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Everything posted by Xerxer

  1. Well, it's been fun. What can I say, I laughed, I cried, I lived (virtually), I alliance hopped, I warred, I re-rolled, I made friends, and most importantly I had fun. I been around the block a few times, and I've met my fair share of people in the game, some I like, some I really don't. I figure I've been around for long enough to make a shout out thread, for all those I simply can't contact on IRC for lack of time. In no particular order: Omni - YOU ARE THE GREATEST CN'ER THAT EVER LIVED. LucasPerry - Have fun in Valhalalalal or whatever... (I know you in TGH, but it's still fun.) Elborrador - It's been, well... It's been interesting. No two people could have been friends after all we've been through, but somehow we pulled through. StealingPandas - Great times. I've never loved a panda so damn much. Fernando - From the beginning you were no n00b to be trifled with. You have shown that through the creation of FAR. Tobbs - The old gramlins you knew and loved is dead. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. Do your self a favor and rip off the band-aid, you deserve better than that. Ejayrazz - You showed me a great path. You showed me true brotherhood, and for that, I cannot thank you enough. I'm sorry I just couldn't stick it out. Egwaterboy - One of the finest CNer's I've ever met. Keep it up man. The Ninjas - Keep on chugging, and you'll be at the top in no time. Spectre - Always up for a good fight eh? I'd roll with you to hell and back comrade. TimLee - You like to keep things real, and have fun, and I respect that. Its been fun. Murtagh - Through CMR, Sparta, FIRE, and TDP, we've just about seen it all together. I will never forget your loyalty or camaraderie. I will miss you. Flonker - You old fart, get on IRC one of these days so I can give you a hug man! I miss ONOS, and together we toppled giants to make things right again. Merlin - I cannot count the amount of times I've come to you on IRC asking questions about wonders, improvements, nation building, and even life. You are the single best econ person I've met in this game, and I was lucky to thrive under your guidance. (I bought the WRC finally, I figured it'd be [b]that[/b] much funnier when I rouged GGA with half as many WRC wonders as the GGA.) I don't have a whole ton of time, so if I forgot you, just yell at me here so I can say goodbye. [b]EDIT: For reasons unknown to many of you, and for reasons the former and current criminal government of the GGA know full well about, I will be in a perpetual state of warfare with the GGA. I hold your pathetic alliance hostage until you yeild. Your only option is surrender and submission.[/b] I have quite a few nukes, a WRC, and a will to bring down your top 5 nations with me. I strongly suggest you give in to my very simple demands.
  2. Hard to believe this was a year ago. Seems like it was only yesterday people were talking about how Pacifica would never be a top 10 alliance again after 'the war to end all wars.' Heh.
  3. So I logged in today to find that Facebook publishing options had been added in certain parts of the game. I quite like CN because it provides me with a chance to be whoever I want; a clear break from RL. That dividing line is very important to me. I go about my RL business during the day, and at night I can log onto CN and collect taxes, talk with friends, and play a game. I understand that this Facebook icon provides CN with some much needed publicity, but I feel as though the new Facebook links are a bit out of place. It is an absurdly OOC channel linked directly from my nation or my alliance to a virtual version of me. If we are not allowed to post about OOC things in the 'Alliance Politics' section of the Cybernations Offsite Forums, I hardly see how we can, by the same reasoning, link our RL persona directly to our nation. Is there any way to opt out of this new set of Facebook links?
  4. [quote name='Methrage' date='06 April 2010 - 03:27 AM' timestamp='1270520840' post='2249888'] Government would be structured with me as King and you can be my second in command, as well as the Elite Ninja Commander of a specially formed Ninja Division. Other members of Ninja interested in gov positions could get them as well, as I have some openings. [/quote] I would be interested in this proposal.
  5. I was under the impression TDP had been gone for quite some time... Kind of odd their signature shows up there.
  6. [quote name='Ejayrazz' date='30 March 2010 - 04:33 AM' timestamp='1269919970' post='2240766'] Spread the song, since I can't make images I use vocals. [/quote] That's why you keep me around, remember?
  7. Good luck Sanitarium, TPF will take good care of you.
  8. Xerxer

    4 Years

    Hey Ejay, I know we don't talk a lot, so I'd just like to say, congrats.
  9. I've got Furs/Wine. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=194835
  10. Nation Name: Divine Intervention (Furs/Wine) Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=194835 Team You Want: Aqua, but willing to switch to black if necessary.
  11. Glad to see things coming along for you WC, you deserve it.
  12. Congrats guys, good luck with this.
  13. Congrats guys! Good luck. ohai jaym, I c u thar...
  14. Mostly Harmless Alliance: Harmless. The Order of the Paradox: 'Gentleman's' Club. New Polar Order: OVER 9000 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: Paper. Sparta: DININGHELL Orange Defense Network: Old. Fark: Beer. Green Protection Agency: Neutral-menace. New Pacific Order: Misunderstood. (lol) Viridian Entente: Independent. FOK: Foreign. The Order of Light: Baking-soda. The Ninjas: A few are more than a word, but meh.
  15. To our protectors! o/ To our fellow protectorate! o/
  16. Congrats IRON, looks like a solid roster.
  17. Damn photobucket set to public... You win this round MK.
  18. In case you missed it, that is the point. we haz meny sekrits remembur?
  19. o/ This took much longer than you all would possibly imagine. (lol @ eg )
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