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Everything posted by Death666Angel

  1. NS > Score, but why not, let's race .
  2. Nowadays you can find out for yourself pretty easily by buyin .01 infra and then selling .01 infra again at any supposed jump .
  3. We have too many big nations going back to their old alliances at Echelon, lol. If this continues we will lose to GPA O_o.
  4. Hell yeah, that's how we roll, bebe!
  5. Echelon is looking at a big drop tonight, because a 100k+ NS nation has gone back to its old home in WTF.
  6. Echelon, your friendly neighbourhood yoyo-alliance .
  7. Fate doesn't like us so crossing 200 members will not happen .
  8. Sorry to blast your bubble but Echelon never looked at TOOL for comparison, we have a much different approach in our alliances, so any comparison of numbers is moot . We always compared ourselves to MK, which we are sorry to be warring in a coalition rather than 1v1 .
  9. Echelon: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=32732 Thanks for listening !
  10. 5.6 happiness? 3,000 * 0.2% = 600% = 6 [happiness]
  11. From a purely gameplay perspective, the Stock Market is the best first wonder for the reason that it is cheaper than the SSS. The amount you make less from the SM is countered by the need to save up longer to get the SSS. And I would start to save up once I have all the IAs and Churches.
  12. If I wanted nukes badly but could not reach the 5% conventionally, I would get the MP as a 4th or 5th wonder. I don't think anyone within the 5% should get it until they have all the other military wonders (SDI, CIA, FAFB, AADN, Pentagon, WRC, Hidden Silo) and even then they should really weigh the pros and cons of just having an extra 100 million on top of their normal warchest, every nation upwards of 8k infra without at least 300 million is making a big mistake. I will be getting my MP in about 4 months from now unless Admin adds more useful military wonders. If my alliance is ever in fear of getting pounded, I will make sure to fight till my last dollar has been spent on a nuke and sent off to an enemy nation . I don't think nukes are a serious option of warfare in the lower, sub 6k infra, ranks. Sure, it will piss off those nations but no war is decided there and they can be easily built back with some aid.
  13. Hello! A fellow member of my alliance made me aware of this false information in the "about_topics" section of CN, it says in the technology-part: Which is outdated since 1 level of tech now gives 5 NS and not 20 as it used to be. Now the maximum (only NS comes from technology) is 40%: (1 [level of tech] * 2) / (1 [level of tech] * 5 [NS per level of tech]) = 2/5 = 0.4 = 40%. -DA
  14. Hello! I bought 6 navy vessels today already and I have 3 construction yards. When I try to enter an invalid number like 3 (because I can't purchase more than 8 per day), it gives me this error message: Not sure if that constitutes a bug or not, but at least it isn't right . -DA
  15. Personally, I would put interstate as the 4th or 5th wonder and go for Great Temple as the 3rd. You are at 5.2k infra, at that point the ISS won't do too much good imo.
  16. MP has to be used with skill, not just buy it like the rest of the wonders. But actually think about when you are going to buy it. It will be a very powerful weapon once you are at the right point to buy it. But there are better ones to get before and if you don't know wth I'm talking about, the right time is far away for you.
  17. Anyone with 'nuff money to buy the MP would be stupid not to have enough left when he needs it to rebuy 1k infra/75tech .
  18. Huh? You are doing something wrong if you don't have a wonder after you have all important economic improvements (everything except barracks, guerilla camps, MDs and sats). And Echelon's nations have over 4.5k infra (normally the point where you max out on the last Churches) and are well under 25k NS.
  19. I needed to get 120 infra which was about 36 mill at the time. But it really depends on your trades and wonders at that stage. If you got high upkeep or low income, you can easily end up with more.
  20. Just saying, you got that wrong. You buy lots of infra _before_ collecting money. So that you pay your bills @ lower infra upkeep but collect taxes @ higher working citizen amount. And preferably, you do that with 19 days of taxes / bills. I'll do it with a donation and a wonder too, adding a good 26 mill for 19 days (together with LC swapping). I'm too lazy to gov't/military swap, Syz .
  21. Aehm, you are misunderstanding him. If you get 2$ from an improvement or wonder, it gets the same treatment by banks, schools etc. as the 1 happiness does. They are both base-values which get multiplied. It doesn't matter if you get 2$ or 1 happiness because both equal about $4.14 in income increase for a big nation. Concerning SM or SSS: I have done the math for 5 nations when they were at the stage of acquiring their first wonder. The difference in increased income was mostly a few 10k per day in favor of the SSS. But the difference in price meant at least 3 days longer waiting for the SSS. Which means that the SM income increase has 3 more days, which meant that the SM was better than the SSS as the first wonder since you can acquire it earlier and the income difference does not make up for the 3 days. And those 3 days mean you can get all the other wonders 3 days earlier as well.
  22. If you have a pop-event that makes it possible for you to improvement swap right now, do the infra-jump before it expires. If you have all economy-boosting improvements without an event, go for the Stock Market (it turns out on top of the SSS as first wonder because you can get it approximately 4 days earlier) .
  23. According to my math, the number is .1725?! And this number is .175
  24. I don't think there was one day I collected without having my full 4/5 trades in my own colour-sphere and with at least the 3 standard bonuses . Black and now Blue ftw!!
  25. Hello Mr. UE ! I just wanted to thank you for your continuing effort here and ask if it was possible to change Echelon's abbreviation from "Ech" to "EON"? Pretty please !
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