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Everything posted by jerdge

  1. Besides the two informative posts in the first page this thread is basically irrelevant and pointless. Thanks to everybody that participated... Where is Bama when we need him? tl;dr: (Others' incompetency discourse =/= Fun ) ==> ( Others' incompetency discourse == Failure)
  2. ^^^ I agree 100% (the world's about to end!) It's probably time that IDIOT invades Black and puts an end to the "serious business" over there...
  3. That's something I appreciate!
  4. Too bad that 3 is mandatory and 4 imaginary. Welcome in IDIOT, MASH (I like to be ahead of time...)
  5. Is it a block? I see only two signatories: Murder Inc. and Warlordz... (The OP was talking of other Alliances, but they're not among the signatories on that paper.)
  6. Nothing in game! Something in SE would be unfair to the ones not playing TE and would also risk to ruin this last, by making it "too serious" (as others already pointed out). Maybe a Donation (non-stackable with a bought one), but not beyond that. Something in TE would on the other hand be unfair to the other players in the next round (actually, an handicap to the winners would be better in terms of gameplay...) The best is something to brag about, for fun. The T-shirt, personalized flag(s), addition in forum profiles and/or in Nation pages are all good ideas. I'd make a permanent "Hall of Fame" accessible in-game, that keeps the records of the winners of each round (maybe 1st, 2nd, 3rd - Player and Alliance). To stick with the KISS paradigma I'd make the rank depend on NS and score (for Nations and Alliances respectively).
  7. I for one would love that you tried. IDIOT vs SF ... sweet idea! (My treasury is gone and I'm already in four wars, why should I care, anyway?) Also, Drai and Bama both got it right, albeit in different ways.
  8. Agreed, it's extortion and dishonorable. That's why I joined IDIOT in the first place! (If you're really serious about your protest I suggest you to ghost IDIOT and build some huge conspiration against us. Heck, I may actually consider helping you with that!) They will be mass-raided anyway, as they're on Yellow. Nothing personal, really. (The two not on Yellow may escape it for now, though.) Inoltre: sei di Milano, vero? (<-- "Furthermore: you're from Milan, aren't you?")
  9. I disagree that CN:TE can be "won" (and probably CN:S can't either). I'm in TE just to blow stuff and manifacture stupid casus belli: I don't care where my Nation will be at the end of the round. That said, we could take some other colour for sure!
  10. "CN:TE is a place to wage war and destroy stuff. Don't take CN:TE too seriously and just kick back and have some fun." Reference: http://tournament.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp
  11. Having a colour too little for having sanctions is interesting. I'd leave it as that. (Besides, with real coordination and PR you could get a Sanctioning Senator, maybe rotating him/her between Alliances.)
  12. I'd make the Wonders much cheaper than in CN:S. Wait...
  13. You will regret that you didn't do it earlier!
  14. MHA > ACV > everything else (cross-bump!)
  15. The only possible reason for not joining the ACV is because you want to join the MHA (and I'm not even sure!)
  16. Exactly three years ago the NASA/ESA/ISA Cassini spacecraft was orbiting around Saturn and taking very important (and beautiful) pictures of its rings. Exactly two years ago the government of Pakistan and the tribes of Waziristan signed the Waziristan Accord, that was intended to cease the hostilities in North Waziristan. Exactly one year ago Apple launched the iPod Touch. Exactly now I am bumping this thread. (Strange things happen when you're not looking...) [Edit:typo]
  17. 118 years ago today, H. P. Lovecraft was born. If you didn't read his «At the Mountains of Madness» you really missed a great piece of SF. Also bump.
  18. He loves foam parties and that was his 666th post. Should I add anything?
  19. «We sendindg this out to all the ladies all over the world All the ladies all over the world All my sexy mamas come on Come on a come on now As we proceed to give you what you need You kno I like it when your body goes Bump bump bump» (Much more crazyness and better "what you need" at the MHA...)
  20. I sent you an offer. I'd thank you for any feedback if you can't accept it. Cheers!
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