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Everything posted by anenu

  1. I gave statistics earlier but they were lost in post NPO 63/80=78% top 80 in peace mode MK 21/80=26% top 80 in peace mode
  2. No the point made is that NPO gov and stronger membership are in peace while the unwashed masses are out fighting.
  3. Because if you look you will see that of the top 80 NPO nations their are 17 in war mode but among MK's top 80 only 21 are in peace mode. So NPO 63/80=78% top 80 in peace mode MK 21/80=26% top 80 in peace mode
  4. When they come out and fight instead of simply sending their brainwashed masses out to die. Or all their fighting nations manage to slip into peace, get ZI'd or leave.
  5. Either inactives or they ditched NPO and hoped nobody would realize it. (Or possibly NPO gave FAN and Vox peace and the spies are returning home)
  6. In other words you all voted and then he added his bonus chancellor votes which just pushed it over the edge with 400 more then the runner up right. Democracy at work
  7. NPO got in this predicament because every time they destroyed an alliance the members scattered around CN. Some formed new alliances and made ties that were in some extent anti-NPO, but possible most importantly some joined alliances and created a mini group of members that didn't like the NPO and slowly over time this group grew and grew until instead of some small group whispering in the corner it became a majority that openly talked about their dislike of NPO and with NPO's attitude toward letting old allies fall and breaking some of the supposedly most sacred treaties in CN people who hadn't been wronged began to see it and agree with them. Also this GOONS mentioned is the Goon Order of Neutral Shoving the one that allied with NPO and got betrayed and destroyed by them it is not the new GOONS who according to what i have seen are just a new alliance with an old name (not that i don't like you i simply don't see you as the GOONS the have existed)
  8. onward to total peace for FAN and Vox
  9. Its called peace mode. If you need pointer see FAN.
  10. of course we all know that the best sphere is Aqua is the best. After all we have more nukes and 4 sanctioned alliances, a achievement only shared with Orange (for now)
  11. its the Fans spies returning to the motherland.
  12. i said this before but i can say it again Karma is not a MDP or anything like that it is a collection alliances opposing (hopefully for the right reasons) the overthrow of NPO and their allies. Following this war karma will likely break apart and the world will find itself with 3-5 major powers (one of which will be NPO and allies) and slowly these groups will either merge together or fall into disregard and we will see a world with 2 major distinct sides.
  13. im fine as long as they stay true to what the alliance stood for in the past. In other words a reformed alliance should either be essentially the old alliance with some time between the disbanning and reforming or the people should start a new alliance and not try to take others past glories.
  14. I have a small video to explain the situation Video Link In case you didn’t understand NPO is at war with several of Fly’s fellow C&G members and via the MADP we are at war with them. Thank you and good night PS. It would be a pleasure to do business with you.
  15. I though NPO swore vengeance against everyone that decided to leave during a war despite what their motives might or might not be.
  16. I can say from personal experience that they suck at military. Still waiting to be attacked, been at war since Wednesday.
  17. If he wan't forum active i don't see where he would have learned that war was coming. Or at least a hard war.
  18. these terms are far to evil. We want to change the way the game is played not impose worse sentences.
  19. what? I think you got your people confused.
  20. Do you really believe that he has enough pixels to love? It sounds to me like he is a new nations that could rebuild in a month by himself and increase in size with 15 million aid.
  21. I fail to see the purpose in punishing deserters. If as you say they are just coward isn't it better that they leave and go to some other alliance to abandon them instead of staying and degrading yours? No but i doesn't disprove it which means it is a possiblity
  22. It's interesting that you all scream "OUT OF CONTEXT QUOTES" and don't provide the context.
  23. Its nice but until i see logs i'm not convinced. If it is true though i am very disappointed in them.
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