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Everything posted by KingEd

  1. Congrats! But, I have to ask, what is it with UBD and Mudkipz?
  2. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289950377' post='2515256'] We have a monumental interview lined up for tonight's show. [/quote] Can't wait to hear it.
  3. [quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1289782360' post='2513184'] I must agree with this statement. And as insignificant as it might seem now, PLT's dissolution earlier today may also prove a factor (however small) in changing the political face of Planet Bob. For all we know, there could be another bloc in the process of forming. To be honest, things started getting interesting real quick when MK decided to mix things up. I have to give props where props are due to them for doing this. As far as "ex-Heg" is concerned - and this is speaking as someone who's been in one of those alliances for almost two years now - it is nothing close to one cohesive unit anymore. There exists maybe a few treaties tying the lot of us together, but it's like three or four huge globs held together with a few strands of thread. And some ex-Heg alliances can't stand each other anymore, as much as they wouldn't admit thus in public. Anyway, let me see if this geological analogy helps people understand the current situation. If two tectonic plates lock up and there are no earthquakes for a while along any given fault, pressure will build up until there is a much larger release. So if things seem too quiet, don't worry, because when those locked plates (or conflicting treaties ) unlock, all hell will break loose. And Admin help us all when that happens. (I s'pose we'll have to wait and see if this analogy holds true.) [/quote] I'm patiently waiting... [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1289863293' post='2513849'] What is the stat in nations at the 50k range. 50k x 1.33 and 50k x 0.75? Not sure at all what those stats are but I would assume that the current powers have an edge there as well. But, say they don't. That is where a war can take place. Send your large nations to peace mode and battle it out in the lower tiers? There has to be an edge somewhere that could be taken advantage of. [/quote] Sure there is; however, we'll just have another Blue-Balls War where each side sends their lower tier or upper tier into Peace Mode. Then, we just look at our screens and ask "Who do we attack?" or better yet "Who can we attack?". Don't get me wrong, when MCXA, NATO, VA, TOOL, etc Declared War on GOD, \m/, and so forth - it was really fun! Except for the fact that only 4-5 In Game wars were actually declared. Thanks Liquid Mercury for that one, I suppose. I guess what I'm trying to say is - "Ex-Heg" get over your Butt-Hurt and make new allies! Stir the world up!
  4. Congrats! The 3 musketeers are re-united once again.
  5. KingEd

    Aqua 3BR

    Aluminum Spices is better than Spices Sugar since Uranium + Aluminum is impossible to find now a days. I'm now looking for Sugar/Uranium.
  6. Didn't think PnL would disband to be honest... Best of luck to all signatories involved.
  7. [quote name='Vladisvok Destino' timestamp='1289694489' post='2512358'] Actually according to [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94635&view=findpost&p=2512280]this[/url] it's more "not knowing who is in TFD government" rather than "not teaching their members that there's a chain of command", can you honestly say that every single member of your alliance could list your entire government and each individual gov members powers? [/quote] Vladisvok; you obviously know nothing about The Prolific Empire, because the fact is that, they do. However, our Government could be fairly simple compared to that of TFD's. Seeing as I don't know how big their Government is, I wont comment any further. Nonetheless, members should know who their leaders are, and their powers. It should all be outlined in their charter right?
  8. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1289691778' post='2512325'] There are two kinds of moralists: those whose actions are guided by actual principles of morality and those who are use moralism only when it benefits their side. The second kind, the moralists of convenience are the kind of people who hailed as the Hegemony exploited and oppressed Planet Bob and then freaked out over the Grämlins demands of unconditional surrender. To those trying to twist this against MK, take it from a real moralist, you're way out to lunch on this one. Save yourself the embarrassment. [/quote] Not to mention that people aren't holding TFD accountable for not teaching their members that there's a chain of command and that an average member can't give orders to declare war on another nation. Moreover, said nation didn't even check TFD or OWF forums to validate said orders. Strive to be better! And alas, Well done MK.
  9. I'm glad this is over; however, I'm completely disgusted that people aren't holding TFD accountable for not teaching their members that there's a chain of command and that an average member can't give orders to declare war on another nation. Moreover, said nation didn't even check TFD or OWF forums to validate said orders. Strive to be better!
  10. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1289677685' post='2511996'] I love how people make long winded speeches about everyone needing to "do something". The time it took you to write this you could have been building a coalition. If you want someone to "do something about it" get up and do something yourself. [/quote] I should, shouldn't I?
  11. KingEd

