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Everything posted by Vyper

  1. image removed due to misunderstanding
  2. CSN has come a long way and as the oldest living former Soviet member that hasn't left the alliance or has gotten deleted, I say with utmost gratitude, o/CSN the one and only CSN... may Adun watch over us... may we avoid a Zerg rush and have some nuke and cookies..
  3. Well it all started 3 years ago with the beginning of an idea to kidnap Starcraft players situated in a Soviet Clan that was bound by boredom, one brave soul sneaked out of the lair followed by his trusted lacky, Arouet, Gino had stumbled upon a browser game community and decided to construct additional pylons in what is now the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations. This oblivious leader had no idea that his little establishment would one day grow to be one of the greatest places to be in all of CN. Since then, we have had much drama as with every other alliance. We have managed to make new friends and lose a few here and there but we still grew. I shall spare your lives from reading what was going to be the biggest speech since the Gettysburg Address. Instead I'll just cut to the chase, I mean get to cutting the caek That's what you all came for anyways right? NO the caek is not a lie! Don't worry, you will all get your share of the caek, beer will be served in Goose's lawn, so pull up a chair and grab some bacon chip cookies home made by Allied_Threat himself and enjoy your stay in our embassy or IRC where you will spot us celebrating our birthday. Feel free to huggle Goose, but do so at your own risk... Who am I you say? I am Snake! The Commonwealth's GFX Guru, Deputy of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Starting Wars, and Master of Making you cry... Boys, let's get some caek... fry the bacon!, and bring out the beers hidden in Goose's basement. A toast! This could not be possible without a former Head Cheese that spent most of his times high whenever writing out announcements for the alliance and still managed to run this place the best he could. Thank you Gino for starting something that Goose will surely try not to mess up. My hat is off to you... En Taro Gino! To Do List: Reach 3 Years Reach Top Maroon Reach 5 Million NS Reach 1000 Nukes Start The Next Great War (Snake's fault) Here's a Beer Can... the bottles are all stashed in Goose's lawn... go fetch it at your own risk... Signed, GinoTheRoman, Minister of Interior, Founder of the Commonwealth, Destroyer of Ignorance and Stupidity, and The Italian Michael Jackson Goose, Head of State, Warmonger of GUARD, Hater of Huggles, and Old Man with a Cane Allied_Threat, Grand Patriarch, Swordmaster, Preacher of Warmonger, Slayer of Infidels, Doer of Your Mum Arouet, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Goose's Maligned Conscience, Eagle, Preacher of the Word of the Bird Lord Brendan, Director of Finance, Wielder of the Useless SDI and Conqueror of Clubs Captain Impavid, Minister of Defense, Warmonger's Warmonger, Generalissimo of the Maroon Spanking Brigade, Cyborg Pinata Fronz, Director of Education, Chairman of the Anti-Fun Society, e-lawyer by trade. Hetman Vladislav, Deputy Minister of Defense, Turner of heads into coleslaw, AT's minion, Über level 33 paladin
  4. well looks like we're gaining... but it's not good enough... Gino! get back to work...
  5. I seriously LOL'd at the title of this and expected this... lol well best of luck... rule well and prosper... have fun most of all... the sack people demand it...
  6. well alright... one year alraedy? congrats... now where's the sekrrit stash?
  7. Athens, your fail attempt to piggy back ride us is pure fail... come back and try again... MA... what's going on there... /me goes down to the basement for a nice cold beer alone...
  8. really long time... though it will be known that our return is near... so is the corner... and my cane to your face if you don't get off my lawn... sad to see MA fall like that... RIA, get your arse up here on the double...
  9. slow down Ragnarok... /me shakes cane vigorously at the kids in his lawn... CSN WILL dance with you to the death! or until my hip breaks...
  10. Get off mah lawn UPN... /me shakes cane furiously...
  11. wow when did this happen? o_O yay you ppls... join the spam... it's best kind ever...
  12. well you got that right... he didnt... just gave him an excuse to make the announcement
  13. i believe you get a huge warning for one word post my friend... but thanks for the congrats...
  14. 1,000? are you serious... try ,1500 or 2,000 by the end of the year... the majority of the alliance is above 20k NS and most of which are nuclear capable... we're in good standings and growing steadily...
  15. That's easier said than done... but it looks like this could be a good thing for us, or a bad thing... i'll assume it's good... now onward to 6 million
  16. although my pockets are hurting me for all that spending... i'm happy to say YAY!!!!! hmmm... good thing i got this before going to bed... now good morning CN... see you in a few hours... i brought some pie to share...
  17. holy C##$ well congrats to the new government and may the great rodrod keep on using the anti dodge to win... at least he'll win more in that... Vyper dodges
  18. hmmm... that's a close one MCXA...
  19. you tend to scare people off... so watch your step... also, this is what happens when you mention Bacon, beer and boobs along with merger...
  20. CSN always has its doors open to our brothers and sisters, and any foreign by stander who stumbles onto our welcome mat, as long as they bring some sauce to add to our caeks beers and whatnot...
  21. People find it that copy and paste is much faster and "efficient" than searching their goal one by one... goal as in targeted people who are supposed to get the message. As long as people stay on Grey in that neutrality, people will stay sending irritating messages of the sort. I'm on maroon and I get other color spheres trying to get me to join... but that is just life...
  22. why don't you get behind us we'll show you how it's done...
  23. good grief... i never noticed how long i haven't been here. only to find CSN on the line... well we shall be back...
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