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Everything posted by Proko

  1. Congratulations on successful elections! Pyro
  2. Want a candy bar? Too bad, I'm withholding it. Look at me, getting off.
  3. Ericadia came back from the dead for about 2 weeks and made this and a couple of other awesome graphics before returning to the grave. He hasn't been seen (to my knowledge) since, but I'm happy he left us this.
  4. If this is how you meant to phrase this, then I think it should be pretty clear.
  5. We have many other convenient ways to enter this war. We can fight Old Guard or Global Democratic Alliance for attacking Greenland Republic, we can fight MCXA alongside Nueva Vida or IRON alongside ARES or Ragnarok. We can fight Vanguard or RnR for attacking Pacifica, or the Random Insanity Alliance or Umbrella for attacking Valhalla. We have had many places where we can enter the war, many places that not challenge Polaris, and many that would see her defeated. In the end, it comes down to STA. We said at the beginning of this conflict we are in it with them no matter what. It is nothing personal against DOOM, and Polaris of all alliances can respect honoring a treaty, after we were in a place to see our treaties tested, and some broke. It is fantastic that you are as close with ML as you are, and that ML and TPF similarly. It is, as they say, strictly business.
  6. To those concerned, I have updated the OP with a link to my post and the relevant text. A shout-out to Sileath for beating me to it by 2 minutes.
  7. An Excerpt from Article III of the treaty "Permafrost," to which the New Polar Order and the Siberian Tiger Alliance, and only the New Polar Order and the Siberian Tiger Alliance, are party to. We offered. They accepted. No hard feelings DOOM and Molon Labe. Polaris never had a personal stake in this conflict and we still do not. However, we take the protection of our Tigers and their immediate friends (like NSO) very seriously. To a good fight, and to great war stories to be shared post war.
  8. Comrades of Planet Bob, The esteemed Emperor of the New Polar Order, AlmightyGrub, has fallen ill (OOC: he's away on business). Before his illness (read: business trip) he left explicit instructions to the government and Imperial Command of Polaris, and today I am putting those actions into practice. Effective immediately, the New Polar Order declares a state of war to exist between itself and DOOM. Forward Polaris. EDIT 1: We brought Ericadia out of retirement to design the flag EDIT 2: Polaris is entering into this conflict via Article III of the "Permafrost" treaty between Polaris and the Siberian Tiger Alliance. The relevant text of the treaty can be found in this post
  9. It's not an issue of attacking another signatory. I am assuming that all parts of the treaty are given equal weight, as the treaty doesn't state "This part of the treaty is more important than this part." Therefore Molon Labe is an enemy of the Siberian Tiger Alliance. The Phoenix Federation is directly aiding the enemies of the Siberian Tiger Alliance. TOOL attacked the Dark Templar, who in turn are on the same side of the war as WAPA and STA, and TOOL is, therefore, indirectly aiding the enemies. It's a matter of interpretation the degree to which TOOL and some of the other white signatories are in violation, but what is clear is that by attacking ML TPF is violating the treaty, regardless of STA's actions. EDIT: Messed up the bolded part
  10. Sure, I think that's fine. Maybe STA violated the agreement, as did TOOL by entering the war, as did NEW by entering the war, as did Zenith, WAPA, and FEAR. You're split pretty evenly, and therefore, apart from TPF's initial declaration you're all in violation of the treaty. I don't care whether this treaty is honored or not. The issue is you've already failed to honor it one account, and it's clear that virtually none of the other signatories care to honor it either. What is the point of the treaty if your own alliance has failed to honor it, and almost every other signatory has failed as well?
  11. You have already violated the NAP. What is the value of the treaty if neither side is honoring it?
  12. I'm not disagreeing with that. But TPF has already violated this treaty by attacking NSO, as perhaps STA has by attacking Molon Labe. The value of this treaty seems to be non-existent. Why selectively honor one part while completely disregarding another part of the very same sentence? If it's about honor, then it's about honor. If it's about conveniently selecting clauses from your treaties, than I don't see this thread increasing my respect for TPF.
  13. Outside of the behavior of STA or any other white alliance, I'm pretty sure TPF is violating that clause at the moment.
  14. ...When reading Thucydides, parallels between the Pelopponesian War and Karma-Hegemony War seem innumerable.
  15. Just to clarify, we aren't obligated to defend Pacifica from the attacks they're currently enduring, as they're reactions justified by treaties to an offensive action undertaken by the Pacificans. This treaty is being seriously reviewed. If Ragnarok is attacked, we will defend them. Same goes for STA, Valhalla, Nueva Vida, etc.
  16. You were great friends of Polaris, and your departure saddens me immensely. Farewell, PUKE
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