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Comrade Goby

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Everything posted by Comrade Goby

  1. Obviously it's saying that we are doing something right.
  2. We've unleashed the mentally challenged hounds to drown all good faith and decency with a barrage of stupidity because those who post in this thread do not deserve coherent and logical responses for they will just shun them and then a circle of an even greater idiocy will arise and then the world will fall into light.
  3. I thought only the Sith dealed in absolutes. Also the tLC project worked
  4. Now I know that \m/ is badass and gets the credit for everything, but this raid wasn't our idea. In the spirit of friendship and goodwill we were asked to raid with some bangin' alliances to strengthen bonds and all that
  5. Tech raiding is fun for the whole family.
  6. \m/ has never broken a treaty or our word to our allies.
  7. Can Ivan break the charter when he wants? If not what is the point of absolute power?
  8. Hey guys, \m/ is not a democracy and this is a Triumvirate (the absolute power in \m/) sanctioned event. The charter is a written contract between the government and members. Since the members agreed to this, and we agreed, both parties can set aside wording of the charter in favor of it's spirit
  9. Well you're just too hardcore for us. I surrender.
  10. Even though I'd love for \m/ to have more street cred I agree. Being alive "in spirit" was definitely true of \m/, but it shouldn't count. Same for any alliance that disbanded.
  11. Before GW 1. I don't remember the month and I don't feel like calculating it. I've seen it all baby.
  12. Good to see the \m/ hate from our announcement thread was able to carry on through the lackluster war.
  13. Congraggulatioons. PC has some good protectors.
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