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Everything posted by jraenar

  1. Ai is barely more than eight months old. Karma was four years ago. So sure, we doged half the wars since Karma by virtue of [i]not existing[/i]. If you look at the wars of former alliances that merged to form Ai, the only one we all missed was Dave War (and we were disbanding at the time, to boot). We had no reason to fight in Dave War, which makes your continued claims of infra hugging specious. Everybody knows the entire war was a load of bull, and Duckroll wanted no part in advancing a DH agenda.
  2. I'm... Not? I know you're usually incomprehensible Rey, but damn.
  3. You seem to think that Umbrella is the victim in this war. They are not.
  4. Might want to add "no initiated wars" to those list of terms. Otherwise you'll just have DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE decide to announce they are changing their name to ODN Applicant, for teh lulz.
  5. No Sardonic, I'm confusing you with somebody who said this: Like I said. If you do not want people pointing to your massive use of peace mode, do not complain about the lack of war declarations. If the little White Dove Icon of Protection were magically removed from all GOONS nations, I'm sure you will see more than 21 new wars.
  6. Cannot have it both ways. If you do not want people pointing to your massive use of peace mode, do not complain about a lack of war declarations. The latter is a direct result of the former.
  7. If you get bill locked in peace mode, you're doing it wrong. Or is this just projection of your angst, since you're running out of money yourself?
  8. I've been in the thick of the fight since the beginning. I am in Ai. We undeclared nothing. And MK declared on us, and hence the rest of the EQ coalition, not the other way around. Perhaps you have been living under a rock? You seem to have everything backwards.
  9. You have a very strange way of spelling Umbrella, the target of the original DoW.
  10. Unbunch your panties. See admin's post in the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/115792-improving-infa-and-land-purchases/#entry3108152"]original suggestion thread[/url]. The increment-of-100 change was easy since it only involved changing a 10 into a 100. The idea of making purchases unlimited is predicated on having game logic that would figure out the costs at each step, instead of requiring multiple clicks and page loads. Same thing that at least three calculators do right now, at least one of which has code on offer to admin. Your pixels are safe.
  11. Y represents the base income value of happiness. This is then modified by the Harbor, Foreign Ministry, School, Bank, and University improvements. If you just take direct happiness to income, then the value of one happiness can be greater than two, but the above formula already takes that into account. You can confirm that Y is less than 2 by temporarily changing DEFCON, and comparing incomes and happiness before and after. If you have $213.88 (modified) income with 29.58 happiness in DEFCON 5, you should expect something like $211 (modified) income with 28.58 happiness in DEFCON 4. If it was exactly 2, then the modified income would be $209.73.
  12. Because Equilibrium still has the possibility of expanding, and the wiki page can be locked to prevent drive-by edits from troublemakers. It's easier than constantly editing the OP, since there was such a fuss about the last time that happened.
  13. I counted six posts disparaging UCoN over the first five pages. But four of those were Gloin being a donkey before somebody in Deinos hit him with the clue-by-four. But yeah, the amount of ~YoUr SiDe~ bullshit in this thread (from all involved sides) is ridiculous. Such is the OWF. Congrats all around on the peace, UCoN if you got anyone wanting to sell tech for rebuilding funds, call me :D
  14. It all depends on what other modifiers are used. I may have mis-applied some other bonuses in the before/after (probably gov). Running it again, with Capitalist, Const+Steel, 100% Moon Base, ISS, SDC, 5 Factories, with steps of 100 vs 10, it's a bit over 10% cheaper ZI to 1k ($2.61 million vs $2.88 million), and 0.3% cheaper 14k to 15k ($283.6 million vs $284.5 million).
  15. By taking the cost from ZI to 999 with the old limit of 10, and again with new limit of 100, then dividing to get percentage difference. Ditto with 14k to 15k.
  16. Ok. So a 12k tech/1k infra nation has in the neighborhood of 65k-70k NS. The nukes launched by this nation will cause 170 tech damage and 510 infra damage if they hit. Cruise missiles will cause 3.4 tech damage and 17 infra damage. So against three targets, if you're lucky you do 360 tech damage and 1120 infra damage. If you're unlucky you do 20 tech damage and 100 infra damage. Damage output will roughly average out to 150 tech and 510 infra with SDI odds and CM always hitting, spread across three targets. Say this 12k tech nation is fighting three nations around 5k tech and 6k infra (roughly 50k NS with military) with WRC. These nations will have nukes doing 100 tech and 300 infra damage. The CMs will cause 2 tech and 10 infra damage. Defeat alerts will cause 20 tech and 80 infra damage. The three nations will always be landing a nuke between them, so damage output will roughly average out to 132 tech and 440 infra, spread across one target. I'm ignoring bombing runs, because at 1k infra the damage there is negligible. After one week of war, the 12k tech nation can be expected to sustain a bit under 800 tech damages. The three 5k tech nations can be expected to sustain 300 tech damages. The 12k tech nation will have more wars, keeping the pressure on, with reduced damage output. The 5k tech nations can take a week off to restock, buy back infra, and collect. Then they are ready to take on a now 10.5k tech nation. Lather, rinse, repeat. Three months later, the formerly 12k tech nation is now a 4k tech nation. Those 5k tech nations are back to tech dealing, and are still at 5k tech.
  17. Percentage difference will vary depending on the current infra. Being able to avoid jumps has a much bigger effect at lower levels. Going from ZI to 999 is about 12.5% cheaper. Going from 14k to 15k is about 4.3% cheaper.
  18. I am one of two in the one-million casualties club, and the only one to break 1.25 million. This 600k total is just meh :P --edit: Whoops, I even posted about rumple passing 1 million. Not sure why I thought it was just two, maybe was thinking of E getting there twice. I blame booze and lack of sleep.
  19. It's because 1 happiness is worth $2 citizen income only under certain conditions. You do not currently meet those conditions, so your formula instead becomes: 213.88 = [30 + (Y * 29.58) + 10] ... etc. Where Y is a value less than 2. I'm sure you know enough algebra to solve. The task of figuring out how Y is determined is up to you. The formula on the wiki is a decent first-order approximation. The actual income numbers are more complicated. The above is merely one of the little wrinkles that must be accounted for.
  20. So I'm guessing this means that oyababy is no longer infallable, and is not the prophet of allarchon? Good to know.
  21. *yawn* Come back once you break 900k, then I might be interested.
  22. You're not important enough to warrant our undivided attention. We've been off fighting more interesting opponents. Ones that cry less. Usually.
  23. Increasing the advantage to 9 to 1 would allow all of us to do one week at war, two weeks off. That lets us collect and restock nukes. All while you do not have that advantage. Just sayin'.
  24. Original jackboots are best jackboots. Dance, my puppets, dance!
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