuum MDoAP MDAP's New Pacific Order GGA TORN MDoAP's OMFG BAPS Tempest Olympus New Polar Order LoSS Sparta Molon Labe Monos Arcein (Maroon, sorry don't know the colour code) The Templar Knights (Maroon, sorry don't know the colour code) TOP IRON MCXA Ragnarok NATO TPF (white) MDP's The Legion ODP's Echelon Protectorate's OFLC LoW Pegasus through Poseidon PIAT's Old Guard Invicta NAP's United Purple Nations Other's The Order of the Black Rose Do I get a cookies for colours? edit to correct spacing
  16. Good luck to our new purple friends. If you need anything don't hesitate to come and bother me
  17. :lol: you might be able to tell from my name I like to play head games :lol: So dealing with this one was fun, I'll give it its due, it tried.
  18. Good to see this happen, now to get all Purple alliances signed up to one of the 3 brands of purple love. Thanks to all who chased this over time
  19. *The Pansy walks away quickly in the hope no one smells his beer breath
  20. Which was stolen from the basis of the "Grumpy Ol Pansy" doctrine
  21. I am very very sad to see this happen, very sad. It was a pleasure in my time in NATO to have built the foundations for what this once was.
  22. ^^^^^ His reply to LSF demasking him So top 24, be warned
  23. The person tried it in #cnvalhalla, we turned it around so it left in disgust... good times
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