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Everything posted by anenu

  1. But i thought i was enjoying my tea on a boat. Are telling me that this whole time we have been on dry land?
  2. its a possibility. I personally think that all colors should have some form of unity to ensure peace and such. Of course these don't ever have to go beyond economics or senate rules and what not.
  3. I for one hope that the NPO receives neither light terms nor excessively harsh terms. I think they should be moderate terms. However as these terms should be proportional to the size of NPO and the amount of tech it has no doubt some people will try to spin the terms as unduly harsh even if they are indeed moderate terms.
  4. /me always loves a good Tea Party
  5. It will depend on their actions. If they act like they did before this war i still won't like them. However if they act honorably my oppinion will improve. Much like how after the NoCB war my opinions of NpO greatly improved based on their actions.
  6. To all those that claim that this is either hypocritical or unfair remember that NPO was given 5 days to move their nations out of peace and that NPO's previous policy on peace mode nations in war time was to threaten them with ZI something no karma alliance ever suggested. So NPO neither had to pay these reps if they didn't want to and they weren't threatened with the same consequences that they have threatened others with before.
  7. 1. Those that were really part of the hegemony not simply orbiting it would have benefited from things staying the same. As they were already in charge what reason would they have for leaving? And if they didn't leave then this war would have been a curbstomp in the other direction. The only reasons to leave was that they no longer believed in the hegemony/NPO or they wanted to help destroy it so they could replace it. Only time will tell who was who 2. Karma is currently made up of 9,494 nations with a total NS of 203,864,780 and has over 35,000 nukes (as per wiki page). By your statement Q once had 4,000 nations, 100,000,000 NS and 16,000 nukes without IRON, NPO, MXCA, TPF or any other Q alliance who fought on the hegemony side. 3. Point being that alliances change. Being on the same side as some people who were former hegemony doesn't make you like the hegemony any more then being allied to TPF made NPO like \m/
  8. Even saying that a large portion of Karma was/is like the hegemony alliance doesn't make Karma like the hegemony because 1. If they really were up their in the hegemony they wouldn't have left the only ones that would have benifited from leaving would have been those that were simply cronies for the hegemony not full blooded members as they would be better served keeping the power structure as it was. 2. Many off the alliance that people claim were hegemony were either loosly tied to NPO or not tied to them at all but were simply following treaties that found them on the hegemony side in previous war. 3. Calling Karma hegemony because it has old hegemony alliances in it is like calling Q a UJP remake because they both contained TPF.
  9. the point was that the hegemony doesn't actually disagree when karma calls them evil they just say that karma is equally evil.
  10. you need to move 1v a few spaces down so its in order of strength again.
  11. It is ridiculous to hold alliances by every decision made in the distant past. If you look back far enough many alliances that have fought along side the hegemony in this war fought on the opposite side in previous wars. For example TPF was in the Unjust Path unless I'm mistaken and now they are one of the last people fighting on the side of NPO. And FAN once rolled with NPO but have been fighting them for ages now (except recently with the peace and all) should we call them hypocrites for changing allies. You have to base your opinion of an alliance on what they are doing now and have done in the recent past as if you dig deep enough their will always be something they did that you disagree with.
  12. If it becomes politically unacceptable to use EZI or PZI (which it is getting close to if not already) its use will drastically fall. Their will always be !@#$%s but they don't have to be at the same level as other !@#$%s. By innocents i don't mean people who sign MDPs with alliances they agree to the possibility of war. I mean people who get declared on by larger alliances when the larger alliance doesn't have a valid CB. This can be seen before the NoCB war when alliances allied to NpO were getting slowly picked off or the lack of a good CB in both the NoCB war or in my view NPO's CB against OV in this war. Some people have reasons valid reason to hold grudges others need to learn to let things go and view an alliance or person on how they behave now rather then how they behaved in the distant past.
