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Everything posted by Machiabelly

  1. I have friends in NADC in RL I feel it only right that I go now and raid the largest TFD nation. Wish me luck Sorry Archon, if you want I will remove my MK AA
  2. Thank you very much. It is quite the old folks home, but I am looking forward ot it. Ummm my team, not the league. LOL I guess you first voobaha. Good luck
  3. I think you mean in your fortress of solitude planning the destruction of the ODN
  4. This makes me all happy in my tingly bits.
  5. NPO Jackboot technology Many spies died to bring this to you.
  6. Hopefully enough people will follow to get ODN over the 35 line and it will go away.
  7. Do you know, this actually is one of the least helpful replies ever, and I see it all the time. If he made a mistake, correct him. Tell him where he went wrong, let him know which point in print he misunderstood. Or, have the guts to just call him stupid and move on, because "reading is fundamental" is really just a way to say that while attempting to look clever. Congratulations on the treaty, I think both alliances are going to benefit from having such great allies
  8. If you call him an idiot and explain how he is an idiot, but don't refute his point in any way except proving he is an idiot in general, then it is still ad hominem. Your proving of him as an idiot has to also refute the specific argument. Even idiots can be right occasionally...which will be proven if I am right in this case.
  9. You are such a noob, this was discredited years ago. Or, I agree and see it all the time.
  10. Well, we now have the two alliances most capable of shipping tech, and nukes, together at last. That makes me very happy.
  11. 20 or so more will give MK 10/per as well.
  12. Doitzel...I remember him as hard working, say what is on his mind, and not a mindless drone...any of that make it easier?
  13. Does Apex read this thread? I would be happy to take a team at a later date and be relegated. I have no desire to steal someones place.
  14. Unlike Cataduanes, I remember you from serving in NPO with you. Glad to see you are still hanging about.
  15. Congratulations as well from this former CONman. Looks like you are in good hands. Hi KL
  16. I am now available to join a second private league. If there is still a Liga Mundo team that is without leadership, I would be happy to take on the challenge.
  17. Seeing as how I am a lonely orange stuck in Aqua MK this makes me doubly proud.
  18. I can see your point, but in my case I have always beleived that the hue and cry over nukes was silly. They are a tool of war and should be used as needed
  19. I took this piece of legislation into my bunkers and read it to each of my twenty nukes. Then we all sat in silent contemplation of the awesomness of it. Now I seem to have growth I didn't have before snuggling nuclear weapons. Hmmm...probably a coincidence.
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