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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. Scotland regretfully re-takes control of Portugal. The military is re-occupying Lisbon as we speak. OOC: I am sad to see you choose this path.
  2. Your feelings are irrelevant. You have no right to be rude to any of the mapmakers and nor do you have the right to demand anything from anyone on this forum period. Accept what you get and ask nicely, or receive nothing at all. I will happily drive you out of the game if you don't change your attitude.
  3. The door swung open rapidly and several men barged into the throne room. "Your Majesty, we have an urgent report from our allies in the Republic of Spain," shouted Alexander Stewart. King Douglas appeared startled by the abrupt entry. "What would that be my good man?" he asked quickly. "Terrorists my lord, they've set off several bombs so far and claim to control key strategic points." "Immediately alert the military in our protectorate to the north. Have them prepare a liberation at once!" King Douglas demanded. He was infuriated by another crisis within the Iberian Peninsula. My God, if it's not Krieg it's something else. May there never be peace there? **Private Message to the Republic of Spain** The Scottish military has been placed on full alert and is prepared to enter and defend the Republic of Spain. We await permission to occupy the northern border and ensure both stability and peace.
  4. OOC: The GM said you cannot have orcs. I do not understand why you continue to argue that you deserve orcs for some unexplained reason, but you cannot have orcs. Stamping your feet and moaning about how mean the big bad Penchuk is will not change the fact that you cannot have orcs. Accept this, re-roll with a proper nation, or don't RP here at all. IC: *Private Message to Mordor* Scotland is hereby on alert and preparing nuclear missile launches should the rogue state of Mordor not remove their daft leadership. Consider this your final warning for not thanking us for the lovely, dead fish we mailed you earlier. Edit: Looks like you are ending this nonsense. Wonderful.
  5. OOC: I will continue to ignore your laughable demands. I am perfectly permitted to post within this thread as I am roleplaying, where as you are simply stamping your feet through OOC replies. I hope you're nice and angry.
  6. Scotland refuses to recognise this rogue state, and encourages other nations to do the same.
  7. King Douglas has personally mailed a straight jacket and a dead fish to the nutter known as 'Sauron'. -Love Scotland
  8. OOC: I can RP as I please. You are but an uncouth child who needs to learn his place in a world of adults.
  9. The Scottish government declares the leader of this rogue state to be completely insane. We recommend caution to the dignified nations of the world when dealing with someone who believes their population to be mutations known as 'orcs'. Clearly such lack of sanity is not something one would wish to deal with, and as such we greatly pity those under such a miserable excuse for a leader.
  10. This thread is full of such joy and laughter. You belong together, truly.
  11. OOC: There is far too much OOC in this thread, but I must agree that your orc nonsense does not belong here. This is a political simulator, not fantasy RP. If you want to do that, there are different websites and forums for such things.
  12. Scotland proudly welcomes the Republic of Spain to the Iberian Pact. May peace in Western Europe forever be sealed with this wonderful set of allies.
  13. OOC: I find it laughable that you seem to think everyone here is American. There is a good number of us who are not from the USA (including myself) who find your peculiar activity to be unacceptable. IC: Scotland backs Taeunas' demands.
  14. "As King of Scotland, I proudly welcome the Republic of Spain to the world as an independent nation. May our bonds forever remain strong, as I hope to see you join the Iberian Pact amongst my brothers and sisters soon." -King Douglas
  15. We thank everyone for their kind words. Arctica's ambassador is also more than welcome in Edinburgh.
  16. Scotland calls upon the world to help bring this racist nation to its knees. We will gladly assist any such assault.
  17. All fascist nations are enemies of freedom loving countries such as Scotland.
  18. Protectorates keep greedy nations from expanding too large and enable newcomers to join the RP. The Scottish protectorate in Spain/France has been a very good example of this as I have granted territory to five brand new nations that could not have existed otherwise (Euzkadi, France, Conti, Portugal, and Blackjack's nation). Another positive aspect is that we as protectors can keep psychos like Krieg from ruining the CNRP. I would have never allowed him to join the game.
  19. Today is a great victory, Frostbite controls CN:TE.
  20. I will never understand why people act so demanding to the map makers as if they deserve something. Be quiet and wait your turn or receive nothing at all.
  21. 10:50 AM Scottish Broadcasting Corporation (SBC): This morning King Douglas gathered the Scottish press to announce a series of bold new ventures and wonderful news for Scottish citizens and her allies alike. "My loyal subjects, I am most pleased to announce today that the Scottish military has successfully infiltrated the rogue Krieg 'government' as of this morning. As if their atrocious disregard for human rights, pitiful excuse for governance, and miserable living conditions were not enough for these criminals, MI6 has discovered evidence that the Krieg 'government' was in allegiance with the terrorist organisation known as España," the King said.* "We cannot allow terrorists to threaten our brave nation, nor our Iberian Pact allies. As such I authorised the capture and detainment of these terrorist scum to be imprisoned in the most secure location following their trial. The rogue state known as the Krieg is no more, and has effectively ground itself to dust following the success of our most highly trained officials. I assure you that as long as I breath, Scotland shall be free." The King received a gesture of applause from those in the crowd. "Today is a day for celebration! Not only have we put an end to the greatest threat we have known since the Stockholm War**, but I have another important announcement to make. Effective today, the Kingdom of Wales has officially decided to re-unite with the Kingdom of Scotland and make our island whole once more. Let us embrace our brothers and sisters, so that the whole world may hear our voice! God bless Scotland the brave!" *España once threatened the lives of millions of innocent Scottish citizens, including a terrorist attack on the Scottish government. King Douglas was held hostage over a year ago by Lee Mercer Jr., believed to be the leader of the España terrorist movement. He along with fellow España criminals had been released into the Krieg wasteland, and reportedly began to plot a new assault upon Scottish sovereignty. ** Years ago, Scotland once controlled the city of Stockholm as sovereign Scottish territory. The Uberstein Empire attempted to illegally obtain the city, and the Scottish answered their challenge with war. The war resulted in Baron Uberstein nuking several of his own cities, and was resolved when a third party (MyKep) negotiated a cease fire.
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