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Everything posted by TurnipCruncher

  1. That's funny because I have always wondered if you were a Rotavele multi, one of the facets of his split personality.
  2. If you believe that, you need to get over there and talk to them some more. You're missing out on some quality laughs on those forums.
  3. I want US to review all the bond movies. I enjoyed looking at it through fresh eyes.
  4. I'm so pleased to have your acceptance. It means a lot. Really. We stay awake at night worried that we may not meet your approval in some way. Now gtfo. There are enough threads that are all about you.
  5. It's all about SatanFinnSpongebobreich now. Keep up old man.
  6. That war flag. I wish you perma-war. Just so I can sit watching it.
  7. Stalk that lazy Canuck across all social media. Also, milk bags.
  8. By and large, I didn't throw a fit on the OWF. And this thread is not about us. Or you. Disorder war. Is long enough already.
  9. My bad, it started autumn last year. The peace was signed a mere 8 months ago. There is no way I can expect you to recover from the disruption to your attention-whoring in that short time frame. Carry on.
  10. That one where we were trying to get a just peace arranged for a war we never started? In the summer of 2013? Did i interrupt your monologue of BS so badly that you are still reeling from it and posting twice as hard to make CN all about you again?
  11. Nobody is saying that. I just think this war could be fought without so many words.
  12. That's good to know Stewie, cheers. I guess the game has to be boring by its nature. If it was all guns blazing action, it would be too time consuming and impossible to function across international time zones. I do think it could be tweaked to add a geographical element to reduce the 0500hrs madness of update. It should also make it far more difficult for nations based in say Africa to attack across a continent with conventional means. It's just absurd that I can fling my army across time and space. This would also lead to regional powers and blocs that would change the game mechanics by virtue of members/AAs being geographically remote from the main powerbase. Politics would have to account for vulnerabilities in isolated AAs on a different continent. Treaties would change to increase strike capabilities abroad.
  13. If NoR stopped playing CN or a significant number of members were on another game, I would delete. I would really only miss the NG forums and a handful of folk on the OWF and diplomats on our own forums.
  14. Hiring and firing required all round to bring balance to the force.
  15. How do the weights and measures people ensure each bag is a pint?
  16. 2-3 month old log dumps seem all the rage as a justification for war in Tywinsphere. Escalation by US is sensible now as a victory would mean he can choose who was right or wrong.
  17. When you make a cup of tea..how? The milk. Everywhere.
  18. This isn't about how badly milk in bags sucks anymore. It's about how badly MI6 suck. Poach away gentlemen.
  19. Gopher, I will forgive the milk bags jibe if you join NoR. I wouldn't want the ASR derailed if you get raided when MI6 go belly-up.
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