  13. While i haven't done the math or have test samples I would say using nukes is more likely to save lives as the infra damage done by a nukes shortens the length of the war while not using them would lead to large numbers of ground conflicts which cause casualties on both sides not just one. Plus the explosions are really cool and energy bills go down due to lack of needing lights at night. /me is a fan of the creepy green glow.
  14. I don't actually think that anyone believe that the death of NPO will usher in an area of peace. What we are hoping for is that certain practices such as PZI or EZI will die out and people won't be complete !@#$%s about things anymore. As I've mentioned before a war between gentlemen can be bloody but at least the innocent are spared.
  15. Get couped no. Unlike the Real World you don't need to coup your gov as if you have enough support you can go off and create a new alliance that is decently strong.
  16. I'm sorry are you new here? Or are you bad at math because by my figuring the 58,000 tech MK had to pay out to NPO is both a greater number and greater percentage then the what 30,000 total given out here. Also thats not counting the tech that had to be paid to others or the tech fact that if 3,000 tech wasn't sent every week to NPO war would be redeclaration. Not to mention the other amounts of tech and restrictions put on them for extended periods of time. Yea its obvious that karma is the same as the Hegemony
  17. Congrats on reaching 3. It has probably been mentioned already but it looks like Pacifica provided you a birthday present by kindly making you the highest scoring NP/pO for the first time ever.
  18. Actually according to the stats I researched SF is ever so slightly strong than Citadel of course this isn't including allies of either side which might tip the balance one way or another. So i think its safe to say that no one group has the power necessary to force its will on CN like many former hegemony alliances were used to.
  19. You forget the fact that it took several years for NPO to achieve the amount of control over the game they had and some may argue that their was a backroom cold war between NPO and NpO or at least between NpO and NPO's Q allies that ended in the NoCB war. And even after that they still had powerful blocs like SF and C&G outside of their direct control. And with the destruction of BLEU and a NpO curbstomp the alliances had no reason to remain together and were tired of the BS NPO made them put up with.
  20. do you mean no large blocs or a new mega bloc? Cause their will be new blocs and some blocs will grow closer with other blocs. But i highly doubt that a super bloc will emerge any time soon.
  21. Problems with this post 1. Pax Karma. What is this? Does anyone remember talking about karma forcing peace onto the world? No this requires Karma to be a bloc which it is not so it is a void idea. 2. The concept that this entire war has been a "slap on the wrist". Please take a look at several hegemony alliances and tell me it was slap on the wrist. A slap on the wrist is when you engade them for 1 week of warfare and let them off with white peace not take more then half their score and NS. 3. Age in which you no longer face consequences. What are you talking about? You do no the entire purpose of the war was about wrongdoings from NPO and allies right?
  22. From what i have seen and heard in my time here (I joined after Q was created) it would make more sence to say that Q was founded as a counter bloc to BLEU and 1v held the balance for some time which helped give NPO some of the political power it had previously. After WotC and BLEU's death Q wasn't needed and NPO had its stronger/closer allies in 1v so Q found itself divided with no opposition and they didn't need NPO keeping the balance so it was only a matter of time before they went their own ways and drew closer to their other allies leaving Q closely resembling 1v
  23. the mob inside NPO. 900+ (as it had at the beginning of the war) members means that not everyone is informed of everything. And as such NPO must work diligently to keep its own members happy as their is most likely a decent portion who had no idea this was coming.
  24. Alright explain to me why NPO is having the majority of its stronger membership (in which we can assume are multiple government members but not all) not fight when it has in the past specialized terms against alliance for this very thing and has stated before this war that if FAN wanted peace they should fight for it when everyone knows they have several times. Unless NPO still suffers from the delusion that having a nation with billions will help them rebuild faster (tough seeing as they can only send 15 mil every 10 days which is nothing to any larger nation) they are saving their upper ranks so that they can come back and actually hurt people in the next war and have only had some gov come out of peace so the mob doesn't revolt.
  25. I had no idea NPO was run by 5 people.
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