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Everything posted by Proko

  1. Regardless of whether the news is old, it's some interesting information those of us in the backwater don't really have access to. And yeah, I consider Polaris something of a gossip backwater since the war. OOC (as IC, I'd have to disagree with the forthcoming statement): The TWiP articles add a flavor to the game that's been missing for longer than I can remember, and Schattenman, you seem qualified to bring them back. I'm not even that interested in who you're spying on, it's interesting to read and I look forward to enjoying more articles.
  2. Liaisons coordinate rebuilding processes. Obviously.
  3. And in the same Ministry, no less! For the record, William Kreiger (GEWilliam) is an Imperial Adviser who has been doing some particular work with the Ministry of Love lately. So if you're wondering why his name isn't on the list of current government, that's why Thank you for the kind words.
  4. Deep in our inner sanctuary, where the government of Polaris meets every night at midnight, there is one name we do not utter. We remember, with bitter hatred, the massive destruction of our alliance and all we could have done to have prevent, how victory was all but in our grasp and then...Grinder! For sooth, were it not for this stalwart warrior, our forces of evil would have reigned supreme in our effort to entirely exterminate the world! Your name, and your name alone, remained etched into the very fabric of our memories, as the mastermind - nay - the genius! who foiled our most carefully laid plans. With your army of champions (including what we Dark Lords call "The Valiant 60 Electors") you bested our best and defeated our undefeated.
  5. If you've ever had the pleasure of meeting our spam team, you never would have agreed to this. Might as well hand out the tech now. Forward Polaris!
  6. I suppose reading "Almost all of MCXA's government left to form a new alliance and is protected by TOP," and remembering a circumstance something like "Almost all of TOP's government left to form a new alliance is being attacked by TOP" should qualify me as mentally unhealthy. Are you claiming you don't see the similarities in the CEN debacle? I've kept the tone of my posts polite and the nature of my inquiry respectful in the interests of my personal respect for your alliance and the stimulation of honest discourse. I have no axe to grind when it comes to TOP, but as a member of this community, with something of a long memory, certain events sometimes jump off the page, in a manner of speaking. Tony and jstep have responded to me with courtesy and respect, and I have responded so in turn.
  7. Again, it just seems a difference of degree, not of principle. An alliance's government bailed wholesale on their membership in both CEN and TSO. In both cases, a membership was presented with an announcement from its leadership that all were leaving. Of course, the reasons for the departures may be entirely different, but as I said I know little about CEN and even less about TSO. The only difference, as I stated, is one said "We will be leaving now" and the other said "We will be leaving soon." I guess I just don't see it. I had just written a fairly long argument regarding the hostility against particularly Ski from TOP leadership, namely Crymson, until I decided to do a bit more research and I discovered I was mistaken. I had taken for granted his suspension from Polar government, per the secret terms that have since been confirmed by both Grub and Crymson, was a stipulation put forth by TOP and primarily because of CEN. After re-reading some posts Crymson made to edify Polar government, I was reminded not only was CEN not the principle reason for Ski's suspension, but TOP not the principle agent for it. In any event, I have no strong substantive backing for that argument and thereby, with respects, withdraw it.
  8. Well, maybe it's a difference of degree, and I can't confess to know much about this, but fundamentally it appears pretty similar. I mean, the TSO movement was obviously planned, regardless of Libera saying everyone had different reasons. Different reasons or no, this was a coordinated effort to leave MCXA for reasons no one is disclosing, and forums and (clearly) a protectorate were already established. If I understand you correctly, the primary difference was MCXA leadership saying "Hey, we're going to abandon you in a week," as opposed to "I'm going to abandon you now."
  9. I suppose since TOP posted their announcement in this thread that this is the place to ask them a question regarding their protectorate, and I want to emphasize this is not meant to be antagonistic, but merely curious: In what manner does the Order of the Paradox see the CEN secession in the summer of 2007 from TOP as similar to the current TSO secession from MCXA right now? How are they different? If they are not different, why does TOP support TSO now, but still bear animosity for the leaders of the CEN movement going on two years after the event? EDIT: I see others have brought up CEN before I did. Either way, I'd still be keen to see a Paradox official address the point. -Z
  10. I wish the MCXA the best of luck in this difficult time, and I look forward to working with the new MCXA government.
  11. From this angle it looks a lot like your foot. I think we'd all like to see your responses to Fallen and Penguin, if you have any besides misdirection.
  12. Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to sound antagonistic, but one of our trade directors um...received an interesting message from an um...member of NADC government regarding a trade circle. I had interpreted it as NADC policy, and as it isn't, I'll take the business from the announcement. I'll send the response to you privately. Best of luck with your announcement.
  13. Soooo...is NADC cool with its members joining non-Agora trade circles, in the interest of Blue Unity?
  14. Better stock up on nukes because we...oh wait
  15. Indeed. If you want to see the tags we're considering, come sign-up to be a diplomat on our boards
  16. I don't think Mr. Borrador's comment was reflecting the gain of today, so much as he was examining a long term trend. In other words "Polaris used to be a lot weaker than you" and now "they're a point and a half behind." The daily growth aside, we're right on your tail now, GGA, and we weren't 2 months ago
  17. If I remember correctly, the membership requirement was implemented when membership wasn't factored into the score, sometime around the Second and Third Great War, when the "score" feature was added for the first time (before Great War II, I think, sanctions were given only for raw Nation Strength). Score was calculated based primarily on Average Nation Strength, so small alliances with six members of 50k Nation Strength would have a score upwards of 70. The sanction limit also used to be 300 members. Because membership is currently factored into score, I agree with the OP in that it is an artificial limitation that serves no particular purpose, apart from a vestige of an antiquated system.
  18. Less than two points from GGA and a bit over a month until our terms expire. Can we do it??
  19. We had two old members resign, so we're a step behind GPA and TOOL again Considering that every ten days we're exporting thousands of tech, we're keeping pace pretty well.
  20. It's insanely close. We were tied with TOOL at some point yesterday (20.82 - 20.82). Also Echelon seems to shedding strength pretty quickly
  21. GPA? TOOL? Psh. We're coming for you, GGA. Better watch your sanction.
  22. GPA we're coming for your children. Better get ready
  23. Eh, can't say I'm too surprised. We'll bounce back, as always.
  24. You realize that +.29 gain was you, right?
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