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Everything posted by Eregor

  1. Congratulations on peace, you guys!
  2. [quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1299353534' post='2653632'] But seriously who is that guy? [/quote] It's Emilio Estevez' brother.
  3. Clearing the cache was the first thing I did, actually. [quote name='Sakura' timestamp='1297317410' post='2627759'] Had you done your screenshot a little further down, it would have shown that you have a furs resource. And your natural growth is consistent with having furs. You can't sell either land from modifiers or growth. As your current stats read; Area of Influence: 1,667.386 mile diameter. 1.625 in purchases, 0.617 in modifiers, [b]1,665.144 in growth[/b] (Emphasis mine.) [/quote] Ah, thank you. I had forgotten that aspect of having furs... and I had just accepted a furs trade. I cancelled that trade, and my land is back to normal.
  4. I've been keeping my land below 1000 to avoid being hit by naval actions, since I have decommissioned my own navy. The other day I forgot to clear out some land I'd captured after a pair of ground attacks and got blockaded, but I sold off the land and then collected yesterday (in nuclear anarchy) to clear away the blockade. So imagine my surprise when, tonight, I checked my nation and saw this: [img]http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/2923/4d5322b2.png[/img] I tried to sell back down... [img]http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/4483/4d5323bf.png[/img] ...but got an error message: "You have received an error trying to view a page. Here is the detailed error code: You have no land to sell." Help?
  5. Huzzah to our new allies in TPF! o/ This treaty is full of awesome!
  6. [quote name='Professor Chaos' timestamp='1293860189' post='2559870'] Two things I can say from my own experience: First, If not for having friends from outside the game who play, this game would do very little for me at all. Second, alliances are simultaneously the best and worst thing about this game. Buying infra, swapping improvements, and waiting for my wonder clock to expire is, without shadow of a doubt, the driest game idea ever conceived. Alliances fix this problem by creating an extra layer of global politics that would be missing otherwise. On the other hand, you must be willing to give ridiculous amounts of your time to get to a position of any kind of power in this game because of large-scale alliances. If you're not willing to keep IRC open 24 hours a day and devote your life to running an alliance, nobody is going to follow you. Even joining an alliance means signing up, regularly checking and participating in forums, and going to war over things completely outside your control or interest. And if you don't join an alliance, you're a sitting duck waiting to get raided. Sigh. Accidental rant. [/quote] Accidental, perhaps, but no less accurate because of it. The problem with alliance politics is that, as (I believe) has been pointed out before, is that getting involved in them can be a daunting prospect to a newcomer. It's certainly possible, but it's time-consuming and not everyone has the energy and/or patience for it.
  7. Congratulations! Of course, since you've posted your source code, does that mean that 64Digits is now an open-source alliance?
  8. [quote name='Kochers' timestamp='1282017995' post='2418679'] Classy, like always STA. No alliance deserves to get raided after disbandment. [/quote] That's actually not the point here. The GGA AA was bound to get raided. We're objecting to \m/ staking a claim to it, effectively as if it were their property. EDIT: Redundant post is redundant... wait, yeah, it's emphasis!
  9. [quote name='the lizard queen' timestamp='1282017469' post='2418643'] Nice move STA. I for one am glad to see this. good lookin out [/quote] Thank you. Though tech raiding is condoned by many alliances, including the STA, what \m/ is doing here is less of a tech raid and more along the lines of vultures feasting on a carcass. If you're going to hunt, at least show some respect for your prey.
  10. Hmmmm. Go through one alliance's entry process, then jump ship to form your own. Clever.
  11. I'll sign this, for it is a most worthy cause!
  12. White peace? WHITE PEACE?! Only one word properly expresses my frustration (and, judging by what I read in the first dozen pages of this thread, that of most of CN) about this:
  13. After seeing the rash of DoWs by alliances with large chunks in peace mode and only a few actual attacks (regardless of whether it's good strategy or not), I still think "Bizarro War" is a fitting name for this conflict. "The Juggling Act War" is also appropriate. "Let's see who can keep their nations up in the air the longest before dropping them into battle!"
  14. So you're saying it's a backwards duplicate of GWIII? Me am thinking Bizarro War am bad name for this time of swift peace.
  15. o/ to our friends in TOOL Za' Sibir! also... )): ODN )):
  16. I'd like to take a moment to give props to one of my SWAT opponents, Blakenstonx, for not simply rolling over. He has fought back as well as he could, and his airplanes did my nation some decent damage. That's what TE is all about; it's not a place to build up your nation in peace, but rather an arena of combat where you start throwing rocks when you run out of bullets. For the record, alyster has been launching cruise missiles at me, which is probably all he could manage but he's still giving it his all in battle. So he gets props, too. Baby Face, on the other hand, is a joke. Sorry, SWAT guys, that you have to claim him as an alliance-mate. Note: if English is not Baby Face's first language--which is entirely possible, given that CN players come from all across the world--then I publicly apologize for that comment about grammar and spelling lessons. I didn't think about that until after I'd already sent the response.
  17. Well, this makes me happy! o/ STA o/ Kronos o/ Drostan and Bzelger for what I thought were some very well-spoken and worthwhile posts in that other thread o/ sleep!
  18. o/ CTA! o/ TPF! Also, Jyrinx, how can you be a signature whore if they can't pay you in aid or tech?
  19. Well, that was actually a decent little battle... props to my brief TPF opponent for some strong ground defense.
  20. Me too! o/ Although I don't play, I think the football section is one of the more interesting parts of Tyga's SOTA address. Sorry that you didn't get mentioned, though, MT. TIO
  21. We're not imaginary, we're surreal. Why else do you think our spokesperson is a fish? o/ Frostbite!
  22. "What a piece of junk!" On a more serious note, congratulations to TJO and I wish you all the best in times to come! At one point I considered starting up the Elite Warriors of Kashyyyk. Then I looked at the acronym and realized that down that road lay madness.
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