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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. Ugh, the Reds rolled Atlético in the second cup match. The fact that three of my regulars had crappy form and were out of the game didn't help it.
  2. Using imagination since no pics are available.
  3. About youth players, how often do you guys get talents that do not have bad traits? The last one I got was 18, had four bars but was fragile and moody. The one before that was 17 and three bars but big-mouthed and a diva. >_>
  4. "Hey brah, I brought the apple and the aluminum!", said Chris Silver as he returned from the kitchen. "Let's do it!"
  5. "What's 'yer problem? I weight at least three times as much as you. Now, buzz off and let me have fun with the stonehead!"
  6. Thanks for the tips, folks. It's highly appreciated. Either way...
  7. "Whatever Xaristan says. We'll just leave that from sheer experience, Viniland knows what is aggressive behavior and what is not; what rightful and justified expansionism is or is not.
  8. "Whatever you say, mang! Watch 'yer mouth next time, though! Sometimes, my temper can shorten!" "I know what you're into! Give me a sec to find those...", Chris rushed to the kitchen in order to get the needed materials.
  9. "Oh, you're stingy ain't ya? Do you want me to sting you?" Chris turned around. "Duuuude, you like marijuana? Me too! It's good for relaxing the joints, you know! Got some spare?"
  10. As the couple made their way into the first security check, they were asked to show their identifications, passports and to subject their luggage to scanning. "If you folks are immigrants, then you must go to the "Immigrants" gate in order to regularize your situation.", said the security clerk.
  11. "Hah, do you really think that Chris Silver is inflexible? I do yoga regularly, m'drunk friend. What worth is there to have muscles if you can't move them around? I am smarter than that!"
  12. "I'd reckon you did our hear my words when I said that Kansas and Nebraska lacked sovereignty when they voted in favor of joining the Confederacy and were for a long time under the care of a Vinilandese protectorate. Considering everything else we have said, this is nothing like a merger or an unwarranted annexation as you are attempting to put it."
  13. "Christ, you folks are terribly unhealthy!", shouted Chris Silver as he observed his housemates drunk themselves in alcohol. "I'll stick with my protein shake. And some of you wonder why you look all scrawny and fat. Stupid."
  14. "All of the aforementioned examples applied violence and coercion when expanding. Although the United States did not apply such tactics as much, it was also the product of a merger with different, already sovereign nations - thus, different ideas, cultures and the suchlike. The case here is a stateless rejoin sharing a similar culture voluntarily joining a nation. The potential for an increase in instability is minimal."
  15. We could work out the kinks once the wonders actually do come out.
  16. "You're far too concerned with the idea. Sure, maybe expansionism brings instability as it may encourage the "expander" to seek more land, but who are we to stop stateless people from joining them? Are we going to say "Lo! You can't join that nation! Because that's expansionism and it's wrong!" when they prefer to join an existing state rather than form their own? Of course not, that's nonsensical. We prevent coercive and violent expansions, but see nothing wrong when areas without sovereignty chooses to join an already established nation."
  17. OOC: Christ Pravus, way to cause a storm on a teacup. It'd be cool if both of you responded IC, too.
  18. ...even though... even though... We don't have the slightest idea how to realistically cooperate with the Martian environment and atmosphere? It's much, much farther than just forty years.
  19. Just wondering, what is the optimal form point - that's it, when should I stop form training my boys? I try to not force older players much (don't like going higher than 12 with those), but I honestly have no idea when the risk of injury outweighs form gains.
  20. Well Sargun, it has always been the norm because none of the IG features were IRL impossibilities (save MAYBE the SDI, but that's feasible, not impossible). Martian colonies are a complete impossibility, even with a futuristic outlook (although moon bases are not), so I'm contesting their IC legitimacy even if they are featured IG.
  21. "Viniland has closely observed the voting process, and noted it was as clean as it could have been - the results are not surprising either - the people of those states have long yearned for a definitive home at least, after being ditched in and out by other nations; joining a nation that shares similar cultural ties to theirs. It is good to be a Vinilandese protectorate, but nothing in the world can replace being together with their own and achieve an unique identity. Xaristan does not need to worry - we are experience and can distinguished justified, deserving expansionism from unwarranted annexations." EDIT: OOC: That land has been open since Sargun left the Americas, and there's still a LOT of land open under my and Mudd's protection. It's nice to leave land for new players, but it's not so nice to let it rot while no one is willing to take it up,
  22. OOC: Considering that Viniland's all about open borders, some might have tried to sneak in. IC: Viniland's Intelligence Agency acknowledged the information - heads of the civilian police, as well as border guards, were informed.
  23. "We do not see the "guilding" of criminals as a step in the right direction. Any criminal that does not want to be caught will avoid those, and white-collar thieves will likely exploit it to gain political leverage."
  24. Sure, why not: Name: Chris Silver Age: 28 Sex: Male Date of Birth: 02/08/81 Education History: High school diploma; never bothered with college Family members: Parents living somewhere Profession: Bodybuilder Religion: "I believe in whoever helped me get the muscles I have!" Significant Others [state relationship type here too]: His biceps Sexuality: Straight Hobbies: Lifting heavy stuff, eating a $%&@ ton of protein, drinking, showing off his body Personality type: Very spontaneous and outgoing, good-hearted, helpful, narcissist at times Goals/Aspirations: To build muscles until his skin can take no more of it. What they are looking for in the Big Brother House: Fame and "chillin'" Why they are here: "To have a good time and show everyone that I am mother$%&@ing strong" Likes/Dislikes: Likes: \m/etal, dumbbells, people / Dislikes: "complicated talk" (religion, politics, economics, etc.) Vegetarian: [y/n] "One of the fun things I like doing is scaring the !@#$ out of vegans." Picture: (Jay Cutler was terribly similar-looking to the guy that I had in mind. :c )
  25. Well, I mean a functioning colony, not just one or two people staying there every once in a while.
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