    Aqua 3BR

    [quote name='Disturbed Psychopath' timestamp='1289666323' post='2511887'] So wait... I get kicked out just because of the age of my nation? My alliance affiliation should be more than enough to vouch for my credibility as a nation. [/quote] No, you weren't, well not for that reason. The Circle creator saw that you were part of another circle.
  12. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1289623524' post='2511652'] I'll grant you the MK-NPO example for the sake of argument. However, if TOP could have gotten white peace by fighting long enough, and that was a good option,[b] why didn't they?[/b] Also not every alliance can be elite. Planet Bob wouldn't function if we didn't have recruiting alliances who educated, and showed new nations how to grow and function in Planet Bob. [/quote] If I do recall correctly, the reason for giving White Peace to a large portion of enemy alliance was to divert any available NS to the TDITT Front. Once TOP's allies (coalition) started giving up about 2 weeks in, the Victory was sealed. However, they did fight for 2-3 months before surrendering and as someone stated, negotiation did occur. That goes to show that a competent coalition (maybe if TOP had one) can maximize the damage they deal while minimizing the reps they take due to the overwhelming force they can bring. If the opposition strives to be more like TOP, and I'm not saying some alliances opposite to SuperGriveBox don't, said opposition would have a greater chance to wound us significantly enough to cause some sort of change. You can ask anyone in C&G and the TDITT front the damages they took, they were hefty.
  13. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1289622299' post='2511625'] And there in lies the problem, a good CB for one party(aiding a rogue) will be called a terrible one and a terrible one (OMG MY TRADE CIRCLE) will be called a great one. it all depends on who is involved and whos more liked [/quote] Popularity contest...
  14. Wars don't work without a good CB; good CB's are hard to come by. However, if people began to act more on their impulses, it'd be a more exciting world. Lastly, this discussion has been had before.
  15. Downloading now! I enjoyed the last one, hope this one is just as enjoyable.
  16. This thread shows the necessity for a war on BOB.
  17. KingEd

    Aqua 3BR

    [quote name='Wolfeh' timestamp='1289448913' post='2510069'] He's already signed up for a different 3BR on the forums. [/quote] He said he would be joining whichever finish first; a good approach if you ask me.
  18. KingEd

    Aqua 3BR

    [quote name='sodom gomorrah' timestamp='1289471912' post='2510295'] I can join in with sugar//spice. //that would make me double-signed up too, but don't worry, i'll fix it. [/quote] It's better to have a TOP member who is less likely to delete than a small nation Wolfeh; however, it's your choice.
  19. KingEd

    Aqua 3BR

    Awesome Wolfeh, I got another person. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=425664 [b]Aluminum/Spices[/b] Which leaves Sugar and Uranium.
  20. My alliance mate [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=62335"]here,[/url] would love to join the trade circle. Sign him up! [b]Wheat/Wine[/b] Thanks.
  21. [quote name='Co God Ben' timestamp='1289186953' post='2505683'] It does. I can respect that, though I think this is much less overkill than other situations, considering it was still possible Death Before Dishonor and Conclave were going to enter. After the declarations were out, it became apparent AcTI were not much of a fighting force, and due to that and no allies coming in it became clear they lost. Then after a day and a half, peace was reached. [/quote] I'm pretty sure that DB4D had posted their Cancellation a few hours before update so that left Conclave who isn't larger than 500k NS.
  22. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1289183251' post='2505593'] Average NS of AcTi was 38K Average NS of TIO and TCU is 27K Average NS of TKTB is 42K Both TIO and TCU also have more members than AcTi I think one of those alliances + TKTB could've handled it(Unless they're terrible at war of course) [/quote] Not to mention AcTi only managed to launch 5-7 Offensive wars. Edit. What I'm trying to get through my head is how TKTB and SIRIUS came to the conclusion that AcTi was such a threat. And then decided that 3 out of 5 signatories were needed in order to suppress AcTi when they barely launched 5-7 wars.
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